Displaying 1-200 of 336 results
01 Sep 2018... This factsheet gives information for kids starting primary school. Back to school is an exciting time for students and families. Find tips on how you can help your child have a positive start to school.
01 Sep 2018... This factsheet provides information about starting secondary school.
Fact sheets for parents and carers. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence are all interpersonal behaviours that can create or contribute to negative social environments. All school communities should have clear definitions outlined in their school policies and procedures for bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.
01 Jun 2015... This chapter titled 'Getting ready for school' is one of 6 chapters developed with and for the Afghan community. The 6 chapters aim to: improve the health literacy of viewers, improve appropriate utilisation of health services and improve health. This particular chapter provides information on child health, development and child services. These include: maternal and child health services; general practice clinics; kindergartens, playgroups and mothers groups.
Apnoea of prematurity is a breathing pause that can occur in premature babies. This resource provides advice for parents on the management of apnoea of prematurity.
22 Mar 2023... This resource provides information to help parents who are settling in Australia to keep their families strong, happy and healthy. Parenting can be difficult. For parents who have come to Australia from overseas, there are the added pressures of raising children in a new country and a new cultural environment. Children, through school and other activities, often adapt more easily and may learn Australian customs, language and culture faster than their parents. This booklet will help parents care for their families in Australia and find help when needed.
01 Dec 2020... Birdie's friends are all sick, but doctors and nurses are there to help. A story for young children about illness in the community. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
01 Feb 2017... A big wind blows away Birdie's nest! This is a story for young children about recovering from cyclones. Natural disasters like storms, cyclones, floods or fire can be very frightening and upsetting for babies and young children. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
31 Dec 2017... Birdie and her friends take shelter from an earthquake. A storybook to help young children and their families recovering from earthquakes and tsunamis. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
Contents: What is a boil? What is impetigo? How are boils and impetigo treated? How are boils and impetigo spread? How can you stop the spread of boils and impetigo?
01 Dec 2018... This is information from the Australian Breastfeeding Association for breastfeeding mothers who are planning to fast for Ramadan.
Every day and every situation is a time for learning. As your baby becomes more alert, look for opportunities to enjoy and share your baby's discoveries.
01 Apr 2013... This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support early childhood settings, staff and families.
01 Sep 2017... This fact sheet lists and explains the general features of a more serious illness which should prompt you to see a doctor more urgently. These include alertness, irritability, breathing, skin colour and appearance, and fluids in and out.
This information sheet includes a checklist to ensure the safety of babies and children while sleeping.
01 Dec 2020... Developmental resource for children 5-8 months to learn the essential skill of sitting.
Aboriginal English varies across Australia but differs from Standard Australian English in its sound system, grammar, story structure, and the way it's used - words often have different meanings and take into account the rich linguistic heritage of Indigenous culture.
23 Jul 2019... People living with spina bifida and may also have hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition that happens when too much cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collects in the brain and causes pressure to build and damage the brain.
This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support settings, staff and families.
01 Dec 2020... Developmental resource for children 6 months of age to develop the essential skills of tummy time, floor play and rolling.
01 Nov 2016... 'Our Playtime' is an educational video created by Sutherland Child and Family Interagency, focusing on the parent-child relationship.
01 Mar 2021... Information about toddler sleep patterns and behaviours (1 to 2 years), toddler sleep rhythms at 1 to 2 years, settling your toddler at 1 to 2 years, toddlers and sleep regression, maternal and child health nurse visits and where to get help.
01 Mar 2021... Information about preventing sleep concerns, including bonding with your baby aged 0 to 6 months, settling and calming your baby and developing a sleep routine.
01 Mar 2021... Information about preventing sleep concerns includes connecting with your toddler, recognising your toddler's tired signs, creating a sleep routine and environment and bedtime routines for your toddler, helping your toddler sleep safely and moving your toddler from cot to bed.
01 Mar 2021... Information about preventing sleep concerns includes connecting with your preschooler, recognising your preschooler's tired signs, creating a sleep routine and environment and bedtime routines for your preschooler, helping your preschooler sleep safely and moving your preschooler from cot to bed.
08 Jun 2023... When your child is sick and you’re unsure what to do, help is available. Call TIS National anytime on 131 450 to talk to a nurse in your language. Ask to be put through to HealthDirect for free advice. Otherwise, contact your local doctor. In an emergency call Triple Zero (000).
