Displaying 1-145 of 145 results
A translated resource with information about prevention and management of dehydration for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs a person may be dehydrated and also ways to prevent and manage dehydration.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about the prevention and management of delirium for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs that a person may have delirium, what may cause it and ways to manage delirium.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about the signs, causes and management of depression for residents, families and carers.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource providing information about prevention and management of constipation for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs that a person may be constipated and also ways to prevent and manage constipation.
19 May 2016... This translated resource provides information about dementia and changed behaviour for residents, families and carers. It outlines some causes of noisy behaviour and some tips on how to care for someone with noisy behaviour.
19 May 2016... This translated resource provides information about dementia and changed behaviour for residents, families and carers. It outlines some causes of people wandering and some tips on how to care for someone who wanders.
If you need some help at home or are considering moving into an aged care home, you may first need a free assessment by an ACAT. A member of an ACAT will talk to you about your current situation and work out if you are eligible to receive government subsidised aged care services.
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about physical restraint of patients for their residents, families and carers. It outlines some risks of using physical restraint, when physical restraint might be considered, examples of physical restraint and who authorises it.
01 Jan 2019... This fact sheet provides tips on how to find a provider that suits your needs and how to find out how much the services cost.
01 Feb 2023... This document provides information for consumers about the Victorian Transition Care Program and the Client Agreement. The Client Agreement is a formal agreement between the TCP Service Provider (the authorised Health Service that runs the program) and the person receiving care or their representative. It outlines the terms and conditions of the care provided by the TCP Service Provider.
01 Aug 2022... This fact sheet contains information for aged care workers. Trauma and loss can cause ongoing distress and health problems. There are things you can do to help an older person experiencing trauma, loss and grief.
01 May 2016... The manual wheelchair resource provides clear, concise instructions on using a manual wheelchair safely.
This website provides information explaining what My Aged Care is.
These strength based videos aim to motivate and engage CALD women to discuss, think about, and plan beneficial physical activities in their daily lives as one way to reduce their risk of heart disease.
01 Nov 2019... A short video for aged care consumers, their families and representatives explaining the new Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards) that began on 1 July 2019. Watch the video to see what the new Quality Standards mean in practice for you.
This Help Sheet describes where people with Parkinson's disease and their families and carers can go to get help, support and information in Victoria.
05 Mar 2024... This factsheet explains what coercive control is, and how coercive control can affect older people. It includes a list of some of the signs of coercive control against older people, a case study to help know how to recognise these signs, and how to seek help.
A poster which explains what elder abuse is and how to get support.
01 Jan 2017... The Aged Care Signage will assist residents in aged care facilities navigate their way around their home or service. Signs such as 'kitchen', 'dining room', 'keep out', 'danger', and 'this way to the garden', will help improve communication with residents/clients and minimise confusion.
15 Jul 2022... Nobody should experience violence or abuse because of their age. Elder abuse is family violence and is unacceptable. This video explains what elder abuse (or violence against older people) looks like and how you can get help if you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse. This is an initiative of the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention Network.Â
30 May 2024... This fact sheet provides information on germicidal ultraviolet (UV) lighting used in the Victorian Department of Health's clinical trial ELUCIDAR study . It explains what germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) lighting is, how it works, and how it is used safely. More information can be found at Health.Vic's page on ELUCIDAR study. Â
28 Nov 2024... This translated fact sheet explains how the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care are reforming aged care assessments to make it easier for you to enter aged care and access different services as your needs change.Â
31 Dec 2023... The Communication Cards depict a wide range of daily activities and situations and can be used to prompt discussion, assist with directions or clarify a client's needs. The Communication Cards cover themes such as: Food, Drink, Meals, Religion, Spirituality, Medical, Health Specialists, Personal Care, Sleep, TV, Recreation, Feelings, Pain and Mobility Aids
27 Feb 2020... This booklet explains how older people can receive support in their homes and daily life through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. If you have been assessed by a Regional Assessment Service (RAS) for Commonwealth Home Support Programme services, you should read this booklet.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria has advice for when you are appointed to make decisions for someone and how to involve them in the decision-making process. The brochure includes contact information of organisations who may be able to provide help on this matter. More information on decision-making and your rights can be found on the Seniors Rights Victoria website.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria offers tips on saying 'no' to someone who asks you to sign something or give them something. It can be difficult to say ‘no’ to someone you care about, particularly if they are going through difficult times or are used to getting your financial support. The brochure also includes contact information for other organisations who may provide help in these situations. Â
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about caring for your teeth and mouth for residents, families and carers.
