Displaying 1-200 of 269 results
01 Dec 2017... You may have a few questions about developing your first plan. We understand that every person living with a disability has different needs, and we're here to help you develop a plan that you have choice and control over.
01 Sep 2021... A case study to demonstrate what to do if you experience disability discrimination in Easy English
01 Jun 2020... This guide has been developed for parents and families to provide information about adolescence and Down syndrome. The document covers information about transition to high school, puberty, sexuality, post-school transitions and health and well-being.
01 Jul 2017... This video will help you understand what happens after you had your planning conversation with the NDIS.
01 May 2021... Brochure about using a physiotherapist with the NDIS. Includes information on what Physiotherapists can (and can't) do for you, how your physiotherapist can help with NDIS planning and review meetings and your rights and entitlements.
01 Nov 2020... This is an information sheet for consumers about questions you can ask when you go to hospital for your mental health, including Easy Read English.
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition dyspraxia, or difficulty producing speech, types of dyspraxia, who can help and what family/friends can do to help.
23 Jul 2019... People living with spina bifida and may also have hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition that happens when too much cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collects in the brain and causes pressure to build and damage the brain.
01 Nov 2020... This Easy English booklet is written for people with Down Syndrome and has information about using money online. This includes the different ways you can use online banking, online shopping and other online services.
01 May 2021... Brochure about NDIS support workers, Support workers help you with everyday tasks and activities.
01 Jul 2021... This report presents evaluation findings from the Second Independent Assessment (IA) Pilot. It covers the participants' experiences and how they find the independent assessment process; the perspectives of independent assessors on the tools and their support needs; and whether participants feel their IA accurately reflects what they told their assessor and their functional capacity.
01 Aug 2020... Information on independent assessments for the NDIS. Assessments are how NDIS work out how your disability affects your life and what supports you need from the NDIS.
01 Jul 2021... You can make a complaint about any disability worker in Victoria. This fact sheet explains how to make the complaint.
01 May 2016... The manual wheelchair resource provides clear, concise instructions on using a manual wheelchair safely.
This video will help you understand the application process for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), including application decisions, and the types of evidence required.
01 May 2021... Fact sheet on NDIS planning. Your NDIS plan is how much the NDIS will pay for your support workers, services, and other items you might need. It is essential that you receive the proper funding to purchase the services you need. Your NDIS plan will also include a copy of your NDIS goals. These are the goals that the NDIS will ask about at your 12-month review meeting. You will have regular reviews with the NDIS, most reviews are at 12 or 24 months (1 or 2 years).
01 Feb 2019... This video will help you understand what a NDIS plan is and how you can prepare for your first meeting with the NDIA.
01 Feb 2019... This video will explain what you can do if you think a decision made by the NDIA is wrong, or if your NDIS plan no longer meets your needs.
01 Aug 2019... This document summarises how to make a complaint to the NDIS Commission. The campaign is called 'If you need to speak up, speak to us'
31 Oct 2021... This easy read worksheet helps you create a marketing plan. This guides you on how to tell more people about your business and sell more products and services.
19 May 2023... This book is about how to manage your National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS plan. There are three plan management options. You can either manage your own plan with a service provider registered with the NDIS, or the NDIA can manage your plan, or a plan manager can manage your plan. The NDIA will review your plan every 12 months to see if you need different funding and supports.
19 May 2023... This book is about how to use your National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS plan. You can use your NDIS plan to find important information about your personal details, your funded supports, your goals, and important contact dates and details.
19 May 2023... This book is about how to give feedback and make a complaint about NDIS service providers. A complaint means you say you are not happy with a service, that you do not feel safe with a service provider, or that your service provider did not meet your needs. You can get help from someone you trust to make a complaint, including an advocate. Your service provider must listen and respond to your complaint.
02 Apr 2022... This information will help people with Down syndrome and their families. It is available in both long form and easy read formats. Living independently means doing more things for yourself. It can help you and your family decide what to do and make plans for living independently. It is good to read this information with your family.
01 May 2016... This translated fact sheet provides information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It includes facts regarding an individual's eligibility, reasonable and necessary support, what isn't funded, information about children with disabilities and families, and contact information for interpreters.
01 Nov 2021... The Disability Gateway was created by the Australian Government to help people living with disability, their family, friends and carers find information more easily and connect them to services in their area.
01 Jan 2020... This resource has been developed to provide healthcare information for people with cognitive impairment, their carers and family members. It describes what to expect when going to hospital, information about informed consent and what to do if something doesn't go to plan.