23 May 2023... This bilingual storybook follows Minh’s family journey from their first asthma symptoms to diagnosis and asthma self-management. Codesigned with the Vietnamese-speaking women’s group in Brimbank, it is in English and Vietnamese and aimed at children aged 5 – 9 and their carers.
30 Dec 2022... This "Cot to Bed" brochure has information on when to move a young child out of a cot and into a bed, and how to make your home safe before the move. This knowledge helps prevent babies and toddlers from sustaining injuries from falls. It also provides important information on hazardous kinds of beds and beddings.
31 Dec 2022... Rednose does not recommend co-sleeping, or sharing a sleep surface with your baby. However, if you choose or need to do co-sleeping, this brochure gives information on how to reduce risks. It gives advice on when NOT to co-sleep.
01 Dec 2019... Information for parents on why their baby needs a repeat hearing test.
01 Jan 2019... Information from the NSW Statewide Infant Screening-Hearing (SWISH) Program for parents whose baby was found to be not eligible for screening, and referred directly for a diagnostic assessment.
06 Oct 2023... Postcards depicting the signs and symptoms of sepsis in children, that parents should be aware of. Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It can be hard to identify and can lead to death. The best chance to get better from sepsis is to treat it quickly.
01 May 2024... This resource provides information to help parents and carers keep children safe in cars. It guides parents and carers through buying, fitting, and using child restraints and booster seats in cars.
15 Jun 2022... A fever is when body temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius. Fever can be a sign that the body is fighting off illness or infection. Fever can be serious if it lasts longer than three days without going down, is high in a baby under three months old, and causes a seizure.
23 Jul 2019... Spina bifida is a birth defect that affects the development of a baby’s spine and spinal cord with life-long impacts to movement and basic functions. The baby's developing spine fails to close properly resulting in the incomplete growth of the spinal cord, vertebrae and overlying skin which may affect each child differently. Spina bifida is a life-long condition requiring ongoing medical intervention and support.
01 Dec 2018... Asthma is a common condition caused by the narrowing of the small air passages in the lungs. The narrowing happens when air passages become swollen and inflamed, causing more mucus to be produced. In addition, the muscle bands around the air passages become tighter. These changes make it harder for air to get in and out of the lungs, and cause wheeze, cough and problems with breathing.
01 Jul 2023... Young children experience a range of emotions and express themselves in various ways. It's normal for toddlers to have tantrums and test boundaries as they develop social and emotional skills. This resource provides essential information for caregivers on how to support children in managing their emotions. Topics covered include: Signs and Symptoms of Challenging Behaviour Causes of Challenging Behaviour Strategies for Managing Difficult Situations Positive Reinforcement Techniques Understanding the Consequences of Negative Behaviour By guiding your child and encouraging positive behaviours, you can help them learn appropriate ways to express themselves and navigate their emotions effectively.
01 Nov 2023... This fact sheet provides advice for safely returning your child to school and sports if they have had a mild head injury. If your child or adolescent has been diagnosed by a doctor with a mild head injury, such as a concussion, they will need time to rest and recover (see fact sheet H ead injury – general advice ). For moderate or severe head injuries, follow your doctor’s advice for returning your child to their normal activities.
Fever (a high temperature) is common in children. Fever is a normal response to many illnesses, the most common being an infection in the body. Fever itself is usually not harmful - in fact, it helps the body's immune system fight off infection.
01 Jul 2024... These videos will help parents and carers better understand and manage their child's asthma. They cover essential topics, including: What is Asthma? Treating Asthma Asthma Action Plan and First Aid Asthma in Preschool Children How to Use a Puffer with a Spacer and Mask How to Use a Puffer with a Spacer How to Use a Turbuhaler How to Use a Rapihaler and Spacer How to Use a Nasal Spray Caring for Your Spacer
01 Oct 2017... Home safety and injury prevention poster on poisoning prevention.
Croup is a condition caused by a viral infection. The virus leads to swelling of the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea). This swelling makes the airway narrower, so it is harder to breathe. Children with croup develop a harsh, barking cough and may make a noisy, high-pitched sound when they breathe in (stridor). Croup mostly affects children between six months and five years old, but it can affect older children. Some children get croup several times. Croup can get worse quickly. If your child is having problems breathing, seek urgent medical attention.
Bronchiolitis is a common chest infection in young children, caused by a viral infection of the lungs. The infection causes inflammation and mucus to build up in the airways, making it more difficult to breathe.Bronchiolitis is most common in babies under six months, but sometimes occurs in babies up to 12 months old.
