Displaying 1-141 of 141 results
This chapter titled 'Getting medical help when the doctors clinic is closed' is one of 4 chapters developed with and for the Afghan community. The 4 chapters aim to: improve the health literacy of viewers, improve appropriate utilisation of health services and improve health. This particular chapter provides information on accessing after hours health care services, as well as community health services
01 Jun 2015... This chapter titled 'Getting ready for school' is one of 6 chapters developed with and for the Afghan community. The 6 chapters aim to: improve the health literacy of viewers, improve appropriate utilisation of health services and improve health. This particular chapter provides information on child health, development and child services. These include: maternal and child health services; general practice clinics; kindergartens, playgroups and mothers groups.
01 May 2021... Brochure about using a physiotherapist with the NDIS. Includes information on what Physiotherapists can (and can't) do for you, how your physiotherapist can help with NDIS planning and review meetings and your rights and entitlements.
01 May 2020... People seeking asylum in Australia who are not eligible for a Medicare Card can access public hospitals in Queensland free of charge.
01 May 2021... Brochure about NDIS support workers, Support workers help you with everyday tasks and activities.
Covers the role of the family doctor including considerations for choosing a GP, what your GP can do for you and general costs for a consultation.
01 Aug 2020... Information on independent assessments for the NDIS. Assessments are how NDIS work out how your disability affects your life and what supports you need from the NDIS.
01 Aug 2019... The Australian Government has introduced reforms that will simplify private health insurance and help people choose the coverage that best suits their needs. This fact sheet lists the significant changes that will start to roll out in April 2019.
My Health In Shepparton is a local guide for refugees and asylum seekers on accessing health care in Greater Shepparton. It aims to provide easy to understand information on the Australian health care system and local health services.
01 Jan 2014... This resource is intended to be a foldable wallet sized checklist of questions to consider asking health professionals in order to participate in your own health care.
01 May 2021... Fact sheet on NDIS planning. Your NDIS plan is how much the NDIS will pay for your support workers, services, and other items you might need. It is essential that you receive the proper funding to purchase the services you need. Your NDIS plan will also include a copy of your NDIS goals. These are the goals that the NDIS will ask about at your 12-month review meeting. You will have regular reviews with the NDIS, most reviews are at 12 or 24 months (1 or 2 years).
30 Aug 2019... This resource provides information on the Australian health care system for newly arrived community members. Information is provided on how to access routine and emergency care, the role of health care interpreters and services for children and families.
09 Mar 2023... Victorian priority primary care centres (PPCCs) support local hospitals by providing care for people with conditions that require urgent attention but not an emergency response.
28 Sep 2023... A MyMedicare poster to hang in your practice or community space.
08 Dec 2023... When you need stitches, not surgery. Or if you have hurt your hand, not your head. That’s a case for a bulk billed, walk-in Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.
01 Jan 2017... There is a range of healthcare professionals who help manage arthritis, and this sheet outlines what each member of the healthcare team does and how to find them. It also includes tips on being prepared for and getting the most from a visit to a health professional.
01 Oct 2022... Every day thousands of people receive health care. Sometimes things go wrong which cause unintentional harm to you or someone you care for. In health care, this is known as an incident. Your healthcare provider (such as a doctor or nurse) should talk with you about it as soon as possible. Open disclosure is the discussion with you, your healthcare provider and the people you may choose to support you (such as your family, carer or friend) about an incident that caused harm whilst receiving health care.
01 Jan 2020... This resource has been developed to provide healthcare information for people with cognitive impairment, their carers and family members. It describes what to expect when going to hospital, information about informed consent and what to do if something doesn't go to plan.
01 Jun 2024... A bilingual fact sheet that explains how Medicare works, how to enrol and how to use a Medicare card. Medicare helps cover the cost of a range of medical services. The English version is available at the end of each translated resource.
01 Apr 2024... Information about finding an HIV doctor. You need an HIV doctor to help you manage and treat your HIV. Only specially trained doctors can do this. If the doctor who diagnosed you is unable to treat and manage HIV, you will be referred to a doctor with specialist HIV training. HIV doctors are trained in the management and treatment of HIV and are the only doctors who can prescribe HIV treatment.
