Displaying 1-31 of 31 results
01 Oct 2012... This is a guide to shigellosis, an infection caused by the Shigella bacteria, which results in symptoms like diarrhoea, fever, nausea, and stomach cramps. It includes information on prevention and treatment.
01 Apr 2020... This video is a step by step guide on how to wash your hands properly.
09 Jul 2018... Common pests such as rats, mice and cockroaches can carry bacteria and viruses, and can contaminate food and food contact surfaces. This fact sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and provides tips on how to avoid pests.
Under the Food Standards Code, a food handler must take all reasonable measures not to handle food or food surfaces in a way that is likely to compromise the safety and suitability of food. This factsheet is from the NSW Food Authority and outlines the specific responsibilities relating to health and hygiene.
01 Nov 2020... This document is from from the NSW Food Authority and aims to provide retail and food service businesses in NSW with information on the safe preparation and display of Sushi. It covers areas such as receipt of raw materials/sushi, preparation of sushi, and display of Sushi.
01 Mar 2016... Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are bacterial organisms that have some of the characteristics of bacteria and some of algae. They are present in almost all aquatic ecosystems in Australia, including rivers, lakes and estuaries. Under certain environmental conditions, blue-green algae concentrations in water can rapidly increase and form visible blooms or scums. Water affected by blue-green algae may be unsuitable for drinking, recreational activities such as swimming and fishing, and agricultural uses. Some species of blue-green algae produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals when they are eaten, inhaled or contact the skin.
The shower chair resource provides clear instructions on using a shower chair safely.
01 Aug 2013... Everyone should keep their hands clean as it is crucial for preventing the spread of infection in our hospitals and to our patients. This information is about how you can assist us in reducing the risk of infection in our wards.
01 Sep 2021... An explanation of how to wash your hands correctly, using images.
This parenting guide in pictures demonstrates daily hygiene and care for newborns and babies. It includes cleaning baby's face and head, nails, umbilical cord and genital care.
01 Nov 2021... Information about what food poisoning is, why it happens and what people that work with food can do to prevent it.
30 May 2020... Restaurants, cafes, bakeries and caterers that prepare raw egg products must follow safe handling practices or use a safer alternative. This fact sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and contains information on how to avoid food poisoning through raw or wrongly stored eggs.
06 Sep 2023... A4 poster describing food safety rules in Victoria.
08 Oct 2015... A guide from the Victorian Department of Health to the foodborne disease, salmonellosis, including symptoms and prevention with good hygiene.
This guideline has been developed by the NSW Food Authority to assist seafood retailers in meeting the food safety and labelling requirement outlined in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
01 Jul 2020... This fact sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and contains information for food businesses that must ensure the food they sell is safe and properly handled.
Scores on doors is the NSW food hygiene scoring program that reassures customers about hygiene and food safety standards. All of the scoring levels that qualify for a certificate reassure customers your business has had its official hygiene and food safety inspection.
01 Dec 2016... This booklet from the Victorian Department of Health will explain how simple practices can ensure the food that you buy and take home to prepare for yourself, your family or your friends remains safe and enjoyable.
30 Jun 2017... This fact sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and explains what rice-based desserts are, how to make these products safely, how long they can be stored and what information is required on the food labels in NSW.
17 Mar 2023... This fact sheet from the NSW Food Authority explains the types of seafood substitution, what names to use according to the Australian Fish Names Standard and the correct labelling of the food as misleading information is an offence.
Hand hygiene means cleaning your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.Good hand hygiene is the most effective way to stop infections spreading. Many infections, such as the common cold and flu, are caused by spreading germs from person to person. Even when your hands look clean they can still be carrying germs. This is because they are so small that you just can't see them. This is why when we touch other people or objects we can spread germs without even realising it.
Safety instructions for cleaners on how to deal with needles, sharps bins and what to do in cases of a needlestick injury or where blood splashed into the eyes or a cut.
01 May 2016... The bathboard /bath seat resource provides clear instructions on using a bathboard/bath seat safely.
01 May 2016... The over-toilet aid resource provides clear instructions on using an over-toilet aid safely. An over-toilet aid can be used if you are feeling unsafe, weak or unbalanced when getting on or off a toilet.
01 Oct 2019... 'Healthy Mouth - Something to Smile About' is a multilingual video resource which provides culturally and linguistically appropriate oral health information, targeting newly arrived refugees and others of migrant background in NSW.
01 Apr 2018... Information aimed at food businesses regarding basic food safety information.
01 Apr 2020... This fact sheet is a step by step guide on how to wash your hands properly.
16 May 2024... Contamination of food from objects, people, pests or chemicals can cause serious illness. Food businesses, by law, must take precautions to avoid causing harm to people who eat their food. This information sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and explains the common contaminants of food and provides tips on how to protect your food from contamination.
31 Jul 2015... The NSW Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) program was established to help reduce foodborne illness in the hospitality and retail food service sector by improving food handler skills and knowledge.
28 Feb 2024... Food poisoning outbreaks can occur when caterers don't handle, cook or store food properly. This fact sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and lists the causes of food poisoning, and explains how to prevent food poisoning.
17 Sep 2024... This information sheet is from the NSW Food Authority and explains why effective cleaning and sanitising in a food business helps protect the owner and the customers against the spread of bacteria and other organisms that cause foodborne illness. It also contains information on the difference between cleaning and sanitising and how to clean and sanitise by using dishwashers, sinks or spray bottles.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.