04 Mar 2024... Suitable for 1.5-2 years Key points At 18-24 months, expect new and complex emotions, pretend play, independence, walking, a lot of new words, and more. Activities that are good for toddler development include talking and listening, reading, working on everyday skills, and playing outside and with others. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about toddler development or you need support.
22 Feb 2024... Suitable for 3-4 years Key points At 3-4 years, there might be emotional developments, early friendships, longer sentences, a stronger memory, new physical skills and more. Activities that are good for development include reading, creative play, indoor and outdoor play, turn-taking games and cooking. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about your child’s development or if you need support.
01 Aug 2023... Extra crying is typical in newborn development at 1-2 months, as is more alertness. Get tips to help development and read how to spot developmental delay.
Home safety and injury prevention poster on choking prevention
Home safety and injury prevention poster.
18 Oct 2023... Suitable for 1-18 years Tips on how you can help children and teenagers sleep better with bedtime routines, regular bedtimes, healthy sleep associations, comfortable sleep environments and healthy daytime habits.Â
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about spotting the early signs of cerebral palsy and getting a diagnosis. Also, child health specialists explain that cerebral palsy is a condition that affects the brain. They talk about the different types of cerebral palsy, how it affects children and some of its causes.
A guide in pictures to teenage sleeping, with tips for helping teens, teenagers and adolescent children get to sleep, relax before bedtime, and wake up effectively.
01 Dec 2020... What to do when a baby is choking? This factsheet with a lot of pictures illustrates how to prevent choking and clear blockages for babies.
Different children have different sleep needs, habits and problems. Here are answers to 20 frequently asked questions about children's sleep.
01 Feb 2016... Baby sleep habits depend a fair bit on both temperament and sleep routines. This resource will explain baby sleep developments and provide advice.
31 Dec 2017... Is your child ready for toilet training? Our illustrated guide explains the signs and takes you through basic toilet training steps.
12 Aug 2024... Techniques to soothe a crying baby, including recognising the reason why they are distressed and how to keep a crying baby safe.
01 Sep 2021... There are two main models for raising bilingual and multilingual children - one person-one language, and heritage language as home language. The best way to help children learn broad vocabularies in languages other than English is to always use those languages with them. You can support your child's multilingual or bilingual development through play, community activities and everyday activities at home.
01 Mar 2022... This Easy English book is about inclusion for your child with a disability. Inclusion means your child can be a part of something like everybody else: at home, at school, and in your community. The booklet is written for parents and carers of children with disability and developmental delay. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
Video water safety messages in other languages for older Victorians, people caring for small children, and men.
01 Aug 2019... The information in this fact sheet aims to describe a common pattern of breathing seen in very premature infants.
A numeracy resource for parents and carers which describes activities to promote children's understanding of graphs and tables.
A numeracy resource for parents/carers which describes how children learn about measurement and offers practical and fun suggestions for developing this skill.
01 Jul 2020... In these 2-minute videos, Tash and Chomper, the smiliest crocodile, show us how to have some fun when we brush our teeth. Using child-friendly cues, smiling like a monkey and roaring like a lion, and simple actions, they invite young children to take an active role in brushing their teeth.
01 Feb 2021... A virus has made Birdie's friends sick! Birdie feels lonely and worried. What if everyone stays sick forever? A story for young children about recovering from a virus. Natural disasters like storms, cyclones, floods or fire can be very frightening and upsetting for babies and young children. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
19 Aug 2024... Suitable for 3-0 years. Key points Learning about bodies can help autistic children feel comfortable with their bodies. Learning about private and public body parts can help autistic children understand private and public behaviour. Learning about personal boundaries and different kinds of touch is part of learning about bodies. Visual supports and social stories can help autistic children learn about bodies and personal boundaries.
06 Jan 2025... This poster explains how your child could be eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. Â
01 Dec 2022... This translated resource provides information about the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines for children between 12 and 18 months of age through the National Immunisation Program schedule. It includes information on what they are, the vaccine itself, possible side effects, and a short pre-immunisation checklist.
16 Dec 2021... Information about the hepatitis B vaccine given to newborn babies. Includes information about the disease, why babies should have the vaccine, and information about possible side effects. It is important to start the hepatitis B immunisation as soon as possible after birth.
01 Nov 2019... This resource offers details in translation about the complimentary pneumococcal vaccine for infants under the National Immunisation Program. It describes the disease, vaccine details, eligibility criteria, and potential side effects.
A fact sheet about measles, including information about how the infection is spread, symptoms, treatment and immunisation.