04 Oct 2024... You will need to see your HIV doctor regularly to monitor your health and prescribe HIV medication. This can be expensive if you can’t get Medicare. There are a few ways you can access treatment and care more cheaply. Medicare is Australia’s public health scheme. It provides most health services, including HIV services, and medicines for free or at low cost. Medicare covers Australian citizens and permanent residents living in Australia and some other visa holders.
07 Oct 2021... This translated video explains the importance of participating in clinical trials. This information is developed by Breast Cancer Trials, a group of world-leading breast cancer doctors and researchers based in Australia and New Zealand committed to exploring and finding better treatments for people affected by breast cancer through clinical trials research. The English text is available in the videos with audio narrations in various languages. For more information, access the What are breast cancer clinical trials brochure .
28 Feb 2024... To help culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities overcome challenges and barriers to learning about, accessing, and using the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) developed a Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategy 2024-2028 (the Strategy) and Action Plan. The Strategy aims to: increase access to and participation in the NDIS for CALD communities increase the utilisation of NDIS plans for CALD participants improve the experience with the NDIS for CALD communities and participants. The CALD Strategy and Action Plan documents are available in 16 community languages, Auslan, and Easy Read, as well as PDF and Word formats.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information on what healthcare they can help with. It includes information about Medicare, and payments and services for while you recover from injury or illness. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information on payments and services you can access if you live with disability. It includes resources for other help and support available in your community. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
08 Nov 2024... Bulk billing allows Medicare cardholders to access free health care, making it easier to get the care you need when you need it. This fact sheet includes a detailed definition of bulk billing, information on what services are commonly bulk billed, and how to find bulk billing providers near you.
08 Nov 2024... Medicare is Australia’s health care system, giving all Australians access to a wide range of health services at low or no cost. This fact sheet explains more about Medicare benefits such as affordable health care, urgent care and mental health services. The information in this fact sheet includes what can be accessed under the system, who can access it, and how you can make the most of Medicare.
31 Mar 2023... This brochure provides basic information on how to use medicines correctly. It also explains the difference between generic and branded, over-the-counter and prescription medicines and what a repeat is.
31 Mar 2023... This resource is designed for migrants living in Victoria and explains the options available for medical help after hours or on weekends. It also explains when to attend the emergency department and when to call an ambulance.
31 Mar 2023... This resource was designed to help migrants in Victoria navigate and understand the Australian medical system. It briefly explains Medicare and Centrelink cards and the entitlements they offer, how to book a doctor appointment, what bulk billing means, the difference between a GP and a specialist doctor, what a pharmacy is and explains when you need a prescription to buy medicine.
27 Sep 2023... The Easy English booklet is about the NDIS and the people who can help you and your child. It is written for parents and carers of children with disabilities and developmental delays. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
06 Jan 2025... This poster explains how your child could be eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
30 Dec 2020... A short overview of Australian health services and how to access them for new arrivals in Victoria.
20 Feb 2021... End of life and palliative care explained: End of life and palliative care helps improve the quality of life for someone who has a life-limiting illness by offering services, advice, information, referral and support. End of life and palliative care offers emotional and practical support to families, friends and carers. Palliative care is not just for people nearing the end of their lives. You can receive palliative care at the same time as other treatments for particular conditions. End of life and palliative care in Victoria is based on person-centred care, which means you and your family are treated in the way you want to be treated. Palliative care can help you plan your care, including using an advanced care plan. Any person can make a referral for themselves or someone else to palliative care.
01 Apr 2015... This chapter titled 'A healthy start to life' is one of 6 chapters developed with and for the Afghan community. The 6 chapters aim to: improve the health literacy of viewers, improve appropriate utilisation of health services and improve health. This particular chapter provides insight into the role the family, as well as maternal and child health services in raising healthy children.
01 Aug 2019... The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes what consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving health care.
01 Mar 2018... healthdirect provides free, trusted health information and advice, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
01 Nov 2022... There are many types of healthcare services and information available in Australia. It is important to find the right care at the right time.
01 Aug 2022... The fact sheet provides information about health assessment on arrival in Australia for Ukrainian arrivals (786 visa holders).
01 Oct 2022... This factsheet explains how people who have recently arrived from the Ukraine on temporary visas can access Queensland Health public hospital and healthcare services for free.
