Displaying 1-57 of 57 results
01 Mar 2020... Hepatitis B is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation. It is transmitted through contaminated blood and other body liquids. Hepatitis B can be prevented by immunisation. This brochure includes information on symptoms, how the disease is spread, who is at risk, and how it is prevented.
01 Jul 2017... Untreated hepatitis B may cause liver damage and/or liver cancer in up to 1 in 4 people. A free vaccination for hepatitis B is available. Ask your doctor about testing and treatment.
01 Nov 2015... Hepatitis B information in plain language. Colourful engaging graphics. Tested with consumers, health professionals and evaluated.
31 Jul 2016... The word 'hepatitis' means inflammation of the liver. This inflammation can be caused by chemicals, drugs, drinking too much alcohol, or viruses. Hepatitis C (HCV), or 'hep C', is caused by the hepatitis C virus.
09 Sep 2023... This brochure on Hepatitis B answers the following questions: What is hepatitis B? How common is hepatitis B in Australia? Are people tested for hepatitis B before they come to Australia? How does hepatitis B affect people? How can people get hepatitis B? How do people know if they have hepatitis B? Is there treatment for hepatitis B? How can people protect themselves from hepatitis B?
31 Dec 2009... A community brochure designed for migrants and refugees on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections.
09 Jul 2024... Fact sheet on hepatitis B and liver cancer, including testing for hepatitis B and treatment.
01 Jul 2021... LiverWell (Hepatitis Victoria) brochure for young people about healthy living with liver disease.
30 Nov 2020... Don't feel you are alone. One in twelve people world wide are living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C. The 12 questions below are designed to help you get the information you need from your GP.
01 Nov 2020... CEH's Multicultural Community Action Network (M-CAN) have produced 3 new videos, with and for the Dinka and Chinese speaking community to raise awareness of the importance of Hepatitis testing & treatment during COVID-19.
11 Oct 2024... There are still a significant number of Filipinos who go undiagnosed, and many who are not seeing a doctor. Hepatitis B will cause liver cancer if not treated. Many confuse liver cancer being caused by fatty liver – but the reality is that hepatitis B is the common cause of liver cancer related death for Filipinos. LiverWELL's bilingual video for the Filipino community aims to raise awareness and empower the Filipino community to take charge of their liver health. This video is bilingual and includes Tagalog and English subtitles.
16 Dec 2021... Information about the hepatitis B vaccine given to newborn babies. Includes information about the disease, why babies should have the vaccine, and information about possible side effects. It is important to start the hepatitis B immunisation as soon as possible after birth.
01 Oct 2020... This video explains all the reasons why you should test your liver and find out whether you have Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. It also shows various ways on how Hepatitis can be contracted and what you can do if you test positive. Scroll down to find your language.
Glossary of hepatitis terms in various languages.
08 Apr 2024... This guide explains the process of being tested for hepatitis B to living well with chronic (life-long) hepatitis B. It is designed for people who have hepatitis B or are more likely to get hepatitis B.
01 Sep 2019... This webpage provides general information on Hepatitis for Chinese people.
31 Jan 2017... Hepatitis B is liver inflammation caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B can be a short-term illness (acute hepatitis B) or a long-term infection (chronic hepatitis B).
01 Jan 2022... This information sheet can be used to explain check-ups and test results and make discussion easier regarding chronic hepatitis B. Chronic hepatitis B means that the hepatitis B virus has been in your body for at least 6 months.
05 May 2023... This brief fact sheet provides an overview of peoples' rights and responsibilities when living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C.
29 Jun 2022... Hepatitis, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection and STIs (Sexually Transmissible Infections) are health problems in many countries, including Australia. People who were born, have lived or travelled overseas may be at higher risk of getting some of these infections. Many people with these infections look and feel healthy and may not know that they have been infected. This booklet provides information about these infections and the importance of being tested early and getting treatment if necessary
This poster explains that chronic hepatitis B can harm the liver without any signs. Regular check-ups help spot problems early and prevent serious issues like liver disease or cancer. Medicine may be needed for life. Family members should get tested and vaccinated to stop the spread of hepatitis B.