01 Jul 2020... When your child is 18 months old, they are recommended to receive three vaccines: a combined vaccine for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (chickenpox) a combined vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) a vaccine for Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b). Â Additionally, it is recommended that your child receives an influenza vaccine every year before flu season. Influenza vaccines are free for children aged six months to under five years and can be given at the same time as the age-specific vaccines.
01 Nov 2023... Around 1 in 20 people worldwide are thought to have inherited an altered globin gene, which they could pass on to their children. This may potentially result in a genetic blood disorder, affecting haemoglobin production. Haemoglobin is a protein in the blood that carries oxygen around our bodies. These inherited blood disorders are passed from parent to child in genes. If you are a carrier of an altered globin gene, your partner must have a blood test to determine his or her carrier status.
Gastroenteritis (gastro) is a common illness in infants and young children. It usually causes diarrhoea (watery or frequent motions/poo) and vomiting.
01 Jul 2002... Anxiety is a word that health professionals use when a child is fearful or distressed and the distress keeps going on for a long time. This resource has important information for parents and carers of children with anxiety.
Breastfeeding and childcare provides information for both parents and childcare providers, and outlines the rights of mother and baby regarding breastfeeding and childcare.
01 Apr 2013... This translated brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics for early childhood.
01 Aug 2019... You have been given this factsheet because your baby has been born with genitals that look a bit different (atypical). These genital differences are sometimes referred to as 'intersex variations', 'differences of sex development' or 'variations in sex characteristics'. This fact sheet provides information for families to fully understand the issues and risks associated with your child's specific intersex variation in order to make informed decisions about their best care and treatment.
This postcard image provides simple information about the five sun protection measures recommended during the daily sun protection times (issued whenever UV levels reach three or higher). It encourages parents and cares of children to model behaviours for children to help form sun protection habits.Â
01 Feb 2017... This information is published by the Queensland Government. Birdie and her friends have to get away from a bushfire. A story for young children about recovering from fires. Natural disasters like storms, cyclones, floods or fires can be very frightening and upsetting for babies and young children. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
01 Jul 2020... This form asks parents to provide written consent for their children's school to conduct head lice inspections.
01 Sep 2018... Jaundice in newborn babies is a yellow colouration of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Visible jaundice occurs in one third to a half of normal newborn babies. It usually does not cause problems and generally fades by the end of the first week after birth. If the jaundice appears within 24 hours of birth, or is still present after 2 weeks, contact your doctor or local hospital.
01 Apr 2013... This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics for early childhood support settings, staff and families.
01 Apr 2019... Parents from all cultures and communities want their children to be safe from harm. While Australia is generally a safe place, children can be harmed at home or in the community.
Fact sheets for parents and carers with information about bullying and violence.
01 Nov 2013... A literature review identified portable pools as a high-risk location for child drowning and near drowning. Discussions with bilingual workers, key informants and focus group participants also identified the need for water safety education among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. This brochure raises awareness of the safety issues associated with portable swimming pools and the legal requirement for fencing to English and non-English-speaking community groups.
15 Feb 2024... The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by a lining called the meninges. Infection or inflammation of the meninges is called meningitis which can be life-threatening and is a medical emergency. This resource explains what meningitis is, its signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and management.
Everything in your baby's world is new and fascinating.Talk to them about what they can see, hear and feel.
Your baby is fascinated by everything! You can make up songs and stories for them and capture their interest and excitement.
01 Jul 2017... Children are becoming increasingly independent and adventurous, often exploring and climbing on objects. At this stage, children have little understanding of danger and require constant supervision. This fact sheets provides tips on how to keep children safe at home, on the street, in the car and when they play.
01 Aug 2019... You have been given this fact sheet because your baby or child has been diagnosed as having a variation in sex characteristics. This means your child was born with naturally occurring characteristics that do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies. These differences are also sometimes referred to as 'intersex variations', 'differences of sex development' or 'conditions associated with reproductive development'. Different people prefer different terms.
23 Jul 2019... This factsheet has information for people living with Spina Bifida and how to maintain good kidney function, prevent any kidney damage and reach and maintain social continence.
This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support settings, staff and families.
01 Jul 2017... Your toddler will become increasingly mobile now and start to walk. They will also become very curious; trying to open cupboards, turn switches on and off and seek out items they know exist even if they are hidden from view. At this age your toddler will want to “test” everything by putting it in their mouth. Toddlers will imitate the actions of adults, so it is important for parents to model safe behaviour.
Parents take part in Nino's Child Restraint Challenge to make sure they are buckling their children into forward facing restraints correctly.