01 Dec 2020... This fact sheet provides useful information about grief and trauma support services for those impacted by COVID-19 in the aged care sector. The services are available for residential aged care residents, home care recipients, their loved ones and aged care staff.
Falls among older people represent a very large public health problem. This booklet has been designed to help prevent falls among hospital patients. It will tell you how, when and why falls occur, and what you, your family members and carers can do to help stop falls from occurring.
The bed rail resource provides clear instructions on using a bed rail safely.
19 May 2016... This translated resource provides information about dementia and changed behaviour for residents, families and carers. It outlines some causes of such behaviour and some tips on how to care for someone with disinhibited behaviour.
01 Oct 2019... The See Me Know Me translated resources offer guidance to older people when seeking aged care. There are questions to ask aged care providers as well as thought starters for guiding personal reflection and conversation starters for guiding meaningful conversations with loved ones about what's important to them at this time in their lives.
01 Aug 2016... Taking a break from caring, often called respite, or respite care, is important for anyone providing day to day care for someone with dementia. This help Sheet discusses the benefits of taking a break, how to organise it and who can help. The English version is included in the translated resource.
01 Dec 2018... Information for people receiving aged care on how to call an interpreter to provide information during upcoming visits and audits from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
This fact sheet contains information on the impact of trauma, loss and grief on older people. Including what can cause grief and trauma later in life.
As part of HAAG's culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) education, this film is part of a collection that highlights some different circumstances that can lead to housing crisis, and the impact the right solution has on people's lives. The story shown in this video is based on real experiences.
01 Sep 2020... Information brochure about the Older People's Mental Health Service in the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District.
It can be a worry for older people when they see their adult children struggling financially. Before you decide to help you should be aware of the risks involved - especially if your home is all you have.
18 Nov 2018... Know the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others.
This brochure explains what elder abuse is and how to get help.
30 Dec 2022... A Values and Preferences Form can be used to make a record of your values, preferences and wishes about your future health and personal care (advance care planning). The form includes information on why it is useful, how it relates to advance care planning, and how it differs from an Advance Health Directive.
01 May 2017... This video aims to give older people who've been approved for a package, a head start to think about what is possible once they receive a Home Care Package.
30 May 2024... This fact sheet is for residential aged care residents and their families. It has information on the Victorian Department of Health's clinical trial of the effectiveness of germicidal ultraviolet light in inactivating bacteria and viruses, and in preventing infection in aged-care residential facilities. The fact sheet has information on what the study is and why it is being conducted, the benefits of participating in the clinical trial, what to expect during the trial, what data is collected, and who you can contact if you have questions. More information can be found at Health.Vic's page on ELUCIDAR study. Â
15 Jul 2022... Nobody should experience violence or abuse because of their age. Elder abuse is family violence and is unacceptable. This video explains what elder abuse (or violence against older people) looks like and how you can get help if you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse. This is an initiative of the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention Network.
One in three people over 65 will fall each year, but falls do not have to be a normal part of getting older. Moving your body, improving your health, and removing hazards are three steps to staying active and alert and preventing slips, trips, and falls.Â
01 Aug 2024... A campaign created by Compass is available in six languages. The abuse of older people (also known as elder abuse) affects many of us. It’s a topic that can be really confronting and make us uncomfortable to think about. This campaign aims to help older people, together with their families and friends, feel more comfortable sharing concerns about abuse and increase awareness that support is available.  Â
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information and support for older Australians getting help in their home or moving to an aged care home. These resources can help to understand aged care costs and manage aged care. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
04 Oct 2024... This fact sheet explains how Aged Care Star Ratings can support you and your loved ones in researching and comparing aged care homes based on quality, safety, and services. Available in multiple languages, the Star Ratings system fact sheet offers a clear, nationally consistent way to evaluate homes using detailed categories like resident experience, staffing, compliance, and quality measures.
01 Nov 2024... The fact sheets, including plain language and Easy Read, give a summary of each chapter of the Aged Care Bill 2024. It also explains the next steps to making the Bill a law.