23 Dec 2022... In Australia, royal commissions are the highest form of investigation on matters of public importance. Recent inquiries and reports have shown that people with disability are more likely to experience violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation than people without disability. What we learn from the Royal Commission will help to inform Australian governments, institutions and the wider community on how to prevent, and better protect, people with disability from experiencing violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation in the future.
23 Jul 2019... Spina bifida is a birth defect that affects the development of a baby’s spine and spinal cord with life-long impacts to movement and basic functions. The baby's developing spine fails to close properly resulting in the incomplete growth of the spinal cord, vertebrae and overlying skin which may affect each child differently. Spina bifida is a life-long condition requiring ongoing medical intervention and support.
01 Jun 2024... People with Down syndrome are more likely to have coeliac disease than the general population. To help everyone understand this better, Down Syndrome Australia created an Easy Read resource that explains: What coeliac disease is How it develops Common symptoms How to get tested.
This resource helps people with intellectual disabilities develop money skills for independence. It provides easy-read guides, fact sheets, and videos on understanding money, making decisions, and avoiding scams. The guides also cover money and NDIS plans, work, and respecting others, helping build safe financial skills for everyday life.
01 Dec 2022... This Easy Read brochure provides an overview of the concepts of Protective Behaviours and how to begin to explore them in a way that feels safe for you.
28 Feb 2024... To help culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities overcome challenges and barriers to learning about, accessing, and using the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) developed a Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategy 2024-2028 (the Strategy) and Action Plan. The Strategy aims to: increase access to and participation in the NDIS for CALD communities increase the utilisation of NDIS plans for CALD participants improve the experience with the NDIS for CALD communities and participants. The CALD Strategy and Action Plan documents are available in 16 community languages, Auslan, and Easy Read, as well as PDF and Word formats.
23 Jul 2023... Videos are a part of a series exploring and illustrating the social model of disability for CALD communities. The videos tell different stories of lived experience and perspectives in various community languages. Subtitles are available.Â
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information on payments and services you can access if you live with disability. It includes resources for other help and support available in your community. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
This resource educates people with disabilities on making informed decisions when engaging services. It includes practical tips on avoiding scams, entering contracts, and filing complaints, supported by videos.Â
A video about choices and decisions.
Some important definitions in relation to disabilities written in Easy English.
12 Dec 2020... Easy English book about sex and the law.
31 Dec 2020... This Easy English book explains what LGBTIQA+ means.
A toolkit split into 4 parts with information in Easy English to help women with disability understand and stand up for their rights.
A video about your rights.
This resource explains how the Family Court handles family disputes, especially related to children. It outlines the court's role in ensuring safe arrangements, resolving disagreements, and protecting rights. The resource is designed to be accessible, offering support for those involved in family court proceedings.
01 May 2020... Easy English book about your rights.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about spotting the early signs of cerebral palsy and getting a diagnosis. Also, child health specialists explain that cerebral palsy is a condition that affects the brain. They talk about the different types of cerebral palsy, how it affects children and some of its causes.
27 Sep 2023... The Easy English booklet is about the NDIS and the people who can help you and your child. It is written for parents and carers of children with disabilities and developmental delays. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
01 Feb 2023... This fill-in book is written Easy Read. It is an activity book for parents with a disability. It helps parents work out who can help them. It’s good for parents to do the activity with support workers.
01 Mar 2022... This Easy English book is about inclusion for your child with a disability. Inclusion means your child can be a part of something like everybody else: at home, at school, and in your community. The booklet is written for parents and carers of children with disability and developmental delay. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
19 Jun 2024... Safe Steps Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative (DFVCRI) aims to assist adults and children with disabilities who are experiencing family violence. The Disability Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative (DFVCRI) at Safe Steps is available to those living with a disability or who have disability-related needs including mental health issues, chronic health, aging conditions or have a temporary injury resulting from family violence.
31 Mar 2022... Information regarding access to Disability Liaison Officers (DLO), who can support children with disabilities and additional needs access to COVID vaccines. DLOs are funded by the Victorian Department of Health.
01 Aug 2021... Peak Victorian autism organisation Amaze developed a poster outlining some characteristics autistic people may display in social communication and interaction, behaviour, interests and activities.
30 Apr 2023... This easy English factsheet is about how you communicate when you have autism. It has information on ways to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
30 Apr 2023... If you are worried about your child’s development, talking to a professional may help you and your child. This information explains what different professionals do to provide support. The English version of this document is included in each translation.