28 Sep 2023... This brochure includes information about MyMedicare for your patients.
08 Dec 2023... Information to help you decide where to go when you have an illness or injury. Medicare Urgent Care Clinics provide bulk billed, walk-in care for injuries and illnesses that are urgent but not life-threatening. If it’s not an emergency, but you can’t wait for a regular appointment with your GP, that’s the case for a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.
08 Jan 2024... Watch this video to learn more about how Priority Primary Care Centres and the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department work. Most injuries and illnesses don’t require a trip to the hospital. However, sometimes you do need to see a doctor or a nurse quickly – and your usual general practitioner might not be available. In these cases, you might need what is known as “urgent care”.
15 Apr 2020... This video is a way to learn more about what clinical trials are, and their role and value in Australia's healthcare system.
30 Apr 2023... This translated brochure explains what clinical trials mean and defines the types of clinical trials for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. It also has information on: The Breast MRI Evaluation study Phases of a clinical trial Why one should participate in a clinical trial Testimonials from trial participants Safety of clinical trials How can one partake in a clinical trial How to get involved and useful websites
30 May 2024... You can now receive certain healthcare treatments at a local pharmacy, without having to get a prescription first. These treatments include shingles, urinary tract infections, flare-ups of mild plaque psoriasis, resupply of an oral contraceptive pill, and travel vaccines.
26 Jun 2021... This translated brochure has information on Advance Care Planning and who can help make medical decisions for you if you are unable to.
01 Apr 2022... There are now more ways to catch up with your regular GP or specialist, whether in person, on the phone, or online. This guide has information about electronic prescription, when you should ask for one, and how to access medicines through electronic prescriptions.
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. These Australian Settlement Journey translated videos provide an overview of life in Australia and an introduction to the services available to refugees and humanitarian entrants in the initial settlement period.
30 Oct 2024... Medicare Mental Health Centres provide free, walk-in support for mental health and wellbeing, making it easier to access confidential support when you need it. This fact sheet has information on what a Medicare Mental Health Centre is, who can access it, what services are available, and what you can expect when you visit a centre.
28 Feb 2020... This interactive learning activity w as designed by people from multicultural backgrounds to support others with overcoming potential barriers to accessing NDIS support. The self-paced audio-visual activity is translated into 8 languages. It accompanies the information on Reimagine's website on accessing the NDIS in 6 steps.
26 May 2020... This animated video highlights the transformative impact of NDIS support for a father and son navigating mental health challenges. It illustrates how NDIS assistance helped Jorge build independence, pursue goals, and connect with his community, while easing Nick’s caregiving responsibilities. This story emphasises the importance of accessible support systems in improving the quality of life for carers and their loved ones. The video is available in English and Spanish, and the script is available in multiple translations.
13 Dec 2022... This Easy English booklet is about how to get a National Disability Insurance Scheme plan or NDIS plan for your child. The booklet is written for parents and carers of children with disability and developmental delay. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
27 Sep 2023... This Easy English book is about how the National Disability Insurance Scheme helps children under nine years old. It is written for parents and carers of children with disabilities and developmental delays. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
01 Dec 2015... The Complaints, Compliments and Reviews Policy provides assistance and advice for VPTAS consumers wishing to register a complaint, compliment or seek a review of the outcome of their VPTAS claim form processing. The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) provides financial assistance to eligible Victorians who must travel a long way for specialist medical treatment. For more information, visit the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) website .
13 Jun 2024... Hospital care at home is hospital-level care delivered in the comfort of your own home. Health professionals will visit you regularly – how often will depend on your care needs. For more than 25 years, hospital care at home has been helping people recover better in their own surroundings. Learn more in this video and find out more about the hospital care at home initiative . An initiative of the West Metro Health Service Partnership.
26 Feb 2025... This guide can help you to have a conversation with your doctor to see if 60-day prescriptions are right for you. This guide contains tips, key discussion topics, resources and next steps.
05 Mar 2025... A poster for community and healthcare settings for patients to find out more about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) patient co-payment freeze.
22 Aug 2022... This fact sheet tells you about how to care for your teeth and why it is important to see a dentist.
01 May 2021... Factsheet on Support Coordinators and how they help NDIS clients. It explains what support coordinators are and what they do.