Fact sheets for parents and carers. Bullying is usually described by the types of behaviours involved, so we talk about verbal, social and physical bullying. Bullying is sometimes labelled by where it occurs or what type of harm is done. These words can be used alone or in combination. It can be confusing!
01 Jul 2019... These videos provide instruction on how to manage an asthma attack following the Kids Asthma First Aid Plan (NAC).
01 Jul 2019... The videos provide instructions on how to use a spacer to administer asthma medication to children four years and older.
01 Mar 2021... Information about sleep for newborns, including newborn sleep patterns and behaviours, newborn sleep rhythms, newborn sleep cycles, settling your newborn, feeding your newborn, newborns communicating by crying, maternal and child health nurse visits and where to get help.
01 Mar 2021... Information about sleep for babies 3 to 6 months, including baby sleep patterns and behaviours at 3 to 6 months, baby sleep rhythms at 3 to 6 months, settling your baby at 3 to 6 months, feeding your baby at 3 to 6 months, maternal and child health nurse visits and where to get help.
01 Mar 2021... Information about preventing sleep concerns, including settling your baby (6 to 12 months), recognising your baby’s tired signs, creating a sleep routine and environment for your baby, creating bedtime routines, feeding, playing, sleeping and your baby.
01 Mar 2023... Information about preventing sleep concerns, including looking after yourself, strategies to help your baby sleep and settle, helping your baby sleep with parental presence, helping your baby sleep by camping out and controlled comforting.
01 Mar 2023... Information about preventing sleep concerns, including looking after yourself, strategies to help your toddler sleep and settle, helping your toddler sleep with parental presence, helping your toddler sleep by camping out and with bedtime fading, controlled comforting and moving your toddler from cot to bed.
10 Feb 2023... This document is a plain language guide to the Child Safe Standards that started in Victoria on 1 July 2022. It has words and pictures that are easy to understand to help explain the standards.
01 Jan 2022... Animation about the signs and symptoms of sepsis in children, that parents should be aware of. Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It can be hard to identify and can lead to death. The best chance to get better from sepsis is to treat it quickly.
Cancer is a disease where cells in the body grow in an uncontrolled way. Things that cause adult cancer such as smoking and chemicals aren’t obvious causes of cancer in children. Children’s cancers effect in different parts of the body to adult cancers and occur much less often
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information on resources, referrals and help to support the health and wellbeing of children. This section covers topics such as dental benefits schedule, family tax benefit, family assistance payments, and many more. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
Home safety and injury prevention poster on burns & scalds prevention.
Gastroenteritis (gastro) is a bowel infection that causes diarrhoea (runny, watery poo) and sometimes vomiting.The vomiting may settle quickly, but the diarrhoea can last up to 10 days. Gastro can be caused by many different germs, although the most common cause of gastro is a viral infection. Most children do not need to take any medicine for gastro; however, they must drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.
Outdoor safety and injury prevention poster to create safe play areas for children.
Dog bite prevention poster with information on how to prevent injury for children.
22 Feb 2024... Suitable for 2-3 years Key points At 2-3 years, you can expect strong feelings, tantrums, pretend play and independence. Toddlers are developing new skills in many areas, including language, thinking and movement. Development activities include talking and listening, reading, playing outdoors, playing with others and cooking together. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about toddler development or you need support.
28 Feb 2024... Suitable for 7-8 months Key points At 7-8 months, babies might be exploring objects, babbling, crawling, rolling, shuffling and much more. Talking and listening, singing, reading, playing outside and trying new foods are all good for baby learning and development. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about your baby's development or if you need support.
01 Aug 2023... At 3-4 months in baby development, your baby is learning about emotions and communication. Read more about what your baby might be doing and how to help.
01 Aug 2023... Newborn development at 0-1 month is about cuddling, sleeping, feeding and learning. Get tips for baby development and read how to spot developmental delays.
06 Aug 2024... Picture cards with illustrations to explain breastfeeding positions to try for comfort and attachment. Suitable for 0-3 months.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about what happens after your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They describe why it's important to look after yourself, connect with other families and have a good support network. They also talk about different therapies. Health specialists say why early intervention is important, especially for helping children reach goals like feeding or dressing.
01 Jun 2011... This short video shows you how to dress a newborn. It includes tips on what order to put clothes on, and distraction techniques to help older babies who fidget on the change table.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with Down syndrome talk about getting the diagnosis during pregnancy. They say they talked with their families about how this child would fit into their lives, and about deciding to go on with the pregnancy. Also, child health specialists explain what Down syndrome is and how they test for it.
