Displaying 1-67 of 67 results
01 Feb 2018... This leaflet contains some useful tips to help kids eat veggies. It also tells you how much one serve of fruit or vegetable is and how many serves are required depending on age.
01 Feb 2015... Two page flyer showing the recommended proportions of each food group in the diet, what a standard serve is and how many standard serves are recommended each day for adults and children.
01 Dec 2018... This is information from the Australian Breastfeeding Association for breastfeeding mothers who are planning to fast for Ramadan.
01 Apr 2013... This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support early childhood settings, staff and families.
01 Oct 2012... This is a guide to shigellosis, an infection caused by the Shigella bacteria, which results in symptoms like diarrhoea, fever, nausea, and stomach cramps. It includes information on prevention and treatment.
This is a video about healthy family routines. A family make changes to their routine and snack food choices to ensure the children get enough sleep and can concentrate at school.
A resource on preparing health lunches for your children
01 Jul 2021... LiverWell (Hepatitis Victoria) brochure for young people about healthy living with liver disease.
01 Jul 2018... Eating well and being active after treatment for endometrial cancer is important for your recovery. This guide to healthy eating and being active explains how keeping a healthy weight, eating well and leading an active lifestyle may lower your risk of developing other cancers in the future.
01 Apr 2023... Nutritious meals are important for good health. The right balance of healthy foods can help you manage your diabetes and weight effectively.
01 May 2020... Eating the right balance of healthy foods can help you live well with diabetes. Snacks can be part of your daily nutrition. It's important to make healthy choices and watch your portions to manage your health.
01 Jan 2021... This booklet explains different type of fats and the recommended fat contents of oil. It also provides information on common cooking oils in the market and its recommended use to help you have a healthy diet to prevent or better manage your chronic disease.
This sheet has been written for people with gout. It provides general information about the link between diet and gout, and where to go for further information and advice for people with other medical conditions or food intolerances.
01 Dec 2017... This sheet has been written to address some common myths about food and arthritis. It provides general information about healthy eating and where to go for further information and advice. It does not provide specific advice for people with other medical conditions or food intolerances.
Information about how to eat well, maintain good bowel health, good teeth and the importance of physical activity.
01 Jun 2019... Kilojoule labelling is now on the menu of large food chain businesses - both in-store and online. This includes fast food or chain restaurants that sell things like burgers, pizza, fried chicken, pasta, sushi and noodles. It also applies to drink, café and bakery chains. From 1 May 2018, large Victorian fast food and supermarket chains are required to display the kilojoule content of ready-to-eat food and drinks on their menus and food tags. They will also need to show the average adult daily energy intake, which is 8,700kJ. The average fast food meal may contain over half the kilojoules needed for the day. You may be eating far too many kilojoules without realising it. Kilojoule labelling will make it easier for you to make healthier food choices when eating out and taking away food and drinks.
01 Jun 2024... Jean Hailes developed translated educational presentations for health professionals, educators, social workers, bicultural workers, community workers and leaders to help deliver health information to women and girls in-language. The resources are for a general audience with limited health literacy in plain language, so they are practical and easy to understand. This presentation includes information on a healthy diet for you and your family, the 5 food groups, the importance of calcium and how to prepare healthy school lunches for children.
01 Jun 2016... This translated resource is to encourage a healthy diet with a high fibre intake, which can help in protecting people against diverticular disease, haemorrhoids, constipation and chronic disease such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It provides information on what fibre is, what foods contain fibre and how much to eat.
Information on why you need calcium and what foods are high in calcium.
07 Jun 2017... This factsheet on dental care for children 2 to 6 years old is for parents, families and individuals caring for young children.
01 Oct 2017... This factsheet on dental care for children 1 to 2 years of age, is for parents, families and individuals caring for young children.
The guide explains how diet affects depression. It recommends eating fiber-rich and fermented foods for gut health, increasing fruits, vegetables, and omega-3s, getting enough Vitamin D, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly. These habits help reduce inflammation, improve mood, and support overall mental well-being.
The guide explains how diet affects anxiety. It recommends eating fiber-rich and fermented foods for gut health, increasing fruits, vegetables, and protein, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly. These habits support mental well-being by reducing stress and improving digestion, which helps balance mood and anxiety levels.
01 Mar 2015... The healthy eating video has been translated to communicate healthy eating messages such as different food groups and healthy cooking methods. This resource may be beneficial for those living with diabetes.
01 Nov 2018... The Making Healthy Food Choices Guide includes photographs and images of different foods to help you understand how healthy eating will help you manage your diabetes.Each guide contains culturally specific foods and consists of the English description and translation on the same page.
01 Oct 2021... A picture-based booklet that includes culturally relevant tips about making healthy food choices, daily needs, and sample meal plans. Pictures and messaging have been developed with Indian communities for Indian communities.
The foods you eat can affect your diabetes management, how well you feel and how much energy you have. Choosing healthy foods and being active can help you manage your blood glucose levels and maintain a healthy weight.
01 Jan 2023... The glycemic index (GI) ranks how quickly or slowly carbohydrate (carb) foods affect blood glucose levels. Choosing the right amount and type of carb foods can help you to manage your blood glucose levels. Watch the video to find out more.
This pamphlet illustrates the health benefit of water.
01 Dec 2015... LiveLighter encourages Victorian adults to lead healthier lifestyles by making a few simple changes to their eating, drinking and physical activity habits.
01 Apr 2013... Provides practical information and advice on early childhood healthy eating and physical activity to all staff and carers in early childhood settings.