This video outlines what new arrivals from Syria and Iraq can expect when they attend their initial Refugee Health Assessments with their GP and/or Nurse. It outlines the importance of why patients need a health check, what the check involves, why vaccinations are important, what to bring to the appointments, confidentiality and interpreters.
01 Nov 2019... Covers the role of the family doctor including considerations for choosing a GP, what your GP can do for you and general costs for a consultation.
All NSW mental health services have a responsibility to ensure that the people who use their service receive adequate physical health care. This brochure provides a broad outline of these responsibilities and how they will be met.
01 May 2021... Brochure about using a psychologist through the NDIS. Psychologists help you to learn about yourself. They can help you learn skills to manage your thoughts and emotions. The brochure includes information about mental health, what psychologists can (and can't) do for you, your rights and entitlements and steps for using a psychologist.
Agreements with 11 countries that covers the cost of medically necessary care when Australians visit certain countries and visitors from these countries visit Australia.
01 May 2017... This fact sheet explains the different roles of health care professionals in Hepatitis C treatment and whether having hepatitis C affects someone's immigration status
29 Jan 2015... This chapter titled 'When you need to see a doctor' is one of 4 chapters developed with and for the Afghan community. The 4 chapters aim to: improve the health literacy of viewers, improve appropriate utilisation of health services and in effect improve health. This particular chapter provides insight into the role of a GP and community pharmacy.
01 Nov 2019... Feeling unwell and not sure what to do? This video is a guide to the most appropriate healthcare action. It covers the types of healthcare services available in Australia including GPs, the healthdirect helpline, pharmacists and explains when a visit to the emergency department is necessary.
01 Oct 2021... Information for consumers. Good health information can help you make informed decisions. There are things you can do to find good health information online and judge whether it is right for you.
01 Aug 2023... This video provides step-by-step instructions on creating a myGov account using an email address.
13 Jun 2023... The National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025 is a shared commitment to disability advocacy between the Australian, state and territory governments to ensure there is access to advocacy services for all people with disability nation-wide. Advocacy provides people with disability support and capacity to make and participate in decisions that impact their lives to ensure their rights are promoted and protected. The Framework will allow governments to work towards the alignment of advocacy services and standards to improve outcomes and access for people with disability. The multilingual resource links provide access to the translated document in PDF and Word formats. Access to text-to-speech (TTS)/read-aloud feature is also available for most resources. The resource is also available in Easy read/Easy English and Auslan.
19 Jan 2024... IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health services in Victoria. This brochure is about your rights and responsibilities when you use their services, your privacy and personal information, how to give feedback or make a complaint, and how to get someone to act for you and support you.
15 Apr 2021... This video from the University of Melbourne talks about why researchers run clinical trials, and why you might decide to take part.
01 Mar 2024... A 60-day prescriptions poster for health care settings.
15 Jan 2024... Learn the difference between routine, urgent and emergency care.
31 Dec 2020... Easy English book about your rights in healthcare.
05 Jun 2020... This animated video highlights the vital role carers play in supporting loved ones with mental health challenges. It shares the story of Sam, who balances work and caring for his mother, Mei-ling, as they navigate her mental health journey and access support through the NDIS. The video emphasises the importance of carers, the value of culturally appropriate information, and the positive impact of support services in improving both the carer’s and the cared-for person’s quality of life. Videos available in English and Mandarin. Transcripts are available in multiple translations.
This translated resource hub from Reimagine is for people living with mental health conditions, including psychosocial disability, to help them navigate the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). It links to information and resources that explain: What psychosocial disability is How the NDIS works How to check if you’re eligible for the NDIS How to apply for NDIS support How to reimagine your life with support How to plan your NDIS journey The resource is designed to make it easier for individuals to understand and access the services they need.
01 Dec 2024... This resource was developed by Mater Refugee Health with reviews by multicultural communities and clinicians via the Refugee Health Network Queensland, in consultation with Queensland Health. It contains information on the Australian health care system in Queensland, including interpreters, hospitals, health cards, maternity care, doctors and medicare care, medicines, specialists, mental wellbeing, urgent care, health checks, emergencies and vaccinations.
