Displaying 1-10 of 172 results
01 Jun 2020... This guide has been developed for parents and families to provide information about adolescence and Down syndrome. The document covers information about transition to high school, puberty, sexuality, post-school transitions and health and well-being.
01 Aug 2019... The information in this fact sheet aims to describe a common pattern of breathing seen in very premature infants.
A guide in pictures to teenage sleeping, with tips for helping teens, teenagers and adolescent children get to sleep, relax before bedtime, and wake up effectively.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about spotting the early signs of cerebral palsy and getting a diagnosis. Also, child health specialists explain that cerebral palsy is a condition that affects the brain. They talk about the different types of cerebral palsy, how it affects children and some of its causes.
Different children have different sleep needs, habits and problems. Here are answers to 20 frequently asked questions about children's sleep.
01 Feb 2023... Relationships Australia Victoria and South East Community Links have developed tip sheets about healthy relationships.
01 Dec 2020... Developmental resource for children 5-8 months to learn the essential skill of sitting.
This brochure is one of fourteen full colour brochures covering the essential healthy eating and physical activity topics to support settings, staff and families.
01 Dec 2020... Developmental resource for children <6 months of age to develop the essential skills of tummy time, floor play and rolling.
01 Sep 2021... There are two main models for raising bilingual and multilingual children - one person-one language, and heritage language as home language. The best way to help children learn broad vocabularies in languages other than English is to always use those languages with them. You can support your child's multilingual or bilingual development through play, community activities and everyday activities at home.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.