01 Sep 2021... An explanation of how to wash your hands correctly, using images.
01 Mar 2022... This Easy English book is about your child’s rights to get an education. Education means you learn new things with a teacher. Rights mean something that everyone should be able to get, have to, and do.
With a little imagination you can turn ordinary things into homemade toys and free activities for kids. Here are some great ideas for kids of all ages.
01 Sep 2021... An explanation of your newborn's daytime and night-time routines and how to balance routine with their needs.
01 Nov 2020... How to teach newborn babies to sleep using a flexible routine of feeding, sleeping and playing
01 Jun 2014... This short video demonstrates different ways to wrap or swaddle a newborn baby. Wrapping is soothing for some babies and can reduce the risk of SUDI (including SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents) by keeping babies on their backs during sleep
This parenting guide in pictures demonstrates daily hygiene and care for newborns and babies. It includes cleaning baby's face and head, nails, umbilical cord and genital care.
This parenting guide in pictures shows you how to hold a baby or newborn. It includes tips for picking up, handling and cradling your baby.
01 Jul 2022... About sleep problems in children and teens - trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep, night terrors, nightmares, sleepwalking and bedwetting
Play is more than just for babies and children. It's how they learn and develop. Playing with your child is one of the most important things you can do.
01 May 2017... Tantrums are extremely common in toddlers and preschoolers. They're how young children deal with difficult feelings. It helps to tune in to your child's emotion, and to avoid situations that trigger your child's tantrums.
01 Aug 2019... If your baby is not breathing this fact sheet will explain how to perform resuscitation on your baby.
01 Aug 2019... The Newborn Intensive and Special Care (NISC) nurseries at the Women's provide the best possible care for babies. To maintain the highest level of care we are continually updating our practice by carrying out careful research studies.
This factsheets has information to help parents teach their children to count.
An information brochure for parents and carers regarding children's safety when they are travelling to and from school by car.
01 Jul 2022... The resource explains how to care for gums and teeth and how to brush children's teeth.
07 Jun 2017... This factsheet on dental care for children 2 to 6 years old is for parents, families and individuals caring for young children.
01 Oct 2017... This factsheet on dental care for children 1 to 2 years of age, is for parents, families and individuals caring for young children.
10 Jan 2020... A tip sheet for talking to your child, and their friends, peers, and family, about Autism.
12 Feb 2024... Suitable for 3-18 years Key points Autistic children and teenagers might need support to recognise, understand and manage emotions. Strategies to help autistic children and teenagers recognise emotions include labels, emotion cards and ladder pictures. You can help autistic children and teenagers understand emotions by explaining how thoughts lead to feelings. Autistic children and teenagers often need help to learn how to manage and calm down from strong emotions.
24 May 2024... Suitable for 3-18 years Key points Autism is a type of neurodiversity. Autistic children have particular communication styles, special interests and repetitive behaviour. Autism can be diagnosed in some children from around 18 months of age. Early autism diagnosis means children can get support for their development. If you have concerns about your child’s development, talk to your child and family health nurse or GP.
19 Aug 2024... Suitable for 0-8 years Key points Autistic children might need support to develop language skills. You can support autistic children’s language development by creating opportunities for them to use language. Playing, modelling language and responding positively to language also help with children’s language skills.
19 Aug 2024... Suitable for 3-18 years Key points Meltdowns happen when autistic children and teenagers feel completely overwhelmed. Autistic children and teenagers need support to recognise overwhelmed feelings and know what to do. Help autistic children and teenagers avoid meltdowns by stepping in when they start to get agitated. During a meltdown, stay calm, give children space, avoid saying too much, and wait.
22 Aug 2022... This fact sheet tells you about how to care for your teeth and why it is important to see a dentist.
30 May 2024... Children under 5 years of age are at a higher risk of complications and hospitalisation from influenza. The best way to protect them is with an influenza vaccine, which is free for children aged 6 months to under 5.
01 Jul 2024... Information on Year 7 secondary school immunisation program and consent form. Adolescents in Year 7 of secondary school (or aged 12 to 13) are recommended to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines. Parents, guardians, or other medical treatment decision makers must provide consent for each vaccine for adolescents to receive vaccinations at school. The first section provides information on HPV, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines, and then the consent form is attached at the end. More information is available on the Victorian Department of Health website.Â
01 Aug 2024... Meningococcal disease is caused by a bacterial infection and can lead to serious illness. It is uncommon in NSW and occurs more often in winter and spring. Infants, small children, adolescents and young adults are most at risk. Early treatment is vital. The fact sheet includes information about symptoms, prevention, and treatment.Â
This is information about pertussis (whooping cough), a disease that can be very serious in small children but is preventable by immunisation.
