Displaying 1-97 of 97 results
Are you interested in starting a business? Our latest Easy Read guide is all about working for yourself. You can find out more about: ways that people can work for themselves, things to think about when you start a business & where to find information and help.
A step by step guide on how to fill in and simplify your tax return.
Fact sheet on the history and facts of Asbestos including the national strategic plan to eradicate it.
This video outlines who, why, when and how to lodge a tax return. It also contains information on what income you need to include and what deductions and expenses you can claim
31 Oct 2021... This easy read worksheet helps you create a marketing plan. This guides you on how to tell more people about your business and sell more products and services.
30 May 2023... This fact sheet includes information about protecting your hearing at work. Prolonged exposure to loud noise at work, or sudden exposure to an intensely loud sound, can cause hearing loss.
This fact sheet outlines your right to a safe workplace – including a safe environment for your mental health. It lists signs of mental health injuries, common mental health risks at work, and what you can do if you think your work environment is unsafe for your mental health.
This bilingual poster includes illustrations of common workplace hazards, as well as questions to ask yourself before beginning a task that will help you prioritise your safety.
This information sheet outlines some important things to be aware of when looking for a job. These include making a TFN number, creating a resume, familiarising yourself with your visa work conditions, being observant of your workplace conditions, and knowing your award.
This information sheet explains what to do if you think you are being exploited at work. It advises contact with the Migrant Workers Centre and/or the Fair Work Ombudsman. It gives an exploitation checklist to determine if you are being exploited, as well as a checklist to help prepare a report against your workplace.
This fact sheet explains that all workers in Victoria are covered by Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Laws. It encourages workers to speak up when they feel unsafe, ensure they receive the training they need, make sure that they only work reasonable hours, and that their boss provides them with the right tools, clothing and equipment. It informs workers that if they have been injured at work, they might be eligible for compensation through Workcover.
This resources will help new arrivals to understand how the Australian money system works, and what you need to know about working in Australia. It has information on using money in Australia, opening a bank account, paying for things, working in Australia, and how to get help if you need it.
24 Oct 2023... This video resource gives advice on how to complete and lodge a tax return, and where to go for help. It's especially helpful for people who are new to working in Australia.
Have you ever seen an advertisement promising you can make a lot of money working from home? Learn about the legalities of 'drop shipping'.
08 Aug 2022... Work-related gendered violence is any action or behaviour, directed at any person, or that affects a person, because of their sex, gender or sexual orientation, or because they do not adhere to gender stereotypes, that creates a risk to health and safety. Work-related gendered violence may be aimed directly at an individual or a group. It could also be behaviour that is not directed at anyone, but affects someone who is exposed to it or witnesses it. This fact sheet outlines types of work-related gendered violence, what gendered violence might look like in the workplace and provides employees with information about reporting work-related gendered violence and what to do if they witness gendered violence in the workplace.
22 Nov 2024... The fact sheet explains the responsibilities of Victorian employers to prevent workplace race discrimination under the Equal Opportunity Act. Employers have a positive duty to eliminate discrimination, foster inclusive cultures, and ensure fair policies. It highlights examples of racism, the importance of timely responses to complaints, and promotes anti-racism education for staff.
22 Nov 2024... This fact sheet explains your rights at work under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic). It protects you from unfair treatment because of your race. This includes being treated badly during hiring, at work, or when leaving a job. You are also protected from bullying, racism, and being punished for making complaints. Employers must make sure their workplace is fair and safe for everyone. If you experience racism, you can report it, and employers are required to act.
01 Dec 2018... The Child Safe Standards require organisations that provide services or facilities for children to have strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children. This colouring sheet has been designed to engage directly with young children and is to be used by organisations, parents and carers to encourage children to speak up if they feel unsafe. The colouring sheet advises them, 'Are you feeling scared? Yucky? Worried? Sad? Tell grown-ups'.
This document explains in an easier to read way the rules the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) offers and the rules you have to follow.
This easier to read document explains when, why and how you can make a tax return
By linking your myGov account to the ATO, you can now manage your tax and super affairs whenever is suits you. This video explains how to create a myGov account and link to the ATO.
This document has been written in an easy read version and explains how to lodge a tax return.
Taxpayers experience financial difficulties for a number of reasons, including unexpected life events such as natural disaster, mental health issues, serious illness, family and domestic violence, challenging economic conditions, financial misfortune, and family tragedy. Depending on your circumstances, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) may be able to offer additional help.
01 Apr 2020... These resources contain useful information when you fill in your tax return. They explain which expenses can be claimed and what not.