09 Aug 2023... LiverWELL has partnered with Cr Richard Lim and Khmer community members to create this video. It aims to eliminate stigma and discrimination against people who are disadvantaged by liver disease, reduce the transmission of viral hepatitis, increase testing and vaccinations, and improve the health literacy of Cambodian people in Australia. This video is bilingual and includes Mandarin and English subtitles.
15 Aug 2024... LiverWELL has teamed up with community health workers and doctors to produce a new video raising awareness about Hepatitis B and liver disease in Chinese communities. This project dispels myths, combats stigma, and provides vital information on vaccination, testing, treatment, and management of Hepatitis B. This video is bilingual and includes Mandarin and English subtitles.
31 Dec 2013... As of 2013, World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about 170 million people (around 3% of the world's population) are infected with HCV. Africa has the highest prevalence of HCV infection (5.9%).
01 May 2017... This fact sheet explains the different roles of health care professionals in Hepatitis C treatment and whether having hepatitis C affects someone's immigration status
01 Apr 2024... This brochure provides information on the different Hepatitis B medications available in Australia. It includes practical tips for taking your medication correctly and provides insights into your treatment options to help you manage your health better.
01 Jul 2022... The Hep Services Directory and resource was developed to help support people with hepatitis, answer questions about hepatitis, and direct people to prevention and treatment services. The QR code on the wallet card links to the Hepatitis Services Directory which can be searched by name or location as well as filtered for specific services. You can compile a list of relevant services by selecting ‘add to list’. Under the tab ‘Selected services’ you will then be able to print or email this list. The directory is a list of health services that offer information about hepatitis B and C, liver health care, testing centres, fibroscans, needle and syringe programs, and other important services.
01 Jul 2021... This online resource contains information about liver health and liver diseases. Topics include the importance of the liver, stages of liver disease, staying safe and seeking help.
10 Jul 2018... This resource gives a brief summary of Hepatitis B. It includes information about Hepatitis B transmission and prevention, and it encourages testing, and vaccination. It also gives information on how to be in control of hepatitis B through treatment and monitoring.
01 Jul 2023... This resource provides essential information on managing and preventing Hepatitis C. Key points include taking daily medication, avoiding blood contact to prevent reinfection, and completing a follow-up blood test after treatment. Treatments are effective, affordable in Australia, and have minimal side effects. Hepatitis C spreads only through blood contact, not social contact.
01 Dec 2020... The Hep B 1, 2, 3 Teach, Test, Take Control poster is aimed at encouraging people to become aware of hepatitis B and talk to their GP about hepatitis B, testing, vaccination and treatment.
01 Oct 2015... Information about Hepatitis A, including symptoms, transmission, prevention, immunisation and treatment.
05 Jul 2024... Hepatitis B vaccine protects babies long-term. The vaccine is free for babies. About 90% of babies who become infected with hepatitis B at birth or soon after will develop hepatitis B for life. All babies are offered the hepatitis B vaccine at birth to: help prevent the spread of the disease from an infected mother to her baby. Sometimes a mother may not know she has the disease; and prevent the spread of the disease to infants from infected people. For example, those who live in the same house or others who might be infected. It’s recommended that all babies are vaccinated against hepatitis B at birth (or within 7 days of being born). Babies should also receive hepatitis B vaccine at 6 weeks, 4 months and 6 months of age.
01 Jul 2020... This pamphlet helps to explain chronic hepatitis B, check-ups and test results.
Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It can lead to liver damage and liver cancer. Many people who have the virus don't know that they are infected. The most common way hepatitis B is passed on in many countries is from mother to baby at birth.
01 Nov 2020... These videos are about Hepatitis B and monitoring your liver. They retell people's experiences living with hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can be a deadly disease, but with proper care and regular liver checks you can prevent serious liver disease and liver cancer.