01 Dec 2021... Telehealth is when you use a phone or video call to talk to your health care worker, like a doctor or nurse. It means you can have a health appointment from anywhere you are, even from home. This is a quick guide to help you.
01 Mar 2018... Local pharmacists do a lot more than fill your script - they are qualified medicine experts who provide advice and counselling on medicines and general healthcare to millions of Australians every year.
01 Jun 2019... If you or someone you know is affected by alcohol or drugs there are services available to help. Information about identifying drug and alcohol problems, understanding treatment options and learning about the challenges involved in living with an ongoing drug condition are all explored here. The English version is included in the translated documents.
01 Nov 2022... The fact sheet provides information about health assessment on arrival in Australia for humanitarian arrivals: Why have health checks after you arrive in Australia? Why is vaccination important? What should you bring with you? What happens after the health check? Confidentiality, and interpreters.
01 May 2021... Brochure on using an Occupational Therapist through the NDIS. Occupational Therapists help you to learn new ways of doing things
01 May 2017... This leaflets provides an overview of health services available in Australia with a focus on people living with HIV/AIDS.
13 Jun 2019... This booklet is designed to help consumers, their families, carers and other support people get the most out of their health care. You can use the information in the booklet when you talk to your doctor and other healthcare providers, including nurses, pharmacists, specialists, allied health and mental health workers.
You have the right to access safe, quality healthcare and to be treated with respect. Raising your concerns when this doesn't happen protects your rights and can improve the health system for all Victorians. How can I launch a complaint with the Health Complaints Commissioner?
Advance care planning is about planning ahead for your future healthcare, in case you are ever too sick to speak for yourself.
01 Oct 2021... This language set contains translations of a short fact sheet about open disclosure and healthcare rights.
01 Mar 2018... Feeling unwell and not sure what to do? This video is a guide to the most appropriate healthcare action. It covers the types of healthcare services available in Australia including GPs, the healthdirect helpline, pharmacists and explains when a visit to the emergency department is necessary.
13 Jun 2023... The Disability Advocacy Work Plan identifies shared priority work areas for the Australian, state and territory governments to work on together to support the outcomes in the National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025. The multilingual resource links provide access to the translated document in PDF and Word formats. Access to text-to-speech (TTS)/read-aloud feature is also available for most resources. The resource is also available in Easy Read/Easy English and Auslan.
01 Oct 2021... Information for consumers. Good health information can help you make informed decisions. Relying on incorrect information can put you at risk and be harmful to your health.
01 Nov 2022... The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department allows you to access care for non-life-threatening emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will be connected to our doctors and nurses via a video call and receive medical advice from the comfort of your home. Find out how to register and how it works.
15 Dec 2023... An Urgent Care Service is a health service in NSW that provides short-term, one-off care for urgent health care needs that are not life-threatening. Urgent Care Services are provided either in-person or virtually (on the phone or by video call). Urgent Care Services in NSW are being delivered through collaboration between Local Health Districts, Primary Health Networks, Specialty Health Networks and local primary care and community care services.
01 Dec 2023... Medicare Urgent Care Clinics give you and your family more options to see a doctor or nurse when urgent, but not life-threatening, care is needed.
26 Sep 2023... Selected Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) medicines can now be prescribed for 60-days. Ask your doctor if 60-day prescriptions is right for you.
17 Oct 2023... Selected Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) medicines can now be prescribed for 60-days. Ask your doctor if 60-day prescriptions is right for you.
08 Jan 2024... Watch this video to learn more about how Priority Primary Care Centres and the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department work.
08 Jul 2024... Bhavana shares her experience of visiting a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (Medicare UCCs) when her eye started to sting after hours. Medicare UCCs are located across Australia, making it easier to access care for urgent, but not life-threatening, illnesses and injuries.
07 Oct 2021... This translated video defines what a clinical trial means in the context of prevention and treatment of breast cancer. This information is developed by Breast Cancer Trials, a group of world-leading breast cancer doctors and researchers based in Australia and New Zealand committed to exploring and finding better treatments for people affected by breast cancer through clinical trials research. The English text is available in the videos with audio narrations in various languages. For more information, access the What are breast cancer clinical trials brochure .
