Displaying 1-148 of 148 results
01 Oct 2019... This video provides information for students to know how to call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.
01 Feb 2018... Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and potentially life-threatening. It should always be treated as a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. Most cases of anaphylaxis occur after a person with a severe allergy is exposed to the allergen they are allergic to (usually a food, insect or medication).
Fire-safe behaviour is reliant on the awareness of risk and knowing what to do to reduce that risk. Adequate supervision and positive role modelling for young children is very important. Parents and carers can help reduce this risk by controlling or removing possible re-hazards around the home.
Advice on how to be prepared for a fire
30 Nov 2016... This factsheet lists some risks and how to reduce them as well as what you need to do if a grassfire starts.
03 Apr 2024... When returning to a flood-affected area, wild animals, including rodents, snakes or spiders, may be trapped in your home, shed or garden. This fact sheet includes information on how to deal with animals and insects after a flood and on minimising the risks.
03 Apr 2024... Information on how to stay safe after a flood. When returning to your home after a flood, read this information to protect yourself and your family from possible injury or illness.
01 Sep 2020... This fact sheet explains that triple zero should only be called when you need police, fire or ambulance and what information you'll need to provide to the operator.
01 Nov 2021... NURSE-ON-CALL is a phone service that provides immediate, expert health advice from a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Most people experience acute stress during events of natural disaster or large scale acts of violence.
01 Nov 2020... Audio files to download with information about Home Fire Safety. Most fatal fires occur in the home, but the real tragedy is that many of these could be avoided. This brochures provides a checklist on preventative measures you can undertake to minimise the chance of a fire in your house.
01 Aug 2020... Find out how to get help in an emergency from Police, Fire Rescue and Ambulance Services in Victoria by calling triple zero (000).
09 Mar 2023... Victorian priority primary care centres (PPCCs) support local hospitals by providing care for people with conditions that require urgent attention but not an emergency response.
This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use this to plan and prepare for emergencies. It is a home emergency plan to help you prepare for storms with damaging winds and hail, floods or flash flooding, coastal or tidal surge, heatwave, and power, gas or mains water outages.
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan advises on what to be aware of in case of bad weather, heavy rain, or if you see a flood watch or flood warning. It has information on how to prepare to evacuate and how to evacuate immediately while keeping yourself and your family safe. The safest option is to leave early.
01 Nov 2023... The Personal Hardship Assistance Program helps people experiencing financial hardship in emergencies. The program includes Emergency Relief Payments and Re-establishment Assistance. You may be eligible for an emergency payment if you have been affected by a house fire or a natural disaster.
01 Sep 2021... This book is for South Australian residents only. If you are in South Australia, use this book to help you stay safe in a heatwave.
15 Jul 2024... Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere, which is why it is vital that we all know how to take lifesaving action. This translated leaflet has quick information on calling triple zero (000), doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and using automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
15 Dec 2023... This multilingual summer smart flyer was developed by Ambulance Victoria to help you stay cool and safe during summer or hot weather.  It has quick information on keeping cool and hydrated, avoiding hot cars, taking care around waters, and checking in on others. Access Ambulance Victoria's full Summer smart resources summer smart resources here .Â
01 Dec 2023... This book is made by Fire Rescue Victoria and the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to prevent fires in your home what to do if there is a fire in your home
Find fire safety information in various community languages including Auslan. Information are in different file formats such as videos, audio files. It includes publications such as Fire Danger Ratings , 'Can I or Can't I' (fire activities allowed during fire danger periods and total fire ban days), smoke alarms, home fire safety, grassfires and other resources to help you plan and prepare. These resources are developed by Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria.Â
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. On days when fires will spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA restricts what hot works you can and can’t do.
01 Feb 2021... If you live in a bushfire-affected area your water source could become contaminated from debris, ash, small dead animals or aerial fire retardants. If the water tastes, looks or smells unusual, do not drink it or give it to animals. Also, you should not source water from a creek that has been affected by bushfire as the water may be contaminated. Water drawn from deep bores or wells should continue to be safe to use.