30 Oct 2024... This fact sheet answers frequently asked questions about the Star Ratings system for aged care homes, including how to access and use it to compare quality of care, safety, and services when considering residential aged care. Available in various translations, it provides helpful guidance for older people, their families, friends, and carers during this important decision-making process
30 Nov 2022... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV) has a list of other services you can call when SRV can't help. Â
01 Jul 2021... This document is bilingual. Scroll to the end of each translated resource to read the English version. Information about the main income support payment for people who have reached the pension age including who can get it, how much you can get, how to claim and how to manage your payment.
The Access & Support Program provides short term, individual support for people who need help to access services so they can stay living at home.
01 Sep 2016... This help sheet addresses concerns families and carers may have when someone with dementia lives alone, and some ways to help the person live alone safely. The English version is included in the translation.
01 Jun 2019... Providers have a responsibility to support consumers in understanding the new Charter that comes into effect on 1 July 2019. From 1 July 2019, providers must give consumers a copy of the new Charter signed by the provider and ensure that the consumer or their authorised person has been given a reasonable opportunity to sign a copy of the Charter. Consumers are not required to sign the Charter and can commence and/or continue to receive care and services, even if they choose not to sign the Charter.
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about ways to sleep better for residents, families and carers.
01 Apr 2023... This Easy Read resource is about Dementia, Â which is a disease that causes changes in the brain. It often affects communication and daily life.
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about the signs and management of swallowing problems for residents, families and carers.
There's a difference between forgetting something once and forgetting it many times. There's a difference between forgetfulness and dementia. To find out more call the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500 .
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about the prevention and management of pressure injuries for residents, families and carers.
31 Dec 2015... This bilingual Help Sheet discusses some ways to think about any changes in behaviours that are occurring as a result of dementia. It describes a problem solving approach that may help you manage any behaviours if and when they arise. The English version is included with the translated resource.
31 Dec 2017... This Help Sheet discusses some of the ways that families and carers can make respite care a positive experience for themselves and for the person with dementia. It provides some practical suggestions for planning and using respite. The English version is included in the translated resource.
31 Dec 2017... This bilingual Help Sheet describes some of the differences between memory loss as a part of normal ageing and as a symptom of dementia. It provides some tips for keeping your memory sharp. The English version is included with the translated resource.
Older people in our community can enjoy a quality, meaningful and enriching life.
HOME at Last is a service provided by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) Inc. HAAG is a community group with a membership base of older people. Many older people are living in insecure housing, worried about where they will live in the future. Secure, affordable housing options are available but you may need assistance to find them.
A home support assessment may be organised if you have aged care needs that, when addressed, will help you to remain living at home and in the community safely. If you think you need a home support assessment, you can contact the My Aged Care Contact Centre (1800 200 422).
If you need some help with basic tasks at home or more intensive aged care services, the My Aged Care Contact Centre (1800 200 422) can help you. Contact center staff will assist you in working out the support you need and whether you require a free assessment to access services.
01 Dec 2015... When people are very sick and frail they can have problems with eating and drinking. This resource provides advice on how to help someone who is very sick and frail with eating and drinking safely.
01 Dec 2019... Often as we age, appetite and food intake become smaller. Many people feel that they don't need to eat as much as they did when they were younger. However, older people need more of certain vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and B vitamins, so it is very important to have a good quality diet.
01 Jan 2019... This factsheet explains what is included in a home care agreement, how to budget your expenses, how to ensure that you understand the content of the agreement and also includes a checklist.
This brochure explains what you should think about before you enter into a 'granny flat arrangement'.
The Australian Government pays for the bulk of aged care in Australia. But as with all aged care services, it's expected you'll contribute to the cost of your care if you can afford to do so. You will never be denied the care you need because you can't afford it.
This information sheet explains how you can plan ahead in case you lose capacity to make your own decision one day.
12 Apr 2023... On 1 December 2022, the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) was extended from residential aged care to include home care and flexible aged care delivered in a home or community setting. This fact sheet for home services care recipients explains what the SIRS is, what is expected of providers, what a SIRS reportable incident is and how to seek help if needed.
31 Dec 2015... This Help Sheet looks at the wandering behaviour of some people with dementia. The reasons for wandering are discussed, as well as some suggestions for ways to manage it.. The English version is included in the translated resource.
This fact sheet lists the different forms of elder abuse like financial, emotional, physical, social, sexual and neglect. It also explains the barriers victims face to reporting and what to do if you suspect or are experiencing elder abuse.