30 Apr 2023... Positive Partnerships partners with families, educators, and communities to improve outcomes for autistic young people. They create connections and opportunities for an inclusive culture where autistic students can thrive. The organisation has developed resources with diverse communities to help school-aged children on the autism spectrum. These translated resources can help family members and professionals communicate better when working with and supporting autistic children.
This is a simple planning tool to help children with autism. It includes visuals for each developmental area and provides a simple way of recording a picture of the child's characteristics, the impact of those characteristics, the family's concerns, and who could help.
01 Sep 2021... A case study to demonstrate what to do if you experience disability discrimination in Easy English
The bed rail resource provides clear instructions on using a bed rail safely.
19 Apr 2024... NDIS participants from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds may need interpreting assistance to communicate with providers. This fact sheet contains information for people with disability who need language interpreting services.
A translated video that contains testimonies from people living with disabilities or from carers of the disabled, in their own language about the difficulties they face and what their hopes are for the NDIS. The English resource links to fact sheets and videos that have been translated, including 'Understanding Disability in Australia' and 'What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?'
The shower chair resource provides clear instructions on using a shower chair safely.
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition dysarthria or slurred speech, how to manage this condition and the therapies to treat it.
23 Jul 2019... This factsheet has information for people living with Spina Bifida and how to maintain good kidney function, prevent any kidney damage and reach and maintain social continence.
01 Nov 2020... This Easy English booklet is written for people with Down Syndrome and has information about using the internet including social media. This includes the different ways you can use the internet and how to stay safe.
01 Aug 2016... Taking a break from caring, often called respite, or respite care, is important for anyone providing day to day care for someone with dementia. This help Sheet discusses the benefits of taking a break, how to organise it and who can help. The English version is included in the translated resource.
01 Mar 2021... This fact sheet lists your rights when dealing with the NDIS and explains where and how you can lodge a complaint if you do not agree with their decisions.
01 Jun 2017... An Easy English fact sheet is about how to start your first National Disability Insurance Scheme plan with a Local Area Coordinator.
01 Sep 2020... Everyone has the right to choose what they want for their own body. Everyone has the right to have different kinds of relationships. The Easy Read guide produced by Down Syndrome Australia covers: Relationships and sexuality, Rights and respect, Safety and abuse, How to speak up about a problem.
19 May 2023... This book is about the National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS. The NDIS helps people under 65 with a permanent and significant disability.
19 May 2023... This book is about who can get the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). To get an NDIS plan you must meet the NDIS rules. The rules say you must have a permanent disability, have a significant disability which affects your everyday life, be between 7 and 65 years old, be an Australian citizen, or have a certificate that says you can live here, and live in a part of Australia where NDIS is available. To get an NDIS plan you must also need special equipment to do daily tasks, and need help from another person to do daily tasks.
19 May 2023... This book is about how to get your National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS Plan. A Local Area Coordinator or LAC is someone who can help make your NDIS plan happen. You need to fill out an Access Request Form to describe your needs and level of independence. Once you submit this form via email or to your LAC, an NDIA worker will contact you to schedule a planning conversation with your LAC to to talk about the support you get, the supports you need, your primary goals, and next steps.
19 May 2023... This book is about disability advocacy. Disability advocacy means you get help from a trusted person to get your message across, have your needs met, and understand information. You can ask a family member, a friend, a support worker, or an advocate from an advocacy organisation to be your advocate. An advocate can help you take part in phone calls, meetings, and can help you make a complaint.
19 May 2023... This book is about disability stigma. Stigma means people think bad things about you because of who you are. For example your cultural background, your skin colour, your disability. Stigma can lead to discrimination, where you are treated unfairly because of who you are. Everyone in the community has a right to feel happy and safe, and get respect.
19 May 2023... This book includes myths and truths about disability. Myths are common ideas that are not true. There are many myths about disability that can hurt people with disability.
26 Nov 2020... This is a list of some words used in the easy read information sheets on public mental health services in NSW. It tells you what the words mean.
02 Jul 2022... This Easy English booklet is written for people with Down Syndrome and has tips for staying safe online. It has information on how to keep your personal information safe, using public computers and Wi-Fi, and how to protect yourself from strangers and bullies.
01 Mar 2021... This video will help you understand what the NDIS is, it also available in Auslan.
29 Apr 2021... This translated video will help you understand the role of providers in the NDIS market place.
01 Jun 2021... Information on how to claim a disability support pension and how Legal Aid NSW can help you with Centrelink and DSP problems.
This translated flyer outlines some Disability Resources in Community Languages. It includes information on what disability is, what is the National Disability Coordination Officer Program, and provides links to information about where people with disabilities can get support and links to resources developed by other organisations.
