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01 Jun 2023... #chatsafe is a suicide prevention program that aims to empower and equip young people to communicate safely online about self-harm and suicide. In 2018, Orygen developed the world’s first evidence-based guidelines for young people to communicate safely online about suicide. In collaboration with international organisations, Orygen has made these guidelines available in different languages. These are also supported by a suite of complementary resources for parents, educators, and bereaved communities. Who is this guide for? Although these guidelines are designed to support safe peer to peer online communication about self-harm and suicide among young people, it can be useful for anyone creating or consuming online content related to self-harm or suicide. Specific resources have also been developed for parents and carers, educators, and communities impacted by suicide. You can access these on the Orygen website .
01 Jun 2018... #chatsafe for educators is designed to help educators better equip the young people they have contact with to talk safely on social media about suicide. This resource will provide information on how educators can model safe language when talking about suicide, empower young people to safely engage with suicide-related content on social media, and equip young people to make decisions about the way they engage with this content. The #chatsafe for educators resource also includes information about support services that are available to young people, and links to other online content that might help facilitate these conversations in a classroom setting.
01 Jun 2023... The topics of suicide and self-harm will appear in many facets of a young person's life and it can be difficult for parents to approach these topics.  This #chatsafe resource for parents and carers is designed to guide parents and carers when they're having conversations about suicide with the young people in their lives. It includes quick tips from young people on what they want their parents and carers to know when they approach the topic of suicide
01 Aug 2023... Newborn development at 0-1 month is about cuddling, sleeping, feeding and learning. Get tips for baby development and read how to spot developmental delays.
01 Aug 2023... Extra crying is typical in newborn development at 1-2 months, as is more alertness. Get tips to help development and read how to spot developmental delay.
01 Sep 2018... This factsheet provides information about starting secondary school.
04 Mar 2024... Suitable for 10-11 months Key points At 10-11 months, babies are babbling a lot. You might even hear a first word. Babies might cruise around furniture, find hidden objects, pick things up and more. Support baby development by talking and listening, singing, reading, playing together and encouraging movement. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about your baby's development or if you need support.
04 Mar 2024... Suitable for 11-12 months Key points At 11-12 months, babies communicate in many ways and show many emotions. They might also feed themselves, take first steps and more. Talking and listening, singing, reading, moving, playing outside and eating healthy foods are all good for baby learning and development. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about your baby's development or if you need support.
30 Nov 2020... Don't feel you are alone. One in twelve people world wide are living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C. The 12 questions below are designed to help you get the information you need from your GP.
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