01 Feb 2018... Hepatitis means 'inflammation of the liver'. Hepatitis B (also referred to as hep B) is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and is a viral infection that can lead to serious illness or death.
31 Dec 2021... This booklet is about hepatitis C. You will learn what hepatitis C is, how you get it, and about tests and treatment. An important message for everyone is that treatment for hepatitis C has changed. Now we can cure hepatitis C with new tablet treatments that are easy to take and work well.
01 Sep 2019... This webpage provides general information on Hepatitis for Filipino people
31 Oct 2017... Hepatitis B information in plain language.The interactive talking books were developed in consultation with communities speaking these languages.
13 Jul 2015... This video is an educational tool on Hepatitis B with information communicated in Plain language. It has information on how the virus affects you and your liver, who has and how one gets hepatitis B, health checks, treatment and vaccination, keeping yourself and your family safe and healthy, and where to get help.
01 Dec 2017... A short educational animation about hepatitis B to promote awareness about hepatitis B testing, treatment and monitoring.
01 Mar 2018... This pamphlet for hepatitis B treatment can be used to explain check-ups, test results and make discussion easier.
09 Jun 2023... This resource is for people who have hepatitis B. It has information on the different types of doctors that can treat hepatitis B. It is possible to live well with hepatitis B.
29 May 2023... A Fibroscan is a quick, painless test for liver damage, often used for people with chronic hepatitis B and C. Available at select hospitals and some nonprofit organisations in Queensland, including ECCQ, it helps monitor liver health. Regular scans can prevent severe issues like cirrhosis or liver cancer.
28 Feb 2020... This brochure contains information about hepatitis B, including why your liver is important, hepatitis B treatments and testing, what hepatitis B is, and how it is transmitted. It also has information on where to find support, vaccinations, and prevention of hepatitis B.
30 Nov 2020... This brochures explains how to look after yourself and your baby when living with hepatitis B. It has information on the necessary vaccines that your baby should receive from birth to 18 months.
01 Dec 2018... The Living Well with Hepatitis B reader is a book that has been developed for people undertaking the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). It uses simple English, along with plenty of visual illustrations. There are 4 stories in the reader, and each story touches upon topics commonly associated with hepatitis B including transmission, prevention, pregnancy, new intimate relationships and liver cancer. It's a great resource for clients who may have recently been diagnosed with hepatitis B or as a tool to improve health literacy.
08 Apr 2024... GPs can now safely manage and treat most patients with hepatitis C.
12 Sep 2014... This video responds to the following questions about hepatitis B: How would you describe the patient experience of being diagnosed with hepatitis B? Who is at risk of chronic hepatitis B? What are the symptoms of hepatitis B? What are the treatments for hepatitis B? Why is it bad to share my hepatitis B medication with my friends? How do I live with chronic hepatitis B and stay healthy? What are the outcomes of hepatitis B infection? I am pregnant. How do I protect my baby from getting hepatitis B?
31 Jul 2016... New treatments are available to treat hepatitis C. They are effective, easy to take and have few side effects. This fact sheet provides information about new treatment and their benefits.
01 Sep 2019... This webpage provides general information on Hepatitis B and C for Thai people.
06 Jun 2023... This booklet supports the discussion between pregnant women with hepatitis B and health workers.
01 Feb 2024... This booklet contains information for those who have been diagnosed with Hepatitis B and their families.
01 Jun 2021... There are 4 stories in each video, and each story touches upon topics commonly associated with hepatitis B including transmission, prevention, pregnancy, new intimate relationships and liver cancer. It's a great resource for clients who may have recently been diagnosed with hepatitis B or as a tool to improve health literacy.
30 Jun 2018... This children's story book is a family resource about hepatitis B. It talks about the liver and hepatitis B in a light-hearted way. The principles followed by the authors and illustrators of the book are "bright, colourful, positive and silly."
01 Nov 2020... CEH's Multicultural Community Action Network (M-CAN) have produced 3 new videos, with and for the Dinka and Chinese speaking community to raise awareness of the importance of Hepatitis testing & treatment during COVID-19.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.