Displaying 1-30 of 30 results
01 Dec 2016... The A2 poster explains your body is 70% water, dehydration reduces your attention and ability to concentrate by 13%. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day helps to keep you in top shape.
01 Feb 2023... This document provides information for consumers about the Victorian Transition Care Program and the Client Agreement. The Client Agreement is a formal agreement between the TCP Service Provider (the authorised Health Service that runs the program) and the person receiving care or their representative. It outlines the terms and conditions of the care provided by the TCP Service Provider.
01 Dec 2019... The mindfulness audio resources include six mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of mindfulness.
01 Dec 2019... The Mindfulness audio resources include six Mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of Mindfulness.
01 Dec 2019... The Mindfulness audio resources include six Mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of Mindfulness.
01 Dec 2019... The Mindfulness audio resources include six Mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of Mindfulness.
21 Mar 2022... Embrace Multicultural Mental Health (the Embrace Project) in collaboration with community members from the Embrace Lived Experience Group has developed videos of members speaking about how they look after their mental health. This group is a key advisory group of the Embrace Project.
01 Apr 2021... This document provides information on how to improve the mental health and wellbeing of your family, your community, and yourself. It also provides information on available supports and services.
30 Sep 2020... This brochure talks about depressive disorders. It outlines the main types of depressive disorders, possible causes, treatment options and where to go for help.
01 Dec 2019... The Mindfulness audio resources include six Mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of Mindfulness.
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. These Australian Settlement Journey translated videos provide an overview of life in Australia and an introduction to the services available to refugees and humanitarian entrants in the initial settlement period.​
30 Sep 2022... A sense of belonging and connectedness is an integral part of a healthy life. This fact sheet provides information about loneliness in Australia, how it is often experienced in conjunction with grief, and coping tips when experiencing loneliness. Â
21 Mar 2025... When you need support with your wellbeing – help is here. Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals are a free service for people aged 26 and over in Victoria. They provide treatment, care and support for your wellbeing close to home. Get free support with no referrals or Medicare card needed, and it won’t impact your visa status Local support close to home Access to a wide range of professional and confidential support, from psychologists, peer workers, allied health and more Call us, walk in or we can come to you Visit the Better Health Channel to find your nearest Mental Health and Wellbeing Local.Â
01 Dec 2015... LiveLighter encourages Victorian adults to lead healthier lifestyles by making a few simple changes to their eating, drinking and physical activity habits.
01 Nov 2022... This fact sheet is for cancer survivors or people who have finished cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It has information on follow-up care, and tips on how to manage feelings and the fear of cancer coming back.
Older people in our community can enjoy a quality, meaningful and enriching life.
The theme for the fact sheet was 'Wellbeing: Invest in your life' which provided the target audience with a number of simple, everyday ideas to improve mental, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing.
11 Dec 2023... A 4-part video series providing mental health and wellbeing information written in English with Rohingya audio. You can watch all the videos in the series below: • 1 of 4 Being Well: Mental health and wellbeing • 2 of 4 Being Well: Staying healthy • 3 of 4 Being Well: Taking care of others • 4 of 4 Being Well: Where to get help
If you're not eating at least two pieces of fruit and five servings of vegetables each day, now's the time to start. Although there's no single “miracle” food to prevent or cure cancer, scientists that people who eat few fruits and vegetables have higher rates of cancer than those who don't. Although some people think they can get the same benefits from vitamin and mineral supplements, this isn't true. Vegetables and fruits don't just contain vitamins and minerals, but also many other substances which are important for good health and which you won't find in a pill.
01 Aug 2022... This fact sheet contains information for aged care workers on how to look after yourself while caring for people affected by trauma. Working with people who have experienced trauma can impact on your health and wellbeing, as well as expose you to trauma at work. Learn how to support your own wellbeing while caring for others.
01 Dec 2019... The Mindfulness audio resources include six Mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of Mindfulness
This fact sheet contains information on the impacts of trauma and how to support an older person experiencing trauma, grief and loss.
01 Jun 2015... This translated booklet is for older people who want to follow a healthy approach to ageing in their everyday lives. The stories and information in this booklet show the importance of health and wellbeing as you grow older. For more information, see the list of organisations on the final page.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English explains that anything a person does, or can learn to do, in order to keep their body safe is called a protective behaviour. These protective behaviours are important to know about when it comes to someone’s body and sexual behaviour. These include knowing your body, recognising behaviours that are O.K. or NOT O.K., such as early warning signs, knowing the difference between safe surprises and unsafe secrets, and knowing how to get help from trusted people and safety teams when feeling worried or unsafe.
30 Nov 2023... This translated fact sheet has Information about natural disasters in Queensland and how to prepare for them. It also includes information on how to access community recovery resources such as financial assistance grants that may be available, and where to get personal support and counselling following a disaster.
01 Aug 2022... This fact sheet for aged care workers looks at how trauma can affect workers. Working with people who have experienced trauma can impact on your health and wellbeing, as well as expose you to trauma at work.
01 Jun 2019... The aim of these series of booklets, 'A Practical Guide' is to promote wellbeing and assist individuals to recognise the importance of obtaining and maintaining wellbeing.
Fact sheet with self-care tips for people caring for older people who are experiencing trauma and grief. It can be difficult to see someone you care about struggle with the distress caused by trauma, grief or loss. it's important to look after your own health, make time for yourself, and balance the person's needs with your own.
01 Dec 2019... The Mindfulness audio resources include six Mindfulness exercises and an introductory track. These resources are used as part of the self-management program, with the support of a community worker, and assist with the ongoing practice of Mindfulness.
28 Dec 2021... This brochure has information on bipolar mood disorder, its symptoms and possible causes, treatment options and where to go for help.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.