01 Mar 2011... This video shows you how quickly you can drown in a bath.
02 Dec 2017... A terrible drought means Birdie has to leave her home and friends. A story for young children about getting through hard times and natural disasters. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
31 Dec 2016... It rains so much, Birdie and Mr Frog have to get away from the rising water. A story for young children about recovering from floods. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
30 Sep 2013... Learning to speak is a crucial part of a child's development and the most intensive period of speech and language development happens in the first three years of life. Even though children vary in their development of speech and language, there are certain 'milestones' that can be identified as a rough guide to normal development. These milestones are outlined in this fact sheet.
Your child will feel valued and loved when you make things with them and listen and respond to their ideas and questions.
In the first two weeks, there's lots of learning for you and your baby - especially about each other.
Exploring the world gives your child the chance to learn, move and connect with others. What is familiar to you can be a new adventure for your child.
Everyday activities can be fun learning opportunities. Pretending, creating and helping allows your child to discover new things.
Babies are learning from their first hours of life. You can learn so much together in their first weeks at home with you.
01 Oct 2009... This translated fact sheet about intellectual disability provides information on what intellectual disability is, how a child is diagnosed, what can be done to help and what causes intellectual disability.
The Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme requires some organisations to report allegations of child abuse and child-related misconduct made about their workers or volunteers to the Commission for Children and Young People.
This is a poster with 75 suggestions to encourage children (positive reinforcement).
Poster with information on how to sleep baby in a safe cot in parents' room for the first 6- 12 months of life.
This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support early childhood settings, staff and families.
01 Jul 2020... This alert notice explains that some children in a school have head lice and explains what parents need to do to prevent the spread of head lice.
01 Apr 2013... Provides practical information and advice on early childhood healthy eating and physical activity to all staff and carers in early childhood settings.
If your child is turning 4, they may need to have a health check. If they don't, your Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A rate may reduce.
01 Jun 2016... The video is about how families can best support language and communication development for bilingual children prior to school.
01 Jun 2013... Provides families with practical information and advice to support healthy eating and encourage physical activity in young children.
01 Apr 2013... Information about communicating with early childhood staff about introducing first foods.
01 Apr 2019... The online safety, Start the Chat Campaign is about helping everyone in a child's life to have a conversation about online safety. The youngest generation of children are the first to grow up in a fully connected digital world - for them, the online world is now just as much a part of their lives as the offline world. It is important to be proactive and talk about online safety early and often. This advertising material provides links to more information on cyberbullying on the eSafety website that can be used in your community.
Information about parvovirus B19, a common virus causing 'fifth disease', a mild illness that is more likely to affect children.
01 Aug 2017... Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a type breathing support therapy used to stop the airways from being obstructed during sleep. It is used to treat a condition called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
A guide to cryptosporidiosis, an infection which causes diarrhoea. Includes information on causes, prevention and symptoms.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a skin infection caused by a microscopic parasite called Leishmania. It causes ulcers or scabs which occur more frequently on exposed body parts such as the wrists, the ankles and lower legs, and the face.
01 Nov 2019... Information to help you in the early weeks with your baby, including health checks, support services and government paperwork.
01 Sep 2022... Babies and toddlers are directly affected by trauma. They are also affected if their mother, father or main caregiver is suffering the consequences of the trauma. If their home and routine become unsettled or disrupted as a result of the trauma, babies and toddlers are also vulnerable. You can help your baby or toddler recover by providing support to rebuild a safe, calm and nurturing home.
01 Mar 2021... Information about preschooler sleep patterns and behaviours (3 to 5 years), preschoolers and night-time fears, settling your preschooler at 3 to 5 years, creating a positive sleep environment for your preschooler, preschoolers and night-time bedwetting, maternal and child health nurse visits and where to get help.
This resource details when you should call the hospital - when your child's temperature is above 38 degrees, has chills or shaking, excessive vomiting or diarrhoea, refusing to drink and other symptoms.
01 Oct 2020... While children are at school, many families will have contact with head lice. The information contained here will help you treat and control head lice.
Stuttering affects the flow and ease of talking. People who stutter can have a hard time communicating. They might become more anxious about speaking. We still don’t know what causes stuttering. However, we know a lot about what happens when people stutter, how it affects them, and how to help them. Speech pathologists can help people who stutter.