01 Oct 2017... Home safety and injury prevention poster on poisoning prevention.
01 Dec 2020... What to do when a baby is choking? This factsheet with a lot of pictures illustrates how to prevent choking and clear blockages for babies.
24 Jan 2023... Having a fire plan and preparing your property now could save your life. The resource provides information about Fire Danger Rating, how to plan for bushfires and grassfires, what does Leave Early means and Total Fire Ban days.
Emergency dental care is available to all Victorians through The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne (RDHM) and available to all eligible Victorians at community dental clinics.
This fact sheet lists the 6 steps you need to do in case of a fire.
01 May 2018... This video will show you what to do in the event of a fire in your high-rise apartment. Remember to call Triple 000 and ask for fire if you smell smoke. Smoke alarms will alert you to a fire but they don't alert the fire brigade. If there is a fire, always call Triple 000 and ask for fire.
01 Oct 2018... This video gives an overview of key preparation activities you can undertake before the bushfire season e.g. cleaning your gutters, cutting your grass.
01 Mar 2010... Victoria's fire authorities, the MFB and CFA, together with the state's gas safety watchdog, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), and the Victorian Adult Burns Service at The Alfred Hospital, are urging the community to be careful when using gas BBQs.
Understanding burn and scald injuries.
16 Mar 2023... Visual information on when to call triple zero and what to expect. Triple zero (000) should only be called when you need police, fire or ambulance. Always call triple zero if there is a threat to life or property.
01 Mar 2016... Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are bacterial organisms that have some of the characteristics of bacteria and some of algae. They are present in almost all aquatic ecosystems in Australia, including rivers, lakes and estuaries. Under certain environmental conditions, blue-green algae concentrations in water can rapidly increase and form visible blooms or scums. Water affected by blue-green algae may be unsuitable for drinking, recreational activities such as swimming and fishing, and agricultural uses. Some species of blue-green algae produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals when they are eaten, inhaled or contact the skin.
01 Feb 2021... These protective kits are for people returning to properties affected by fire. They are available from your local government relief and recovery centre, along with additional masks, disposable coveralls and sturdy gloves.
Call triple zero to contact the police, fire or ambulance in an emergency. You can call 000 for free from any telephone in Australia.
01 Nov 2013... A literature review identified portable pools as a high-risk location for child drowning and near drowning. Discussions with bilingual workers, key informants and focus group participants also identified the need for water safety education among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. This brochure raises awareness of the safety issues associated with portable swimming pools and the legal requirement for fencing to English and non-English-speaking community groups.
01 Oct 2020... When power outages occur, usually as a result of severe weather events, people sometimes use alternative sources of fuel or electricity generation for cooking, lighting, heating, or power. Portable generators can allow some normal activities to continue, however, it is important to use them with extreme caution. Carbon monoxide is invisible, and you cannot smell it. If it builds up in a home, garage or caravan, it can cause sudden illness, loss of consciousness and death. Protect yourself and your family from injury or death by following these safety tips.
01 Sep 2016... Is your condition or that of a loved one getting worse? If you are worried or need help, Peter Mac has a patient alert system in place for you to use. The Patient Emergency Escalation Response (PEER) system is a way you can call for help.
01 Sep 2022... Information on how to contact an ambulance in an emergency in Queensland.
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan provides important information on floods and how they happen, the main causes of death during floods, high-risk areas, the and how to keep yourself and your family safe.
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan gives advice on how to identify flood risks and escape routes. It also advises on how to stay updated about risks through several channels of information, such as SES and BOM.
01 Jun 2018... This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use this checklist to tick off the items as you put your emergency kit together. Having an emergency kit ready to go can help you save precious time if you have to leave in a hurry.
01 Jun 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use the checklist on this brochure to help you prepare your home and reduce potential damage from storms with these few simple steps.
11 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn how to get ready for a flood, what to do if a flood happens and how to recover from a flood.