The Consumer Feedback Form can be used by service providers to provide an easy and accessible way for consumers, family members, representatives and others to provide feedback on the service. The form is mostly non-editable however organisations can enter their logo and address in the relevant section. The form is intended to be used as a printed version however if organisations wish to embed it into their feedback systems, the text can be copied and pasted but its content cannot be edited. It is available in 20 languages.
01 Apr 2023... Ageing is a normal process that changes your abilities throughout life. Ageing changes how you communicate. Conditions such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s do not happen to everyone who is elderly. Disease processes in the brain cause these conditions.
06 Apr 2023... Video with information about advanced care planning in Auslan.
04 Oct 2024... Download and display this postcard about how Star Ratings helps compare quality of care, safety and services across aged care homes.
30 Oct 2024... This book can help you to tell if an aged care home provides good care.Â
01 Jan 2019... This booklet explains how older people can access care in an aged care home, the process for moving into an aged care home and what to expect when you are there.
It's never too early to talk about getting some extra help. Knowing what services are available before you need them will help you be prepared to make decisions about your future.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria has information on ways to formalise your wishes while you are living, such as Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA), Medical Treatment Decision Maker (MTDM), and Advance Care Planning. The brochure includes contact information of organisations who may be able to provide help on formalising your wishes. More information on decision making and your rights can be found on the Seniors Rights Victoria website.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria provides a guide for when you want to or are asked to help someone who is struggling financially. It has information on your rights and responsibilities, as well as risks. It also includes contact information for other organisations who may provide help in these situations. More information on gifts, loans and debts can be found on the Seniors Rights Victoria website .
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria provides a guide for when you are considering agreements with family members, such as guaranteeing a loan, moving together, and more. It includes contact information of other organisations who may provide help for when you are considering entering into family agreements.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria provides some tips about grandparenting and advise for when you are worried about your relationship with your grandchildren. It also provides useful information on where to get support on issues that you may face as a grandparent. More information on grandparenting can be found on the Seniors Rights Victoria website .
01 Feb 2024... Visual cards that can be used to instruct the patient on the intake of medications.
30 Nov 2022... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria has advice on protecting your own needs if you allow your adult child to live with you. It also includes contact information of other organisations who may provide help in this matter. A more comprehensive tip-sheet on adult children at home is available here .Â
30 Apr 2021... This video series helps older Australians understand their rights and make informed decisions about planning for the future. It covers key topics like Powers of Attorney, decision-making capacity, choosing the right attorney, understanding responsibilities, and the importance of planning ahead. The videos provide practical guidance to help seniors protect their wishes, maintain independence, and ensure trusted support when needed.
01 Aug 2023... Falls are a common problem for older people and are often the reason people are admitted to a hospital or move to a nursing home or hostel. This booklet provides advice to older Australians, their families and carers on preventing falls.
01 Jun 2020... Poster explaining what elder abuse is and where you can get help. It is part of the respect older people campaign.
01 Aug 2022... This fact sheet contains information for aged care workers on how to look after yourself while caring for people affected by trauma. Working with people who have experienced trauma can impact on your health and wellbeing, as well as expose you to trauma at work. Learn how to support your own wellbeing while caring for others.
For most people, living as independently as you can in your own home as you age is what you want. But sometimes you might need a bit of help with daily tasks that you can no longer manage as well on your own.
01 Mar 2016... Home-based Strength and Balance Exercise Cards for older people to improve strength and balance at home.
01 Feb 2019... This poster lists the desired outcomes for consumers according to the 8 aged care quality and safety standards.
10 Jul 2023... Advance Care Planning is the process of planning ahead for your future healthcare. It’s about planning the type of health care you would want to receive if you became seriously ill or injured in the future and were unable to participate in the discussion at that time.
02 Mar 2022... This document is bilingual. Scroll to the end of each translated resource to read the English version. Information on how Services Australia's customer service officers and Aged Care specialist officers can help you with aged care matters. It’s free to access these face-to-face services.
This brochure explains what you can do if you are an older person who is experiencing violence or abuse from a partner, another family member or other person who lives in your home or residential facility, or a neighbour or carer.
01 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about prevention and management of skin tears for residents, families and carers.
This fact sheet contains information on the impacts of trauma and how to support an older person experiencing trauma, grief and loss.
This factsheet contains information for aged care workers on what you need to do to help older people with dementia who have experienced trauma. A person with dementia who has experienced trauma may find it hard to express their feelings or explain how trauma is affecting them. There are many things you can do to help manage their distress.