01 Nov 2022... Healthy eating habits are a first step in reducing your cancer risk. Poor eating habits increase your risk of cancer, contribute to weight gain, and obesity increases your risk of cancer. This factsheet has information on how to eat healthy and reduce cancer risk.
01 Dec 2015... When people are very sick and frail they can have problems with eating and drinking. This resource provides advice on how to help someone who is very sick and frail with eating and drinking safely.
01 Dec 2019... Often as we age, appetite and food intake become smaller. Many people feel that they don't need to eat as much as they did when they were younger. However, older people need more of certain vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and B vitamins, so it is very important to have a good quality diet.
01 Jun 2013... Provides families with practical information and advice to support healthy eating and encourage physical activity in young children.
01 Apr 2013... Information about communicating with early childhood staff about introducing first foods.
02 Nov 2020... This tip sheet gives advice on how people with Down syndrome can stay physically and mentally well and happy during tough times. It has information on healthy eating and tips for mental health and wellbeing.
31 Dec 2015... This easy read factsheet has information on what healthy food and drinks to include in your diet to keep your mouth and body healthy, as well as which to avoid.
Information about choosing healthier fats and oils as part of a balanced meal. It is important to consider both the amount and the type of fat you eat. The main types of fat found in food are saturated, trans and unsaturated fats.
01 Jan 2023... The glycemic index (GI) is a guide to which carbohydrate foods break down into glucose slowly or quickly. It helps you choose which carbohydrate foods to eat to manage your diabetes and weight.
17 Mar 2023... This fact sheet from the NSW Food Authority explains the types of seafood substitution, what names to use according to the Australian Fish Names Standard and the correct labelling of the food as misleading information is an offence.
If you're not eating at least two pieces of fruit and five servings of vegetables each day, now's the time to start. Although there's no single “miracle” food to prevent or cure cancer, scientists that people who eat few fruits and vegetables have higher rates of cancer than those who don't. Although some people think they can get the same benefits from vitamin and mineral supplements, this isn't true. Vegetables and fruits don't just contain vitamins and minerals, but also many other substances which are important for good health and which you won't find in a pill.
Information for patients on why we need calcium for our body and which foods are rich in calcium.
A guide for providing healthy drinks to your children.
A resource on preparing health lunches for your children
21 Mar 2022... This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support early childhood settings, staff and families.
16 Jun 2020... This is a video about food safety. A family learn about safe food practices for meal preparation to prevent food poisoning.
01 Jul 2023... This fact sheet provides an overview of coeliac disease, its possible symptoms, and how it is diagnosed. It is written in simpler language to inform members of the community who have limited English, such as those for whom English is their second language.
01 Feb 2016... Need breakfast ideas for kids? Our guide to getting kids to eat breakfast has healthy breakfast ideas and explains why breakfast is important for kids.
02 Dec 2019... This DVD resource provides culturally and linguistically appropriate information, targeting newly arrived refugees and others of migrant background about the importance of a healthy diet for dental and oral health.
01 Oct 2017... This factsheet on dental care for children 0 - 12 months old is for parents, families and individuals caring for young children.
01 Jun 2022... Here are steps to help you cook healthier meals that you and your family can enjoy. This resource is a quick guide to healthier eating and includes how to choose: Healthy ingredients Healthier cooking methods The right serving size
You can make healthy and nutritious meals suitable for everyone by choosing ingredients and recipes that are high in fibre and low in saturated fat, added sugar and salt (sodium). There are many types of eating plans that may be suitable for people with diabetes. One size does not fit all. These include Mediterranean-style diets, low fat plant-based diets or lower carbohydrate (carb) eating plans.
Being diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t continue to enjoy food. By making a few changes to your recipes, you can make them healthier. Healthy eating for people with diabetes is no different from what is recommended for everyone. There is no need to prepare separate meals or buy special foods. Your whole family can enjoy the same healthy meals.
01 Apr 2023... Healthy eating, along with regular physical activity, can help you look after your diabetes. It can also help you manage other risk factors like high blood pressure, or unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
01 Oct 2015... Fibre helps you go to the toilet and keeps your bowel movements regular. Fibre is only found in food made from plants, such as fruits and vegetables.
01 Apr 2013... Provides information and advice on early childhood nutrition, menu planning and food safety. Contains delicious and nutritious recipes for early childhood settings and families.
16 Jun 2020... This is a video about healthy food choices. It shows a family planning their weekly food shopping. They prepare a shopping list while talking about the five food groups for healthy eating.
07 Jun 2018... This is a video about healthy food choices. It shows a family shopping at a supermarket for healthy food items including fresh, tinned, frozen and packaged foods and read a Nutrition Information Panel. Alternatives to supermarkets are mentioned and the five food groups are summarised.
01 Apr 2013... This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support early childhood settings, staff and families.
A resource on preparing health lunches for your children
This is a video about healthy lunches. The cost, convenience and nutrition of meals prepared at home are compared with meals purchased outside the home. The importance of regular physical activity, Vitamin D and water as a healthy drink is discussed.
01 Mar 2017... A translated resource with information about the risks and prevention of unplanned weight loss for residents, families and carers.
This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support early childhood settings, staff and families.
Food choice can affect how you feel. Improving your diet may help to make you feel happier, give you more energy and help you think clearly.
01 Oct 2013... This brochure covers essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support settings, staff and families.
12 Dec 2017... Healthy eating in pregnancy means lots of fruit, vegetables and foods with calcium, protein and iron. Avoid sugary, fatty foods, and drink plenty of water.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.