Displaying 1-8 of 8 results
30 Nov 2022... Maintaining a healthy body weight, being physically active every day, and enjoying a healthy diet can lower your risk of developing cancer. This factsheet has useful information on how to monitor and maintain healthy body weight.
01 Mar 2022... Many adults gain about half a kilogram of weight every year. This weight adds up over time and increases joint pain. Slowing this weight gain will reduce pain. This video will show you some simple tricks and strategies to help you avoid putting on weight.
01 Mar 2022... Being overweight is bad for the joints. It is really hard to lose weight, even though many women with joint pain are advised to do so. Most adults gain about half a kilogram per year, which adds up over the years. The good news is that slowing this weight gain can reduce joint pain and have other health benefits.
The foods you eat can affect your diabetes management, how well you feel and how much energy you have. Choosing healthy foods and being active can help you manage your blood glucose levels and maintain a healthy weight.
01 Dec 2015... LiveLighter encourages Victorian adults to lead healthier lifestyles by making a few simple changes to their eating, drinking and physical activity habits.
Information about choosing healthier fats and oils as part of a balanced meal. It is important to consider both the amount and the type of fat you eat. The main types of fat found in food are saturated, trans and unsaturated fats.
You can make healthy and nutritious meals suitable for everyone by choosing ingredients and recipes that are high in fibre and low in saturated fat, added sugar and salt (sodium). There are many types of eating plans that may be suitable for people with diabetes. One size does not fit all. These include Mediterranean-style diets, low fat plant-based diets or lower carbohydrate (carb) eating plans.
01 Mar 2017... A translated resource with information about the risks and prevention of unplanned weight loss for residents, families and carers.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.