13 Oct 2023... This fact sheet is available in Easy Read and Dari and explains how language is fundamental to a baby’s development.
12 Jan 2023... Group A streptococcus is a type of bacteria that is found on the skin and in the throat. It can cause common childhood illnesses and a life-threatening condition called Invasive group A streptococcal disease. It is usually responsible for common childhood conditions like strep throat, tonsillitis, impetigo or school sores, and scarlet fever.
01 Jun 2017... Tube feeding is a way to give nutrition to your child’s body to grow when they are unable to eat enough. It can be useful for children who: cannot eat or drink enough to maintain nutrition are unable to eat because they cannot chew/swallow properly/safely need extra nutrition for growth.
01 Aug 2021... A fact sheet explaining T&A, why your child needs it, and information before, during and after surgery. Everyone has small glands on each side of the throat (tonsils) and at the top of the throat behind the nose (adenoids). A tonsillectomy ( ton-sil-ek-toe-mee ) is surgery to remove the tonsils, while an adenoidectomy ( ad-uh-noid-ek-toe-mee ) is surgery to remove the adenoids. A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy done together is also commonly referred to as a T&A.
Find out what happens when Dara comes to The Royal Children's Hospital for an operation. The video is accessible with captions/ subtitles in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. To change the subtitles, simply click the CC symbol in the lower right corner of the screen.
Safety and injury prevention poster on car seat safety.
28 Feb 2024... Suitable for 5-6 months Key points At 5-6 months, babies might show new emotions, be fearful of strangers, babble, move their hands and bodies and much more. Babies can start eating solid food around now if they show signs that they’re ready. Simple activities like talking and listening, singing and reading are good for baby learning and development. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about baby's development or you need support.
28 Feb 2024... Suitable for 8-9 months Key points At 8-9 months, babies might express more mature emotions. They might babble, clap hands, crawl, pull up to stand and more. Talking, listening, reading, singing and playing movement games are all good for baby learning and development. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about your baby's development or if you need support.
28 Feb 2024... Suitable for 9-10 months Key points At 9-10 months, babies are babbling, showing emotions, playing, moving around and much more. Support baby development by talking and listening, singing, reading, playing together and encouraging movement. Speak with your GP or child and family health nurse if you’re concerned about your baby's development or if you need support.
01 Dec 2022... Picture cards that explain what to do if your child gets a burn or scald. A burn is an injury to the skin that happens from touching something hot. Scalds are burns from hot liquids or steam. Suitable for 0-18 years.
01 Sep 2021... Picture cards that take you through bathing a newborn safely, including demonstrations of setting up the bath, bathing techniques and baby bath temperature. When you're bathing your newborn baby, it's important to look after your baby's comfort as well as their cleanliness.
Reduce sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) risk by sleeping babies on their backs, creating a safe sleeping environment and breastfeeding if you can.
Sleep can affect concentration, memory and behaviour. It's no wonder that how well your child sleeps has an impact on how well they learn.
03 May 2024... Suitable for 0-3 months Pictures that explain your newborn's burping basics, show you burping positions to try, and help understand your baby's cue after burping.Â
01 Jun 2015... This short video shows you various holding positions for newborn babies, including facing towards and away from parents or carers. Different holding styles have different advantages. You can experiment to work out which one your baby likes best.
01 Oct 2017... This illustrated guide to indoor home safety for kids has information on smoke detectors, safety glass, poisons, safety gates, sharp items and blind cords.
01 Mar 2023... This guide to encouraging positive behaviour in children has tips for getting children to behave well.
01 May 2016... Babies find out about the world through play and exploration. You can help by using fun and inspiring baby play ideas and playing baby games.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, a parent of a child with hearing impairment talks about her child's early intervention, including hearing aids, Auslan and speech therapy. Child health specialists talk about helping parents understand what hearing impairment means for their child. They also go through some early intervention options and say why it's important to start intervention early.
01 Aug 2019... When you can spot tired signs in babies and kids, you can get them to sleep more easily. Here's how to spot tired signs and settle your child
31 Dec 2017... This parenting guide in pictures shows why tummy time is important, how to do tummy time with a young baby and how to make sure baby enjoys tummy time.
01 Sep 2021... How to set up and prepare your child to get the most out of their telehealth appointment.
01 Sep 2021... Techniques to help your child relax and get a good night's sleep. Suitable for 5-8 years.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.