01 May 2024... To help you prepare and lodge your tax return we have translated resources available: Help for your first tax time - information if you're new to Australia to help with your first tax time. How to get ready to do your tax return - a checklist of the information you might need for your tax return. Steps to make doing your tax return easier - a guide to help you do your tax return. Get free help to do your tax return - information about our Tax Help service. Good recordkeeping makes tax time easier - tips for keeping good tax records. Occupation and work-related expense guides - to help you work out what expenses you can claim as a deduction on your tax return.
01 Apr 2021... From 20 March 2020, JobSeeker Payment is the main income support payment. You can get it if you are between 22 years of age and Age Pension age.
01 Jun 2021... As a business, you must keep detailed records for all transactions related to your tax and superannuation affairs as you start, run, sell, change or close your business. Keeping accurate and complete records for all your business transactions will also help you manage your business and its cash flow.
01 Mar 2021... Information on how to lodge your Business activity statements (BAS) and how to report your GST, pay as you go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding tax and other taxes.
01 Jul 2020... Keeping good records helps you stay on top of your business. The resources provides information on BAS and GST record keeping tips, GST credits, when not to claim GST credits, invoices, avoiding manual errors, completing your BAS, mistakes and other GST topics.
01 Feb 2021... Information on why it is important that people who work with crystalline silica have a respiratory health assessment, what an assessment involves, who can do assessments, and tests.
01 Oct 2017... Watch our short video about working in Australia. We can help you understand your rights and responsibilities at work. All employees working in Australia have the same workplace rights including migrant workers and visa holders. All employers in Australia have to follow workplace laws even if their workers are on a visa.
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. These Australian Settlement Journey translated videos provide an overview of life in Australia and an introduction to the services available to refugees and humanitarian entrants in the initial settlement period.​
13 Oct 2023... This video explains the purpose and role of the Fair Work Commission as Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. This includes helping employers and employees resolve issues at work, and free legal advice. Common issues include unfair dismissal, bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, and disputes about workplace rights. You can access their services regardless of your visa status and how long you have been in Australia, and can access help in your language.Â
18 Oct 2023... This handbook explains the importance and benefits of an employer getting in touch with an employee soon after their workplace injury, in order to make their return to work journey easier. It includes information on conversation starters, conversation tips and tricks, and the benefits of being active in their recovery.Â
28 May 2021... The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reminds people to protect their personal information at tax time.
01 May 2023... This booklet has been designed to help people understand more about the different types of occupational lung diseases, and how they are typically diagnosed and managed. The booklet also contains information on looking after yourself while living with an occupational lung disease, including how to maintain your mental health.
01 Jan 2023... If your work environment is dusty, such as a construction site, mine, quarry, or factory, or you are exposed to fumes or gases, you should be concerned about your lung health. This fact sheet provides a brief overview of what you and your employer can do in your work environment, as well as what you can do yourself to protect you and your mates’ lung health at work.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information related to payments and help for people who are planning for retirement. These can also assist you in applying for services and payments to support you, and how to report any changes in your circumstance during your retirement years. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information to help if you have recently lost your job or had to stop working. It includes information on short-term payments and help with long-term planning. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
Bad treatment at work can be a crime. Slavery, forced labour, human trafficking, and debt bondage are all crimes in Australia. For more information or access to free confidential legal assistance please contact Anti-Slavery Australia.
01 Mar 2021... As a job seeker, this guide shows you how you can report your income and Job Plan requirements using your Centrelink online account.
01 Jul 2020... From 7 December 2020, the way you report your employment income is changing.
01 Jul 2021... Monthly podcast episode, where the ATO will talk about the latest news for individuals and small businesses. They'll also cover important topics in detail and provide information on where to get help and support. Listen for information about lodging your tax return, starting a small business, staying safe from scams, and more.
If you are a temporary working visa holder, a permanent resident, or an Australian citizen, you are covered by work health and safety laws that apply to everyone in Australia. This fact sheet lists your rights at work.
01 May 2019... To understand your tax situation, you need to know if you are a resident for tax purposes. Residency for tax purposes may be different to your residency status for other purposes.You may be a resident for tax purposes even if you're not an Australian citizen or a permanent resident for immigration purposes.
31 Oct 2021... This Easy English worksheet helps you to think about your strengths and skills. This can be helpful when choosing the kind of work or business you want to do.
A summary of how to start your own business, including the advantages and disadvantages of working for yourself, in Easy English.
30 Sep 2021... A fact sheet that explains the rights you have when working for yourself, and the rules you must follow as a business, in Easy English.