04 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn about bushfires, fire danger ratings, total fire bans, and how to stay safe and informed during emergencies.
15 Jul 2024... This collection of illustrated multilingual summer smart resources is developed by Ambulance Victoria to help you stay cool and safe during summer or hot weather. It has information on heat-related illness, keeping cool and hydrated, avoiding hot cars, taking care around water and managing snakebites.Â
21 Jun 2024... The Police Assistance Line (131 444) is a phone service available for reporting non-urgent crimes and events, such as burglaries, theft, property damage, and lost items. It operates 24/7 and can be used for general inquiries or to report incidents that don't require immediate police response.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information related to payments and help for people directly affected by bushfires, floods or other natural disasters. It includes information on Australian government disaster recovery payment, recovery allowance, social work and healthcare services, and others. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
05 Dec 2023... During times of high fire risk, CFA declares Fire Danger Periods (FDP) in Victoria and may declare these at different times in various parts of the state depending on local risk at the municipal level. On days when fires are predicted to spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA issues a Total Fire Ban (TFB). These video animations guide what you can and cannot do during these times. These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria.
12 Feb 2024... These videos are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria with information about urban grassfires for heavily populated suburbs that face undeveloped/open grasslands.Â
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. The use of a barbeque or lighting a fire for cooking outdoors during the Fire Danger Period and days of the Total Fire Ban.
01 Jun 2020... These translations were developed by the Hospitals and Translations Project (2020).Supported by CEH. The messages were identified as common communication points amongst ED waiting room patients and staff in Victorian emergency departments. You may copy and paste the text for use in brochures, posters or other printed resources.
24 Jan 2023... Find out how you can plan and prepare for the fire season. Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world and bushfires and grassfires are a part of life. Bushfires and grassfires start quickly, often without warning and they can threaten lives and properties within minutes. All Victorians need to know how to plan for and respond to fire.
24 Jan 2023... If you live, work or plan to travel through Victoria, you may be at risk of fire. Not all fires are equal. How you should respond depends on where your property is and the environment around it. This is a general guide to help you identify your risk of fire based on your location. If you are not sure about fire risk for your property, you can speak to your local fire brigade.
31 Dec 2015... The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL)Â Â is a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.SACLÂ is the central after hours coordination centre for all recent sexual assaults and provides immediate crisis responses throughout Victoria.SACL operates between 5pm weeknights through to 9am the next day and throughout weekends and public holidays.
17 May 2021... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. They have information on practising your home escape plan.
29 Aug 2022... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. Understand how the Fire Danger Rating Scale can alert you to danger so you can take action. Includes a map of the Fire Danger Ratings districts with a list of municipalities in each district.
This information will assist you with cleaning up, property security, gas, electricity, water, telephone, insurance issues and finding alternative housing after a fire.
01 Feb 2021... A fact sheet from the Victorian Department of Health that explains what to do to keep food safe in an emergency power failure.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, and other sever weather. This fact sheet tells you how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for a bush fire and to stay safe.
01 Mar 2011... This video shows you how quickly you can drown in a bath.
01 Feb 2021... Houses, sheds and other buildings or structures burnt in a bushfire can leave potential health hazards, including fallen objects, sharp objects, smouldering coals, damaged electrical wires, leaking gas and weakened walls. Hazardous materials that may be present after the fire include: asbestos; ashes, especially from burnt treated timbers (such as copper chrome arsenate or 'CCA'); LP gas cylinders; medicines; garden or farm chemicals; other general chemicals (for example, cleaning products); metal and other residues from burnt household appliances; and dust. Further information on how to protect yourself when returning to a bushfire-affected property is provided in the following fact sheet.
03 Apr 2024... Community information about mould. Mould is a type of fungi that lives on plant and animal matter. Mould grows best in damp, poorly ventilated areas and reproduces by making spores. When airborne mould spores land on damp spots indoors, they may begin to grow and spread. There is no practical way to eliminate all mould indoors; the best approach is to control the source of moisture.