01 Sep 2022... This translated guide explains the Disability Standards for Education 2005. It is for students with disability and their parents and carers. The resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers. The resource is also available in Easy Read and Auslan.
25 Jan 2024... This resource shares real stories of young people with disability. In it, they talk about their experiences in education; what they learned from these experiences, what they want you to know. Their experiences are all different, and all are important. Together, they tell a story about how education providers follow the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE) and how they could potentially support students better.
01 Dec 2022... This workbook is for parents and caregivers of primary school students. This is a resource for you and your child that will help you both come up with potential accommodations. These are actions or changes that let your child take part in every aspect of school life. Accommodations are also known as reasonable adjustments . This resource is translated into several community languages, as well as Easy Read and Auslan.
19 Apr 2024... Translated booklets and fact sheets with information about the NDIS, including: Making connections Applying to the NDIS Creating your NDIS plan Using your NDIS plan Changing your plan More NDIS information
14 Mar 2021... An Easy Read Guide to being safe when dating.
An Easy Read Guide to help you learn about violence and abuse
14 Aug 2019... Healthy Mind is an online Easy Read tool designed to help people with Intellectual Disability (ID) to recognise and regulate their thoughts and feelings.
14 Jun 2019... An Easy Read Guide to speaking up for yourself.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have Parkinson's disease. It explains how Parkinson's disease changes how you communicate, think, speak, and use your body. It also explains what you can do to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
This Auslan video showcases the skills, knowledge and experience that Australians with disability bring to their workplaces. By featuring ten real employees with lived experience of a variety of disabilities, ‘Meet the Experts’ breaks down attitudinal barriers and misconceptions around employment opportunities for Australians with disability.
01 Dec 2023... This brochure provides a guide on how to have conversations about pornography. It explains as to what is classified as porn, what to and why to teach about it.
01 Dec 2021... The Internet Safety Cards are a set of six free, printable cards that help you stay safe online. They can be used as separate discussions or lessons about various aspects of using the Internet safely. The internet presents many good opportunities for people with disabilities. Being online supports strengthening and maintaining existing relationships, and it can help people find other unique, like-minded people with similar interests and issues.The Cards can be stuck around a screen or wall near the computer as a constant reminder. They provide cues to support online safety, appropriate behaviours, and safe relationship development.
The "Your Service, Your Rights" conversation cards help people with intellectual disabilities understand their rights when using NDIS services. With 80 cards, they cover scenarios, rights, personal questions, and true or false quizzes. They can be used alone or in groups to learn and discuss important topics.
It’s Doctor Time! is a campaign by Inclusion Australia to encourage more people with intellectual disability to see their GP for a yearly health check. GPs sometimes call these Annual Health Assessments. Â
The purpose of this resource is to provide translations that capture the true meaning of peer support in a way that is culturally appropriate and easy to understand.
30 Nov 2024... This book is about things that you cannot spend your NDIS funding on. Â
01 May 2020... Easy English toolkit separated into 3 parts to help women with disability learn about Child Protection
A video about leadership and taking part.
28 Feb 2020... This interactive learning activity w as designed by people from multicultural backgrounds to support others with overcoming potential barriers to accessing NDIS support. The self-paced audio-visual activity is translated into 8 languages. It accompanies the information on Reimagine's website on accessing the NDIS in 6 steps.
26 May 2020... This animated video highlights the transformative impact of NDIS support for a father and son navigating mental health challenges. It illustrates how NDIS assistance helped Jorge build independence, pursue goals, and connect with his community, while easing Nick’s caregiving responsibilities. This story emphasises the importance of accessible support systems in improving the quality of life for carers and their loved ones. The video is available in English and Spanish, and the script is available in multiple translations.
28 May 2020... This video illustrates the harmful impact of stigma and discrimination faced by people living with mental illness. It highlights common misconceptions, unhelpful comments, and the importance of addressing real issues instead of attributing behaviours to mental illness. The video encourages standing up against stigma, promoting compassion, and fostering supportive environments for those with mental health challenges. Transcripts and subtitles are available in English and Arabic.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about what happens after your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They describe why it's important to look after yourself, connect with other families and have a good support network. They also talk about different therapies. Health specialists say why early intervention is important, especially for helping children reach goals like feeding or dressing.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with Down syndrome talk about getting the diagnosis during pregnancy. They say they talked with their families about how this child would fit into their lives, and about deciding to go on with the pregnancy. Also, child health specialists explain what Down syndrome is and how they test for it.
01 Mar 2022... This Easy English book is about your child’s rights to get an education. Education means you learn new things with a teacher. Rights mean something that everyone should be able to get, have to, and do.