01 Apr 2019... If you get sick or injured and can't make decisions, you can choose someone who can make decisions for you by making an 'enduring power of attorney'. For example, as you get older, you might need help to go to the bank or to get aged care services.
01 Feb 2017... Manual Wheelchairs can be used by people who find it difficult to mobilise at home or in the community. Evidence shows that safety and independence can be improved by using assistive equipment, such as a manual wheelchair.
01 Jan 2019... This brochure provides information about home care packages.
01 Jun 2015... This translated booklet is for older people who want to follow a healthy approach to ageing in their everyday lives. The stories and information in this booklet show the importance of health and wellbeing as you grow older. For more information, see the list of organisations on the final page.
01 Dec 2015... This translated brochure explains what is elder abuse and how to get help when older people experience disrespectful behaviour from people they know and trust. It also includes how it may effect them and outlines the services that Senior Right Victoria provides.
01 Sep 2023... Advance care planning information, including: Advance care planning information for individuals Advance care planning information for substitute decision-makers Advance care planning information for care workers Resources such as fact sheets, audio files, and videos are available. This resource is bilingual , featuring both an English version and a translated version for enhanced accessibility.
23 Oct 2023... This workbook can help you learn about advance care planning (ACP). It includes activities to help you gather your thoughts, get started and guide you through the process. Undertaking ACP requires you to think deeply about future situations in which you are unwell and unable to make decisions about your health care. If this is distressing, please seek the support of a family member, friend, or healthcare provider.
30 Dec 2022... This advance care planning (ACP) fact sheet helps you prepare for your future health and personal care. It explains why ACP is important, its process, and how it helps others understand your values, beliefs and preferences when you are no longer able to make or communicate decisions about your health and personal care.
04 Oct 2024... This translated poster promotes the Aged Care Star Ratings system campaign, which helps families research and compare aged care homes based on quality, safety, and services.Â
This resource explains a program that helps older people stay independent by providing short-term support like therapy, personal care, and mobility aids. The care can happen at home, in the community, or both. You’ll need an assessment to see if you qualify.
This resource explains what happens after registering with My Aged Care. It provides guidance on creating an Online Account via myGov to manage aged care services, track referrals, and update personal details. It also explains the role of the Aged Care ID and where to access further assistance.
01 Aug 2022... This fact sheet for aged care workers looks at how trauma can affect workers. Working with people who have experienced trauma can impact on your health and wellbeing, as well as expose you to trauma at work.
19 May 2016... This translated resource provides information about dementia and changed behaviour for residents, families and carers. It outlines some causes for such behaviour and some tips on how to care for someone who seems angry.
This brochure explains what elder abuse is and how to get help.
01 May 2016... The bathboard /bath seat resource provides clear instructions on using a bathboard/bath seat safely.
This help sheet gives a basic outline of Parkinson's disease, including its causes, symptoms and diagnosis.
01 Jun 2016... This translated video is about Elder abuse, any act that harms older people and that is carried out by someone they know and should be able to trust such as family or friends. The video outlines that such harm can be financial, physical, sexual, emotional or psychological, including mistreatment or neglect. ECCV would like to see suspected elder abuse in ethnic communities addressed within the context of cultural behaviours, values and expectations.
This booklet helps you to navigate the different phases of ageing. It covers topics from setting up a retirement budget through to considering options for aged care. The booklet can be used as a reference guide when you need to check a topic, or it can be read from cover to cover to get a snapshot of the services and supports on offer.
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about ways to care for your skin for residents, families and carers.
Fact sheet containing information on trauma and dementia in older people. People living with dementia can have difficulty coping with loss and trauma because it's harder for them to communicate, make sense of painful memories or feel safe. Find out how you can support people living with both dementia and trauma.
This fact sheet contains information for aged care workers on what you need to know about trauma and dementia. People living with dementia can have difficulty coping with loss and trauma because it's harder for them to communicate, make sense of painful memories or feel safe.
This fact sheet for aged care workers looks at trauma, loss and grief in older people. Many older Australians have experienced trauma, grief and loss in their life. Knowing how trauma affects people will help you to understand their needs and behaviours
23 Dec 2016... This resource explains what respite care is, its different types, how to access, and where to get more information.