01 Feb 2018... Information for patients, consumers and carers. Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening, severe allergic reaction and should always be treated as a medical emergency. Anaphylaxis occurs after exposure to an allergen (usually to foods, insects or medicines) to which a person is allergic. Not all people with allergies are at risk of anaphylaxis.
31 Dec 2016... It rains so much, Birdie and Mr Frog have to get away from the rising water. A story for young children about recovering from floods. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
01 Feb 2021... Bushfire smoke can reduce air quality in rural and urban areas and may affect people's health. This fact sheet provides information on bushfire smoke, how it can affect you and your family's health, and actions that you can take to avoid or reduce potential health effects.
This audio file explains what a total fire ban means for the community and what they cannot do on day of total fire ban.
01 Sep 2022... From 1 September 2022, Australia has a simplified, action-oriented fire danger rating system. The fire danger rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started. It helps you to know when conditions are dangerous enough to put your bushfire survival plan into action.
Information on what activities can be undertaken during fire danger periods or on Total Fire Ban days.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains how kitchen fire can happen and how to prevent them.
It is law for every home to have a working smoke alarm. Your landlord is responsible for installing and replacing smoke alarms and batteries.
01 Oct 2019... This guide informs you on information such as how to stay informed on fire risk days, why you should leave early, what information to gather ahead of fire season for you and your family, understand what to expect during a bushfire and guidance on how to stay informed on fires across your area. This resource is for people in the state of Victoria.Â
04 Aug 2021... Read FRV's Home Fire Safety Booklet for safety tips for people of all ages.
03 Apr 2024... This section provides information on power failures after a flood and tips on what to do if there is a power outage.
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan provides critical information on how to recover from a flood. It has advice on what to check for, how to keep yourself safe when returning to your home, on Emergency Relief Centres and other other supports if you need help.
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan advises on how to prepare for the risks associated with floods and how to keep your family, home, and environment safe in case floods happen.
11 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn about floods, how they happen, and what types of floods happen in Australia and why.
15 Jul 2024... Printable cards with multilingual information on how to call an ambulance (dial 000), questions that you will be asked, and how to assist ambulance services.
30 Sep 2021... Knowing CPR is one of the most important things you can do to look after your family and friends because most cardiac arrests happen at home. These multilingual and subtitled videos contain instructions on how to do CPR while waiting for Ambulance Victoria emergency services to arrive. The first step is to call 000 immediately.Â
15 Jul 2024... Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere, which is why it is vital that we all know how to take lifesaving action. This translated document answers most frequently asked questions about cardiac arrest, the call push shock kit and program, calling triple zero (000), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillators (AEDs), etc.
31 May 2023... This book is made by Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to leave early if you are in a bushfire risk area. Use this book to be ready and keep yourself safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about what to do if you are in a house and there is a bushfire near. It is best to leave your house early before a bushfire even starts. If you did not leave early you can do things to stay safe in your home.
11 Jul 2023... This video is produced by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. During a bushfire, embers will reach your home long before the flames do. Ember attacks are the most common way that houses catch fire.Â
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. Advice on lighting a campfire during the Fire Danger Period and days of the Total Fire Ban.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. Fire danger periods, Fire Danger Ratings, Warnings and Total Fire Bans - what do they mean?
Quick action may help prevent an asthma attack from becoming an asthma emergency.
How parents and caregivers can prevent burns and scalds
11 Oct 2021... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. They explain fire restrictions for Total Fire Ban days and during the Fire Danger Period.
06 Mar 2025... If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for a cyclone and how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared  for more information and support.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for floods and how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for earthquakes and how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
This information sheet provides information for parents about their child being placed in emergency care.
01 Jan 2019... This video highlights what the Country Fire Authority (CFA) do, their volunteer culture, history and work with the community to help protect lives and property of over 3.3 million Victorians.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains the fire triangle, the three things fire needs to burn- heat, oxygen and fuel.
01 Jan 2019... This video provides information on the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains some risks, how to reduce them and what you need to do if a grassfire or bushfire starts.