21 Nov 2024... This information sheet provides an overview of work health and safety laws, including employer duties and worker rights, information on common hazards, what to do if a worker is injured at work, and where to go for help.Â
01 Jul 2021... The National Employment Standards, or NES, are the minimum entitlements given to employees who work under the national workplace relations system. It's important to know the NES, as these are the minimum standards for employment in Australia. Watch this video to find out about NES entitlements including paid leave, maximum weekly hours and end of employment rights.
01 Jul 2024... Support for employers to help their employees access Paid Parental Leave. The English version is available at the end of each translated resource.
This fact sheet explains the different kinds of employment, including: casual, full-time, part-time, permanent or fixed term employment, as well as apprenticeships and traineeships. It advises contact with the Migrant Workers Centre if you think you are being underpaid.
This fact sheet explains that there are laws in Australia to protect against all forms of discrimination in the workplace, including sexual and gender based discrimination towards women. It also explains that all women have the right to a safe and respectful workplace, have the right to equal treatment, the right to feel safe and respected, the right to speak up. It advises how to get help from local Community Legal Centres.
02 May 2022... This worksheet will help people with Down syndrome get ready to find a job. It helps you think of what work you would like to do, how to get ready to look for a job, how to apply for jobs, and where to get help.
31 Oct 2023... This video from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) provides information about tax, superannuation, tax file number, etc. It has helpful advice for new arrivals in Australia when starting a new job.
24 Oct 2023... This video resource provides information on superannuation or super fund, and how to for retirement. It's especially helpful for people who are new to working in Australia.
22 Feb 2021... These in-language videos from the Australian Electoral Commission encourage bilingual Australians to work as election officials to ensure that all Australians have the opportunity to have their voices heard. The video provides information on the benefits of working at an election. Â The videos have English subtitles.
01 Jul 2024... Working in certain industries, such as construction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing and tunnelling, can increase your risk of breathing in hazardous dusts, (including silica dust), fumes, gases, or vapours. It is important to discuss your workplace and exposures with your doctor. Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms, your doctor should be aware of where you work, as it can take a long time for illness to develop. This checklist is a guide to help you prepare for your appointment and share this important information with your doctor.Â
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual resources about what information to report if you work, income reporting, payments you can receive, and if your income changes. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual resources to support you throughout the stages of apprenticeship or traineeship. It also has information on robodebt class action and settlement payments. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
06 Apr 2022... This fact sheet contains i nformation and frequently asked questions about the job seeking service that WorkSafe Victoria provides to injured workers.
01 Mar 2019... If you've derived income from overseas, you will need to declare it. Information on types of foreign income and what you need to remember.
This fact sheet outlines who, why, when and how to lodge a tax return. It also contains information on what income you need to include and what deductions and expenses you can claim.
01 Jul 2020... Information on Australian Taxation Office's (ATO's) free Tax Help service for people who need help to prepare and lodge their tax returns. Tax help is provided by volunteers trained by the ATO. The service is available from July to October in all Australian capital cities and many regional areas. In some locations Tax Help is available in languages other than English.
Safety instructions for cleaners on how to deal with needles, sharps bins and what to do in cases of a needlestick injury or where blood splashed into the eyes or a cut.
01 Nov 2019... There are things you must do to keep getting your payment and have a better chance of finding work
22 Aug 2022... Centrelink offers payments and services to help you settle into life in Australia. There are things you must do to keep receiving your payment. Centrelink calls these 'mutual obligation requirements'.
01 May 2021... Easy English booklet about how to take care of yourself if you lose your job. It has information about: how you might feel, how to look after your health, what to do if you are worried about money and the different kinds of help you can get.
01 Jul 2022... Information on how the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) can help you with your tax return.
All employees working in Australia have the same workplace rights including migrant workers and visa holders. This is a website addressing rights and responsibilities of employers and employees. It contains information on pay, holiday and other leave entitlements, starting and ending a job, fair work statement plus a video about working in Australia.
31 Oct 2021... This easy read worksheet helps you brainstorm business ideas that are right for you, and how to get started.
01 Jul 2022... Most people must complete a tax return and lodge it with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) annually. Doing your tax return involves three steps: Collect, Prepare and Lodge.
28 May 2021... Australia’s tax system is based on self-assessment. This means you’re responsible for the information included in your tax return, like your income and deductions, even if you use a tax agent. Keeping accurate and organised records during the year can help make lodging your tax return quicker and easier. Good records help you and your tax agent to prepare your tax return and provide evidence of your income and expenses claim deductions.
02 Jul 2023... Construction materials such as sandstone, concrete and bricks can contain up to 90% silica dust. When drilling on these materials, you can generate and breathe in fine crystalline silica dust, which can cause serious illnesses such as silicosis and lung cancer.
This fact sheet provides information on whether you should be on an ABN, the difference in workplace conditions and rights between an independent contractor and an employee, when you need to provide a TFN, and what to do you if you don't think you should be on an ABN.
