Displaying 1-40 of 40 results
01 Jan 2017... The RMP provides support to children and young people who are refugees, under 18 years of age and are in Victoria without their parents. They are known as 'Unaccompanied Humanitarian (or Refugee) Minors' (UHM's). The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) refer UHM clients who reside in Victoria with a custodian or a carer to the RMP.
An outline of what a 'long term care order' is; how long it lasts, living arrangements for its duration, young people's rights and responsibilities and where to get help.
01 Jun 2023... The topics of suicide and self-harm will appear in many facets of a young person's life and it can be difficult for parents to approach these topics. This #chatsafe resource for parents and carers is designed to guide parents and carers when they're having conversations about suicide with the young people in their lives. It includes quick tips from young people on what they want their parents and carers to know when they approach the topic of suicide
01 Jun 2023... #chatsafe is a suicide prevention program that aims to empower and equip young people to communicate safely online about self-harm and suicide. In 2018, Orygen developed the world’s first evidence-based guidelines for young people to communicate safely online about suicide. In collaboration with international organisations, Orygen has made these guidelines available in different languages. These are also supported by a suite of complementary resources for parents, educators, and bereaved communities. Who is this guide for? Although these guidelines are designed to support safe peer to peer online communication about self-harm and suicide among young people, it can be useful for anyone creating or consuming online content related to self-harm or suicide. Specific resources have also been developed for parents and carers, educators, and communities impacted by suicide. You can access these on the Orygen website .Â
A guide in pictures to teenage sleeping, with tips for helping teens, teenagers and adolescent children get to sleep, relax before bedtime, and wake up effectively.
Anxiety is a normal part of life for children, adolescents and adults. This is usually a temporary response to stress. However, when anxiety persists it may be necessary to obtain assistance. Untreated anxiety that lasts for a longer period of time may make it difficult for a child to participate in normal activities and enjoy life.
An outline of: what a 'Care by Secretary Order' is; how long it lasts; living arrangements for its duration; young people's rights and responsibilities and where to get help.
The teenage years can be full of change and low self esteem is a common problem for many young people. Fostering healthy self esteem in children is an important task for parents and helps give teenagers confidence to handle life. This fact sheet is bilingual (Arabic and English).
03 Oct 2022... Sexuality is about how you see and express yourself romantically and sexually. There are lots of ways to describe sexuality (and gender). Many of these are captured by the term LGBTIQA+. The fact sheet provides information on: What does LGBTIQA+ mean? What if I’m not sure of my sexuality? Coming out or inviting others in Where to get help and support?
16 Mar 2022... Talking about mental health with your parents will be an individual experience. There are many ways to start and have conversations. This resource will help to provide some tips on navigating this conversation, but ultimately, it is up to you to decide to have this conversation.
01 Sep 2022... This translated guide explains the Disability Standards for Education 2005. It is for students with disability and their parents and carers. The resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers. The resource is also available in Easy Read and Auslan.
25 Jan 2024... This resource shares real stories of young people with disability. In it, they talk about their experiences in education; what they learned from these experiences, what they want you to know. Their experiences are all different, and all are important. Together, they tell a story about how education providers follow the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE) and how they could potentially support students better.
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. These Australian Settlement Journey translated videos provide an overview of life in Australia and an introduction to the services available to refugees and humanitarian entrants in the initial settlement period.​
01 Jul 2022... About sleep problems in children and teens - trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep, night terrors, nightmares, sleepwalking and bedwetting
31 Mar 2021... This brochure provides information about eating disorders. It outlines the main types of eating disorders, possible causes, treatment options, and where to go for help.
01 Aug 2024... Meningococcal disease is caused by a bacterial infection and can lead to serious illness. It is uncommon in NSW and occurs more often in winter and spring. Infants, small children, adolescents and young adults are most at risk. Early treatment is vital. The fact sheet includes information about symptoms, prevention, and treatment.Â
This film is about a group of high-school friends posting a rumour about a rival. The rumour sparks a chain reaction that leaves no one untouched. Cyberbullying, sexting, filmed fights and police action ensue - will these friends avoid being tagged forever?