Fact sheet with self-care tips for people caring for older people who are experiencing trauma and grief. It can be difficult to see someone you care about struggle with the distress caused by trauma, grief or loss. it's important to look after your own health, make time for yourself, and balance the person's needs with your own.
01 Jan 2019... Care recipients and representatives are actively encouraged to contribute to decisions made by residential aged care homes and home care services about the care and services they receive. This ensures a strong continuous improvement approach for providers, as well as a focus on the needs and preferences of care recipients. Use our templates of letters and posters for residential aged care homes available in 20 community languages to inform care recipients and representatives about quality assessors from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
This help sheet outlines medical treatments available for Parkinson's disease.
01 Mar 2016... A translated resource with information about medicine management for residents, families and carers. It outlines some side effects of medicines and ways to prevent problems caused by taking many medicines.
01 Mar 2017... A translated resource with information about the risks and prevention of unplanned weight loss for residents, families and carers.
01 May 2016... The over-toilet aid resource provides clear instructions on using an over-toilet aid safely. An over-toilet aid can be used if you are feeling unsafe, weak or unbalanced when getting on or off a toilet.
The Pensioner Education Supplement helps with the ongoing costs of study in secondary or tertiary courses. This fact sheet list the rules you have to meet in order to be eligible.
This information sheet is for consumers of aged care services, their families, carers and representatives about the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. It explains how the Commission can help you, who can raise a concern and what happens when you contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
01 Dec 2015... Eating and drinking can become difficult because of strokes, age, breathing problems, dementia or damage to the head and neck. This resource provides tips on how to stay safe when eating and drinking.
06 Apr 2023... Video with information about palliative care in Auslan.
01 Feb 2022... This short video encourages older people from culturally & linguistically diverse backgrounds to ask for what they need from Aged Care Services. The aim of the film is to raise awareness among consumers from culturally diverse backgrounds about their right to give feedback to an aged care service. It also aims to raise awareness of the importance of culturally appropriate feedback by promoting discussion amongst the aged care sector around some of the barriers facing aged care providers in reaching out and seeking valuable feedback from older people from diverse backgrounds. The questions are set upon three key themes: 1. Making a complaint to an aged care service 2. Giving a compliment to an aged care service 3. Giving feedback to an aged care service 4. The right to give feedback
07 Apr 2021... This resource informs on how people living with HIV (PLHIV) can live as long as people who do not have HIV. However, people with HIV may develop health problems not related to HIV as well as other age-related conditions at a younger age. It explains how monitoring your mental and physical health and having a healthy lifestyle can help prevent and improve the outcome of these conditions.Â
02 Mar 2023... Making Choices, Finding Solutions is Australia’s leading guide designed to help you maintain your independence as you get older. Using assistive products, as well as making basic changes to your home, can help you control how you live your life and age well. The guide was written by occupational therapists and is packed with suggestions and advice on: Low-cost assistive products. Basic home modification. Tips and tricks for when you are out and about. As you turn each page the links to each product will light up, making it easy to find the products you need.
A Home Care Package can ensure you receive the services and support you need. Before you sign a contract with a service provider for the supply of Home Care Services, you must be aware of your rights and responsibilities. Before you sign any contract, you have rights. This 'Aged Care Contract Checklist' can be used to check that you have a clear understanding of the contract before you sign it.Â
06 Dec 2024... This book can help you to easily get aged care services.
01 Jan 2019... This booklet explains how older people can receive support in their home and daily life through the Home Care Packages Program. You should read this booklet if you have been assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), or an Aged Care Assessment Service if you are in Victoria, for a home care package. There are four levels of consumer directed coordinated packages of services through the Home Care Packages Program including personal care, support services and nursing, allied health and clinical services.
01 Dec 2019... This booklet informs you of your rights as an aged care consumer and how you can exercise them. It also includes some information about your responsibilities as an aged care consumer.
01 Jun 2016... This translated document describes what nocturia is and its causes, which include (but are not limited to) heart problems, kidney problems, and diabetes (type 1 and 2). It also covers issues with lowering intake of liquids, what a person should do and how it can be treated.
27 Feb 2025... This Easy Read fact sheet provides a summary of what rights older people have when accessing aged care services.
20 Jan 2025... Approved aged care providers must complete and submit the most recent version of this form each time you request AN-ACC Class 1 status for a care recipient. The form is available in 14 languages to help care recipients understand it, but you must complete the English version (a legal requirement).
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.