01 Feb 2023... This Easy Read book is about the help you can get if you are a parent and you have a disability, including help for your daily life with a child, help with your baby, help with activities for your child, help with your child at school, help with paperwork and more. Support workers can help parents read this booklet.
13 Dec 2022... This Easy English booklet is about how to get a National Disability Insurance Scheme plan or NDIS plan for your child. The booklet is written for parents and carers of children with disability and developmental delay. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
27 Sep 2023... This Easy English book is about how the National Disability Insurance Scheme helps children under nine years old. It is written for parents and carers of children with disabilities and developmental delays. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
01 Jul 2022... The NDIS quality and safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) is an independent government body that works to improve the quality and safety of NDIS services and supports, investigates and resolves problems, and strengthens the skills and knowledge of providers and participants. This document summarises what the NDIS Commission will do for participants, providers and workers.
The Disability Gateway is a starting point to help you find information and connect to services across Australia. The aim of the Disability Gateway is to make it easy for people with disability to find helpful and trusted information and services. It is a free, Australia-wide service that includes a website, phone line and social media channels.
This Easy English resource explains that family and domestic violence happens when someone hurts you or makes you feel unsafe. This could be a family member, partner, carer, or someone you live with. It includes physical harm, bullying, sexual abuse, taking your money, or neglect. If this happens, speak to someone you trust or contact Safe Steps.
This booklet explains Family Violence Intervention Orders , which are court orders to protect people from violence. It outlines who can apply, how to apply, and what restrictions the order places on the person using violence. It also explains the consequences of breaking the order.
The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (DRC) undertook an expansive examination of the matters affecting the lives and experiences of Australians with disability. This resource explains in Easy English what was involved in this process. It also includes audio of the Easy English.Â
10 Jan 2020... A tip sheet for talking to your child, and their friends, peers, and family, about Autism.
30 Apr 2023... Autism is a difference in a person’s development that affects how they learn and interact with others and their surroundings. English versions of these translated fact sheets are included in each file.
01 Jan 2023... Auslan video and Easy English fact sheet will help you understand key information about the NDIS.
01 Mar 2018... This Pilot Resource Study explores the experiences of a range of people from CALD communities around accessing and participating in the NDIS.
01 May 2021... Factsheet on Support Coordinators and how they help NDIS clients. It explains what support coordinators are and what they do.
01 May 2021... Brochure about using a psychologist through the NDIS. Psychologists help you to learn about yourself. They can help you learn skills to manage your thoughts and emotions. The brochure includes information about mental health, what psychologists can (and can't) do for you, your rights and entitlements and steps for using a psychologist.
01 Nov 2020... This is an information sheet for consumers about questions you can ask when you want to find a mental health service in the community, including Easy Read English.
01 Oct 2009... This translated fact sheet about intellectual disability provides information on what intellectual disability is, how a child is diagnosed, what can be done to help and what causes intellectual disability.
31 Oct 2021... This Easy English worksheet helps you to think about your strengths and skills. This can be helpful when choosing the kind of work or business you want to do.
01 Nov 2020... Translated information, including Easy Read, about the people you can ask when you have questions about your mental health care. Mental health is about how you think and how you feel.
01 Mar 2017... An Easy English fact sheet is about how to start your first National Disability Insurance Scheme plan with a Support Coordinator.
01 Feb 2019... The first half of the video will help you understand three different ways to manage your 'NDIS' plan. The second half of this video will explain what support coordination is.
This video will help you understand what the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the eligibility criteria for the NDIS. It explains the role of the Local Area Coordinators (LAC) and Early Childhood Intervention (ECEI).
01 Aug 2020... The video addresses the role of the NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC) by personalising a script of 'Who's your Local Area Coordinator', to explain the process of pre-planning meetings, goal setting and how LACs support people with a disability in connecting with services and their community.
A summary of how to start your own business, including the advantages and disadvantages of working for yourself, in Easy English.
01 May 2021... Translated videos that outline facts about disability. This includes describing what a disability is, types of disabilities, getting help early and the support you need, where to get help, and services providing information on changes to support and getting an interpreter and translated information.
19 May 2023... This book is about the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is a group of people who help NDIS providers do a good job, help you get good services, and help to keep you safe. The commission can help with complaints, and helps service providers follow Australian Consumer Law.
04 Jan 2022... This fact sheet will explain the discrimination people with disabilities experience when navigating the complex Australian migration system. It breaks down the different processes a person with disabilities must go through when applying for a visa in Australia. It also provides information to people with disabilities on where to find professional migration assistance and support.