09 Jun 2020... This poster is designed to help consumers, their families, carers and other support people get the most out of their health care. You can use the tips from the poster when you talk to your doctor and other healthcare providers, including nurses, pharmacists, specialists, allied health and mental health workers.
01 Nov 2017... This glossary is designed to help you understand the technical terms related to seeing a doctor in Victoria. In particular, it explains the terms specialists or health professionals use. It may also help the work of interpreters in this area.
26 May 2020... This animated video highlights the challenges and triumphs of Jeena, a single mother caring for her daughter, Robina, who lives with severe depression and anxiety. It shows Jeena’s journey from feeling isolated and struggling to navigate support systems to finding hope and assistance through the NDIS and a Local Area Coordinator. The video underscores the importance of accessible information and community support in empowering carers and their families. The script for the video is available in multiple translations.
28 Feb 2020... This workbook is designed to support people living with mental health conditions with their NDIS application. It can also be used by workers, supporters, family members and carers. This translated workbook accompanies the information on Reimagine's website and resources for accessing the NDIS.
08 May 2020... This video is about David’s experience with mental illness and the NDIS. It aims to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and highlight the importance of accessible mental health support. Transcripts and subtitles are available in English and Mandarin.
01 Nov 2024... The PBS Safety Net helps lower the cost of prescribed medicines. If you or your family spend a set amount in a calendar year (1 January – 31 December) you can get cheaper or free medicines for the rest of that year.
26 Jul 2023... The Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) provides financial assistance from the NSW Government towards travel and accommodation costs when patients need to travel long distances for specialised health treatment that is not available locally. These multilingual resources are in text and video formats. They include information about what financial support is available, bulk billing, what types of treatments can be claimed, travelling with an escort, and other resources.
18 Jun 2023... This booklet provides essential information about the public health care system in NSW. Topics include: how to call an ambulance, what Medicare can be used for, how to get medications in Australia, and how to see a specialist. It also describes key health services in NSW and much more.
01 Sep 2024... In Victoria, you can access these healthcare services during the day and at night from Monday to Sunday, for when you need urgent healthcare now, but it’s not life-threatening: Nurse -on-Call Virtual Emergency Care Urgent Care Clinics
19 Jan 2024... IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health services in Victoria. This brochure is about their services, including wellbeing and counselling, allied health, chronic conditions, general health, aged care, child, youth and family.
08 Nov 2024... The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) covers part or all the cost of basic dental services for children who are eligible. This fact sheet has detailed information on eligibility, government payments, services covered, and how you can access CDBS.
13 Jun 2024... Hospital care at home is hospital-level care delivered in the comfort of your own home. Health professionals will visit you regularly – how often will depend on your care needs. For more than 25 years, hospital care at home has been helping people recover better in their own surroundings. Learn more in this video and find out more about the hospital care at home initiative . An initiative of the West Metro Health Service Partnership.
22 Jan 2025... This document details frequently asked questions about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), the co-payment freeze and the PBS safety net.
12 Mar 2025... An infographic about 60-day prescription for community and health care settings.
05 Mar 2025... A poster for community and healthcare settings for patients to find out more about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) patient co-payment freeze.
This chapter titled 'When you are feeling sad or worried' is one of 4 chapters developed with and for the Afghan community. The 4 chapters aim to: improve the health literacy of viewers, improve appropriate utilisation of health services and in effect improve health. This particular chapter provides information about mental health and wellbeing and accessing mental health services
Hamza is a 45-year-old husband and father. Hamza visits a General Practitioner (GP) often to check on his health and what he can do to help himself and his family be healthy. He learned that health is about how you feel in your body, mind and heart. He also learns that a GP is a doctor who can help look after all health concerns.
01 Apr 2019... If you can't make a medical treatment decision because you are very sick the law says who can make this decision for you. If you want to choose who can make medical treatment decisions for you fill in the 'appointment of medical treatment decision maker' form.
This fact sheet explains what informed consent is, what questions you might want to ask and why you need to sign a consent form.
The video explains informed consent, what questions you might want to ask, and why you need to sign a consent form.
01 Nov 2019... This video covers the most common questions about Medicare and how to pay for your healthcare, including dental health, ambulance service, medication, and medical tests.