This fact sheet lists the new Horticulture Minimum Wage Guarantee and states that to be paid below this rate is illegal and that you can be paid more on a piece rate.
This information sheet explains what a union is and how joining the union can improve your work conditions. It outlines the types of workplace issues your union can help you with, as well as what the unions in Australia have won for workers rights thus far.
12 Jul 2024... If your work environment is dusty, such as in construction, mining and quarrying, manufacturing or tunnelling, or you are exposed to fumes or gases, you should be concerned about your lung health. This video explains what you and your employer can do in your work environment and provides information on what you can do yourself to protect you and your mates’ lung health at work.
13 Oct 2023... This fact sheet explains the purpose and role of the Fair Work Commission as Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. This includes helping employers and employees resolve issues at work, and free legal advice. Common issues include unfair dismissal, bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, and disputes about workplace rights. You can access their services regardless of your visa status and how long you have been in Australia, and can access help in your language.Â
22 Nov 2021... This guidance provides employees with information about work-related violence, their duties and what to do if they experience an incident of work-related violence. Work-related violence involves incidents when a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work. Work-related violence can come from co-workers, clients, customers, patients, contractors, people in custody and members of the public. This fact sheet identifies hazards that can increase work-related violence and assists employees to consider the health and safety of themselves and others in the workplace.
13 Sep 2023... This factsheet gives information about the Positive Duty, which is a legal obligation introduced into the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) in December 2022. The positive duty requires organisations and businesses to take ‘reasonable and proportionate measures’ to prevent and eliminate workplace sex discrimination, sexual harassment and other unlawful behaviour from happening.
13 Sep 2023... This Quick Guide explains why the positive duty is important, what the positive duty is (including to whom it applies) and the ‘relevant unlawful conduct’ to which it applies, when and where this relevant unlawful conduct may occur, and who could experience this relevant unlawful conduct.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information to support you while you are job hunting or re-entering the workforce, and has information on mutual obligation requirements. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
22 Nov 2024... This guide helps employers and employees understand and address racism at work. It explains how to recognise obvious and subtle racism, develop cultural awareness, and build skills to handle racial issues constructively. The guide encourages creating inclusive environments, understanding legal responsibilities, and fostering respectful dialogue to support an anti-racist workplace.
This fact sheet lists the main legal issues that can occur at your workplace.
01 Mar 2021... Correcting a mistake made on an earlier BAS is different to making an adjustment. This resource provides information on when and how to fix a mistake, when to make an adjustment and how to lodge your changes.
This info sheet provides information for migrant workers on the minimum wage, awards wages and loading, payslips, penalties and compensation, and what to do if you think you are being underpaid.
28 Nov 2022... The audio guides from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) provide an alternative way to access important information. Listen to learn more about lodging your tax return, starting a small business, staying safe from scams, super and more.
If you earn money from work or investments, you usually pay tax on that money. Understand how tax works so you can work out how much tax you need to pay.
26 Jun 2023... This video is part of a series for New Arrivals in Australia, and will give you some tips and information about finding a job that suits you.
01 Jul 2024... This fact sheet provides an overview of silica and silicosis. Topics discussed include: How common is silicosis? Symptoms Diagnosis Prognosis Management Current treatment options Self-management Legal and financial advice
17 Jul 2024... This translated resource has information on the Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024  . This amendment introduces new laws to tackle migrant worker exploitation and deter employers and others in the labour chain from using a person’s migration status to exploit them. Starting from 1 July 2024, the new laws aim to: reduce temporary migrant worker exploitation increase employer compliance improve workplace justice outcomes
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. The Student Folder contains a preface, information pamphlets that focus on key topics of the AUSCO curriculum, an activity book containing activities for in-class or at-home completion, and a self-assessed attainment record. The information is available in both standard and Easy Read versions in all translations.
13 Sep 2023... This factsheet outlines guiding principles and standards for complying with the positive duty, which is a legal obligation introduced into the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) in December 2022. The positive duty requires organisations and businesses to take ‘reasonable and proportionate measures’ to prevent and eliminate workplace sex discrimination, sexual harassment and other unlawful behaviour from happening.
31 Aug 2021... This guidance provides employers with information about their duties to identify, assess, and control hazards and risks associated with work-related violence. It also provides information on preventing and responding to incidents of work-related violence.
21 Nov 2024... This guide helps workers understand how to act as effective bystanders in preventing and addressing racial discrimination at work. It explains types of racism, suggests supportive actions like speaking up or reporting incidents, and emphasises fostering a workplace culture of respect and equality.
Easy English book about your rights to and at work
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.