13 Jun 2023... The National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025 is a shared commitment to disability advocacy between the Australian, state and territory governments to ensure there is access to advocacy services for all people with disability nation-wide. Advocacy provides people with disability support and capacity to make and participate in decisions that impact their lives to ensure their rights are promoted and protected. The Framework will allow governments to work towards the alignment of advocacy services and standards to improve outcomes and access for people with disability. The multilingual resource links provide access to the translated document in PDF and Word formats. Access to text-to-speech (TTS)/read-aloud feature is also available for most resources. The resource is also available in Easy read/Easy English and Auslan.
01 Jul 2023... This Easy Read guide tells you all about how to self-manage your NDIS funding. Part 2 has information about the support you can get and how to do that.
02 Nov 2020... This tip sheet gives advice on how people with Down syndrome can stay physically and mentally well and happy during tough times. It has information on healthy eating and tips for mental health and wellbeing.
02 May 2022... This worksheet will help people with Down syndrome get ready to find a job. It helps you think of what work you would like to do, how to get ready to look for a job, how to apply for jobs, and where to get help.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have cerebral palsy. It explains how a speech pathologist can help you.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have multiple sclerosis. It has advice on ways to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
01 Jun 2017... Tube feeding is a way to give nutrition to your child’s body to grow when they are unable to eat enough. It can be useful for children who: cannot eat or drink enough to maintain nutrition are unable to eat because they cannot chew/swallow properly/safely need extra nutrition for growth.
01 Sep 2022... This multilingual resource is for students with disability and their parents and carers. It is co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers. It has information on key transitions, pathways and options. The resource is also available in Easy English and Auslan.
01 Dec 2021... This brochure provides information on sex, gender and identity in Plain English.Â
01 Dec 2022... This brochure provides a guide on how to teach the difference between public and private and in which order and why it is important to teach. It explains: • The differences between the public and private places, body parts, behaviours and talk. • Some of the exceptions to the definitions to teach. • Some suggested resources and activities for teaching.
A guide for women with disability experiencing family and domestic violence.
07 Jun 2019... An Easy Read guide to help you learn about where violence happens and who can do violence.
14 Jun 2021... An Easy Read Guide on how to make a self-care plan.
A colposcopy is a test where a doctor uses a special instrument to look at your cervix. This Easy Read brochure answers the following questions about colposcopies:Â What is a colposcopy? What happens before a colposcopy? What happens during a colposcopy? How long will it take? How does the test feel? What happens after a colposcopy?
01 Aug 2024... As part of Inclusion Australia's "It’s Doctor Time!" campaign, a set of Conversation Cards has been created to assist individuals with intellectual disabilities, their supporters, and service providers in understanding yearly health checks and what to expect during appointments. There are 3 different types of cards to explore. You can use one card, one type of card, or the whole box. Read these cards by yourself, with your supporter, or in a group. Scenario cards: read a short story about going to the GP. Talk about  what these cards make you think and feel. Question cards:  these are questions to help you think and talk about going to the GP for your yearly health check. True or false cards:  these are quiz questions about going to the GP for a yearly health check. There is only one answer. Â
22 Aug 2024... This resource helps school and tertiary students with disability to build self-advocacy skills and provides guidance on how to raise and resolve concerns with their education provider.
22 Aug 2024... This resource supports parents and caregivers of students with disability to raise, escalate and resolve concerns with their school.
03 Jun 2018... In this section you’ll learn about fundamentals about Peer Support from 8 videos including defining what peer support is, doing peer support work, building a peer movement, running a peer support group and peer stories.Â
A video about the right to be safe from violence.
01 May 2020... Easy English book about STIs and how to avoid them.
Easy English book about your choices when you get pregnant.
31 Dec 2020... Easy English book about your rights in healthcare.
Easy English book about your period.
01 May 2020... Easy English book about your rights to and in all levels of education.
Easy English book about your right to take part in all areas of life.
Easy English book about your right to be safe from violence,
01 Jul 2019... A Croatian Australian man talks about his experience with discrimination.
05 Jun 2020... This animated video highlights the vital role carers play in supporting loved ones with mental health challenges. It shares the story of Sam, who balances work and caring for his mother, Mei-ling, as they navigate her mental health journey and access support through the NDIS. The video emphasises the importance of carers, the value of culturally appropriate information, and the positive impact of support services in improving both the carer’s and the cared-for person’s quality of life. Videos available in English and Mandarin. Transcripts are available in multiple translations.