01 Jan 2017... The role of the RMP is to support the settlement process for UHM clients without parents in Victoria and to prevent breakdown in care arrangements through early intervention and proactive measures to assist families providing care.
Fact sheet on trauma, its effects, and finding help.
Rights are important but they only work if you know what they are. This document tells you what your rights are when you're dealing with police on the streets in NSW
21 Jun 2023... The multilingual glossary lists school-based words and definitions in five languages. It is designed to assist communication between Queensland schools and families from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
01 Sep 2022... This multilingual resource is for students with disability and their parents and carers. It is co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers. It has information on key transitions, pathways and options. The resource is also available in Easy English and Auslan.
01 Oct 2012... Information about ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic for close contacts of a person with a meningococcal infection.
01 Jan 2022... Headspace centres across Australia provide information and support to young people and their families and friends in four key areas: • mental health • physical and sexual health • work, school and study • alcohol and other drugs
02 Mar 2020... Mental health refers to a person’s emotional and social wellbeing. When someone’s mental health declines it can affect their feelings, thoughts and actions. This can affect their day-to-day life and participation in activities such as school, work and relationships. At a headspace centre, young people can access help for a range of health problems by talking to the right type of health worker for their needs. This could be a doctor, psychologist, social worker, counsellor, occupational therapist, youth worker, alcohol and drug worker, or Aboriginal health worker. headspace centres are located throughout Australia.
An outline of what an 'Interim Accommodation order' is; how long it lasts; living arrangements for its duration; young people's rights and responsibilities and where to get help
An outline of how you can review a child protection decision.
01 Sep 2022... This workbook is for students with disability. It guides readers on how to set up reasonable adjustments for their time in education. You can use these steps in a school, university, or vocational education and training (VET) institution (e.g. TAFE). This resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers, with help from Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA).
25 Jan 2024... This resource supports students with disability and their parents and caregivers with the transition from primary to secondary school and post-school pathways. This toolkit is to help you understand your rights under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, and work together with each other and your school to support your education.
01 May 2019... This brochure provides information about the meningococcal ACWY vaccine, available free for adolescents.
30 Sep 2002... Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. The first thing many people notice is that the young person, usually a girl, eats less. This resource for parents and carers of children and young people has information anorexia nervosa and what they can do to help. Â
This guide helps new users to download and navigate the Cyber Parent Web App. It also provides trainers and facilitators with a plan, tools and some tips on running a training session about the interactive learning tool CyberParent.
This web app encourages safe and healthy internet use. It equips parents with the knowledge and confidence to identify early warning signs and seek appropriate support from Australian service providers.
An outline of: what a 'temporary assessment order' is; how long it lasts; living arrangements for its duration; young people's rights and responsibilities and where to get help.
This fact sheet provides information to a young person about being placed in emergency care by a child protection practitioner.
06 Feb 2024... This multilingual resource is for students with disability, their parents and caregivers, and schools, to learn about respectful behaviour and why it is important to include students with disability in decision-making. The resource is also available in Easy Read and Auslan.
01 Jun 2018... #chatsafe for educators is designed to help educators better equip the young people they have contact with to talk safely on social media about suicide. This resource will provide information on how educators can model safe language when talking about suicide, empower young people to safely engage with suicide-related content on social media, and equip young people to make decisions about the way they engage with this content. The #chatsafe for educators resource also includes information about support services that are available to young people, and links to other online content that might help facilitate these conversations in a classroom setting.Â
25 Jun 2021... About persistent sleep problems in children and teens - insomnia, sleep apnoea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy and delayed sleep phase.
28 Feb 2007... This brochure will help you to become aware of the warning signs of mental health problems, the importance of seeking early help and the ways you can help support your child or young person.
01 Nov 2021... This document provides information about the four-in-one combined vaccine for protection against meningococcal A, C, W, Y strains that is free to secondary school students in Victoria. The consent form must be signed by the parents/carers of eligible young people under 18 years old so they can receive the vaccine at secondary school.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.