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01 May 2017... These multilingual cue sheets can help midwives and doctors to communicate with postnatal women during times when an interpreter is not easily available. It may help in the assessment of postnatal discomfort and pain, administering medications, and managing pain and breastfeeding.
This website explains how to use TIS National Services. It includes information on document translations, how to register a personal account with TIS National and answers frequently asked questions for non-English speakers.
01 Dec 2018... Information for people receiving aged care on how to call an interpreter to provide information during upcoming visits and audits from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
01 Oct 2020... This glossary is for interpreters, translators, and bilingual staff who work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It provides a list of commonly used terminology relating to mental health and wellbeing, mental health services, mental health and suicide prevention, and stigma reduction. It has been translated into 30 languages. Translations can be accessed within the English pdf document.
The Victorian Government has developed wallet-sized cards for people who require assistance with requesting interpreter services. The cards also help service providers to identify which language is required. The cards feature the National Interpreter Symbol.
'Cue Cards' is a resource developed by Eastern Health, Diversity and Inclusion to assist health professionals, clients and carers who have English language difficulties or problems communicating with each other. This resource is not intended to replace accredited interpreters but can be used by clients/carers to communicate simple needs such as hunger and thirst, use of a telephone, and request for a Bible, and by professionals to indicate simple instructions/concepts. Please note that the translations for Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Creole, Greek, Italian, Malay and Vietnamese can only be downloaded directly from the Eastern Health website. Please scroll down until you find these languages. For more information, click here .
Tell clients to call an interpreter if they need information in their own language.
01 Nov 2016... Use the 'interpreter required' card to book a professional interpreter in the hospital.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
01 Jan 2019... Care recipients and representatives are actively encouraged to contribute to decisions made by residential aged care homes and home care services about the care and services they receive. This ensures a strong continuous improvement approach for providers, as well as a focus on the needs and preferences of care recipients. Use our templates of letters and posters for residential aged care homes available in 20 community languages to inform care recipients and representatives about quality assessors from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.