This translated resource hub from Reimagine is for people living with mental health conditions, including psychosocial disability, to help them navigate the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). It links to information and resources that explain: What psychosocial disability is How the NDIS works How to check if you’re eligible for the NDIS How to apply for NDIS support How to reimagine your life with support How to plan your NDIS journey The resource is designed to make it easier for individuals to understand and access the services they need.
03 Jul 2020... This video is about Maissa's experience living with bipolar disorder and the impact of stigma, misconceptions, and unhelpful comments on mental health. It  highlights the importance of treating people as individuals, not defining them by their illness. It aims to reduce stigma and encourage supportive conversations around mental health. Transcripts and subtitles are available in English and Arabic.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, a parent of a child with hearing impairment talks about her child's early intervention, including hearing aids, Auslan and speech therapy. Child health specialists talk about helping parents understand what hearing impairment means for their child. They also go through some early intervention options and say why it's important to start intervention early.
17 Nov 2022... This Easy English book is about your rights when you work with disability professionals. Rights mean something everyone should be able to have or do. Disability professionals are experts who help your child manage life with a disability better. For example, doctors, therapists and support workers.
01 Feb 2021... The Victorian Government is reducing barriers to accessing public transport. The Accessible Public Transport Action Plan 2020-24 outlines how to eliminate barriers to public transport journeys. The action plan sets out the steps the Victorian Government is taking to improve access to public transport and contributes to the Victorian State Disability Plan 2013-2016 and complies with the Federal Government's Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
01 Apr 2020... Information on how to access the NDIS during the coronavirus pandemic.
20 Mar 2024... This resource is an editorial exploring the importance of identification, or the communication with a child about their Autism diagnosis.
20 Mar 2024... This resource is an editorial by Dr Melanie Heyworth about parenting and raising Autistic children with unconditional love.
30 Oct 2021... This position statement argues that autistic LGBTIQA+ individuals deserve to have their decisions about their identities respected, valued, validated, and affirmed.
09 Nov 2018... People of CALD background and their carers have reported experiencing a high level of discrimination in their cultural and linguistic communities. In turn, this can act as a barrier to their willingness to come forward and approach services for help. To illustrate this, two women of Vietnamese background spoke to the Springvale Indochinese Mutual Assistance Association (SICMAA) about their experience as carers of children with disabilities and how this impacted their well-being and that of their family. This video is in Vietnamese with English subtitles.
01 Dec 2020... The cards are designed to be used with schools and other professionals to initiate, build and continue conversations about supporting young people on the autism spectrum in a conversational and culturally responsive way. The conversation cards could be used for a specific purpose such as understanding a young person's communication needs, getting the conversation started, building or strengthening a partnership with a family or helping a parent to feel comfortable. The quotes on the cards have been written by families from their experiences of supporting their children. The cards are bilingual, each translated card includes an English version.Â
03 Apr 2023... This animation explores the social and communication styles of autistic children as well as their sensory processing needs. You get to know the character's strengths and interests, their connections to culture and community, and what helps them learn and be independent. It was developed with an Autistic Advisory Group and many multicultural and multilingual community members. All children on the spectrum may have some similarities. This animation explores the diversity of autism in each young person.
31 Mar 2015... This animation was made in collaboration with parents from culturally and linguistically diverse communities and with the assistance of italk Library. The story provides a father's perspective as he considers his early concerns for his son and where the autism journey has taken his family. It is a story that resonates with many different communities.
30 Sep 2021... A fact sheet that explains the rights you have when working for yourself, and the rules you must follow as a business, in Easy English.
28 Feb 2022... The purpose of this resource is to provide balanced information about Down Syndrome to expectant parents. This includes parents who have already had some prenatal testing which reveals their child has or may have Down syndrome, as well as those who want more information about Down syndrome for a range of reasons.
01 Jun 2020... The early years of life are extremely important for the development of every child. For children with Down syndrome, providing the right supports and interventions during the early years can help build a strong and healthy future and ensure that the child can reach their full potential. This resource provides information for families about early intervention, development, and supports in the early-years. It also provides information about the NDIS and accessing support through the Early Childhood Early Intervention approach.
05 Dec 2014... This video produced by Expression Australia features deaf parents sharing their parenting experiences and tips for other deaf and hard of hearing parents. Key topics include personal stories, children's understanding about deafness, childcare and education, and parenting tips.
01 Oct 2021... This audio resource outlines the Disability Support Pension that provides financial support for people who have a physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition. It outlines eligibility for the pension, the process of claiming the pension and the associated Job Capacity Assessment and Disability Medical Assessment. Â
This Easy English resource contains words relating to the NDIS. The video explains key NDIS concepts in Auslan.
