Displaying 1-10 of 34 results
01 Jun 2016... The document explains what is a vaginal (or pelvic organ) prolapse is.
01 Mar 2022... Information for patients and families on how to complete a bladder diary. Translated bladder diary templates are available in corresponding languages. The purpose of the bladder diary is to measure: What fluids you are drinking How much you are drinking How often you are using your bladder and how much urine you are passing Any accidents or leakage of urine
01 Apr 2021... Information for patients and families on pelvic organ prolapse and how to manage it.Â
23 Jul 2019... This factsheet has information for people living with Spina Bifida and how to maintain good kidney function, prevent any kidney damage and reach and maintain social continence.
01 May 2023... Information for patients and families about pelvic floor muscles and how to exercise them.Â
01 Apr 2021... Normal bowel function is important for avoiding unnecessary strain on the pelvic floor muscles, which can result in other bowel and bladder symptoms. It is important to avoid constipation.
01 Jun 2021... A video that explains men's incontinence and help that is available.
01 Jun 2021... Incontinence is the unwanted and involuntary leakage of urine or faeces. It affects people from all cultures and it is not normal. The good news is incontinence can be treated, and in many cases cured.
01 Aug 2018... This factsheet is for women who are patients of the Royal Women's Hospital and are having an urodynamics bladder test to investigate their bladder problems.
01 Jun 2016... You need good bladder habits for a healthy life.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.