Health Translations

Parental leave pay - sharing your days and using them flexibly (bilingual)

This document is available in English as well as in languages other than English. Links to the English and multilingual resources can be accessed further below. To download information click on the selected language. This will take you directly to the resource. Note that some PDFs can be quite large and may take several minutes to download.

Parental leave pay - sharing your days and using them flexibly (bilingual)

Translated fact sheets with helpful information about flexible options for parents taking time off work to care for a newborn or recently adopted child, including:

  • how to use Parental Leave Pay (PLP) and share days
  • choosing or changing PLP days after PLP has been granted
  • working while getting PLP.

The English version is available at the end of each translated resource.

Target audience:
Service area:
January 2025
Last reviewed:
February 2025
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