01 Apr 2021... What are my rights? Under Victorian law, you have the right to know what health information is held about you, how and why it was collected and what it's being used for. You can ask to see your health information and change it if it's incorrect. You can also ask to have your health information sent to another health service provider. If these requests are refused, you deserve a written explanation.
01 Aug 2017... Emergencies can be medical or family violence emergencies, natural disasters (such as floods, bushfires or heatwaves), communicable diseases (such as pandemic influenza) or a chemical, biological and radioactive emergency. Learn about different types of emergencies and the support services that exist to help you if you are in an emergency situation in Victoria. In an emergency, call triple zero (000).
01 Oct 2022... A reference guide for consumers to understand your healthcare rights. Based on the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. This flyer can be printed and folded down into a brochure.
01 Jan 2023... In Australia, most people go to a family doctor (also known as General Practitioner or ‘GP’) when they have a health problem or need a health check-up. Your GP will do the initial checks and decide if you need to see a specialist. The GP will write a letter to refer you to a specialist doctor.
01 Feb 2023... The Victoria Government funded PHNs to establish new GP-led Priority Primary Care Centres (PPCCs) to improve access to primary care, particularly in the after-hours period, and ease pressure on emergency departments. The clinics are supporting nearby hospital emergency departments by providing GP-led care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions such as mild infections, fractures and burns. They also offer pathology and imaging services onsite or nearby. Care is available to anyone with or without a Medicare card, at no cost to the patient. (Costs may be required for imaging, pathology and other services.)
22 Aug 2022... This fact sheet tells you about the different health services for adults. It talks about the types of doctors you can visit. Doctors will help you with your health care.
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. The Student Folder contains a preface, information pamphlets that focus on key topics of the AUSCO curriculum, an activity book containing activities for in-class or at-home completion, and a self-assessed attainment record. The information is available in both standard and Easy Read versions in all translations.
28 Sep 2023... This fact sheet includes registration instructions for MyMedicare patients and information about eligibility.
28 Sep 2023... Information about MyMedicare for patients, including the benefits of registering.
01 Dec 2023... Learn the difference between routine, urgent and emergency care.
08 Jan 2024... This video will help you decide where to go when you have an illness or injury.
07 Nov 2024... Frequently asked questions about the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme, 60-day prescriptions and how 60-day prescriptions can help those who are eligible.
26 Sep 2023... The Medicare Urgent Care Clinics (Medicare UCC) Data Consent form is available in 13 languages. When visiting a Medicare UCC, you will be given this consent form asking for your consent to share your information with the Department. You do not need to bring this form with you when you visit a Medicare UCC. If you decide not to consent, you will still be treated at the Medicare UCC.
08 Nov 2024... This fact sheet provides detailed information about Medicare Urgent Care Clinics. It includes a definition of urgent care, when you should visit, who can access and what you can expect when you visit a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.
13 Dec 2022... This Easy English booklet is about goals for your child and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Goals are things you want your child to achieve with support. The booklet is written for parents and carers of children with disability and developmental delay. Parents and carers will get the most benefit if they read these booklets with support workers or other helpers.
13 Jun 2024... Hospital care at home is hospital-level care delivered in the comfort of your own home. Health professionals will visit you regularly – how often will depend on your care needs. For more than 25 years, hospital care at home has been helping people recover better in their own surroundings. Learn more in this video and find out more about the hospital care at home initiative . An initiative of the West Metro Health Service Partnership.
15 Feb 2024... Information for refugee and migrant men about mental health. If your general practitioner (GP) refers you to a mental health specialist, this can be subsidised under Medicare. Your GP will first ask some questions about your health history, symptoms and situation. Your GP will assess your condition and advise on the type of help you need. This can include: making a mental health assessment creating a mental health treatment plan referring you to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional prescribing medication, if required. Your GP can refer you to a psychologist for 10 individual sessions and 10 group sessions under your mental health care plan in a year. After the sixth session, you will return to your GP, for a review of your progress and a new referral for the remaining sessions.
03 May 2025... This fact sheet contains information on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) co-payment freeze and how the freeze helps keep PBS medicines affordable for your patients.
17 Feb 2025... An infographic about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) patient co-payment freeze for community and healthcare settings.
31 Mar 2022... Consent form to be signed by patient for bulk billing.
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