01 Jun 2016... An Easy English fact sheet is about how to do your first National Disability Insurance Scheme plan.
01 Aug 2019... This poster explains what kind of complaints about your NDIS funded services you can make and how to make them.
07 Feb 2023... Suitable for 0-8 years. In this short video, child health specialists talk about different types of hearing impairment. They say babies are usually screened at or soon after birth to test their hearing. Children can also be diagnosed when they're older. Parents of children with hearing impairment and specialists talk about some of the signs that a child has a hearing impairment.
31 May 2021... Information about hearing aids, how they work, getting used to them and types of hearing aides. A hearing aid is a small, programmable amplifying device that is worn either in the ear or behind the ear. Hearing aids can help most people with a hearing loss, even though they cannot restore normal hearing. Hearing aids aim to increase communication by providing more useful sound information.
01 Jun 2022... If your child is younger than 7 with a disability, or you are concerned about their development, you may be able to get help through our early childhood approach. The early childhood approach can help you to get information and access to support services if you have concerns about your child’s development. It aims to help your child join in daily activities and participate in your community. Our specialist early childhood team will also let you know about other services in your community that may be able to support you.
01 Dec 2013... A translated booklet that describes the six National Standards that apply to disability service providers. It focuses on the rights and outcomes for people with a disability and describes how the standards will help to promote and drive a nationally consistent approach to improving the quality of services.
28 Feb 2022... This fact sheet provides advice for parents with a baby with Down Syndrome. It includes a checklist of things you need to do if your baby is born with Down Syndrome, from enjoying your baby to contacting Centrelink.
01 May 2021... Brochure on using an Occupational Therapist through the NDIS. Occupational Therapists help you to learn new ways of doing things
01 Nov 2020... An information sheet for consumers about people who can help you with your mental health, including Easy Read English.Â
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition Dysphasia, or difficulties with understanding and talking', types of dysphasia and who can help.
01 Nov 2020... This Easy English booklet is written for people with Down Syndrome and has information about using the internet to keep in touch with other people through email, social media, online dating and using the internet at work. It also has information about online bullying.
01 Jul 2022... The NDIS code of conduct applies to all NDIS providers, registered and unregistered, and all persons employed or otherwise engaged by an NDIS provider.
02 Jul 2018... A video explaining what LGBTIQA+ means.
01 May 2021... Easy English booklet about how to take care of yourself if you lose your job. It has information about: how you might feel, how to look after your health, what to do if you are worried about money and the different kinds of help you can get.
01 Jul 2017... This translated resource enables individuals to make a complaint to the Office of the Disability Services Commissioner if they are not happy with their disability service provider in Victoria, Australia. It outlines the ability for family or friends to talk on their behalf and that the service is free and independent of government and other services.
01 Feb 2017... Manual Wheelchairs can be used by people who find it difficult to mobilise at home or in the community. Evidence shows that safety and independence can be improved by using assistive equipment, such as a manual wheelchair.
01 Jul 2023... This Easy Read guide tells you all about how to self-manage your NDIS funding. Part 1 helps you choose if self-managing is the right thing for you.
01 May 2021... These translated videos provide information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It contains information on what the scheme is, who is eligible for it, reasonable and necessary support as well as what is not funded.
01 Jul 2017... As an NDIS participant, you have choice and control over how you manage your NDIS plan. In this video, we'll explain how your NDIS plan is set up and how to spend the funds in your NDIS plan to live the life you want.
When you buy goods and services including disability-related purchases, you have rights under law.This guide explains your consumer rights and the steps you can take to resolve problems. It is written in Easy English, which is more accessible for people who have difficulty reading and understanding written information.
31 Oct 2021... This easy read worksheet helps you brainstorm business ideas that are right for you, and how to get started.
01 Nov 2017... Facts about disability include describing what a disability is, types of disabilities, getting help early and the support you need, where to get help, and services providing information on changes to support and getting an interpreter and translated information.
20 Jun 2023... A series of videos providing Arabic-language (with English subtitles) information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme and also about families with disability. These videos were co-designed with refugees with disabilities and their families from Syrian and Iraqi backgrounds. The series covers topics such as: what is the NDIS, what is an NDIS plan, yours rights as a participant, reviewing an NDIS decision, and making a complaint about an NDIS funded service.
19 May 2023... This book is about your service agreement and how it can help you get the right supports from your NDIS service provider. Your service agreement includes your goals, things you will get and how you will get them, what you agree to pay, rules you agree to follow, and rules staff agree to follow.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.