Information on how you can prepare your family and your home for floods.
01 Feb 2021... This information is being provided to residents and property owners impacted by bushfires. It aims to help address concerns raised about asbestos fibres and should be read with other information about asbestos.
01 Feb 2021... If your home has been damaged by the fire or smells of smoke from bushfires you should: ventilate your home; wash hard surfaces (furniture, walls and floors); wash soft furnishings (upholstered furniture and bedding); and wash affected clothing.Further information on cleaning up a smoke-affected home is provided in the following fact sheet.
02 Jun 2016... Smoke from fires can reduce air quality in rural and urban areas and exposure to smoke can affect you and your family's health. Find out more about how smoke can affect your health and the actions you can take to avoid or reduce potential health effects.
Information on how you can prepare your family and your home for storms.
If you are worried about the safety of a person who you cannot find, you can report them as missing to your local police by making what is called a 'missing persons report'. This resource is for people in the state of Victoria.Â
01 Jul 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. If you are in South Australia, use this checklist to help you prepare for a flood.
01 May 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use this checklist to help you prepare your home and reduce potential damage from storms.
01 Jun 2018... This resource was developed for South Australia only. If you are in South Australia, use this checklist to help you prepare for a heatwave.
01 Oct 2022... Information on how to prevent mosquito-borne diseases after a flood or heavy rainfall. After a flood or heavy rainfall, mosquitoes grow and spread in the pools of water left behind. Mosquitoes can carry diseases and spread them by biting you.
22 Dec 2020... Video with tips to help prevent a fire in your home.
22 Dec 2020... Video with tips to help prepare for the fire season and protect your family and your home.
01 Nov 2022... The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department allows you to access care for non-life-threatening emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will be connected to our doctors and nurses via a video call and receive medical advice from the comfort of your home. Find out how to register and how it works.
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan gives advice on what to do if you were unable to leave early and have become stuck in your house or car, surrounded by flood water. It also has information on what to check for to keep yourself safe during a flood.
15 Dec 2023... An Urgent Care Service is a health service in NSW that provides short-term, one-off care for urgent health care needs that are not life-threatening. Urgent Care Services are provided either in-person or virtually (on the phone or by video call). Urgent Care Services in NSW are being delivered through collaboration between Local Health Districts, Primary Health Networks, Specialty Health Networks and local primary care and community care services.
11 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn how to plan and prepare for bushfires, and what to do if there is a bushfire in your area.
13 Nov 2024... This video outlines how to call an ambulance in Queensland for emergency.
31 May 2023... This book is made by Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about fire danger ratings. Fire danger ratings tell you how bad it would be if a fire started. They change every day and are different in every area or district.
02 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to get your home ready for bushfires. Use this book to be ready and keep yourself safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about bushfire emergency kits. Emergency kit means the things you need if you leave home. You might need to leave because of a bushfire. You should be ready to leave. Use this book to be ready and to stay safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about what happens in a bushfire. You should make a bushfire plan before there is a bushfire. A bushfire plan says how you will get ready for a bushfire.
14 Sep 2023... This video is produced by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. Fire Danger Ratings are your trigger to act. They tell you how dangerous a fire could be if one started. Check Fire Danger Ratings daily.
11 Jul 2023... This video is produced by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. Victoria is one of the most bushfire-prone parts of the world. Every summer, bushfires threaten properties and lives, but it's not the flames that kill most bushfire victims. It’s the radiant heat.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. On days when fires will spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA restricts what you can and can’t do when burning off.
01 May 2018... Information with pictures about CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) at swimming pools.
01 Sep 2024... In Victoria, you can access these healthcare services during the day and at night from Monday to Sunday, for when you need urgent healthcare now, but it’s not life-threatening: Nurse -on-Call Virtual Emergency Care Urgent Care Clinics
30 Nov 2023... This translated fact sheet has Information about natural disasters in Queensland and how to prepare for them. It also includes information on how to access community recovery resources such as financial assistance grants that may be available, and where to get personal support and counselling following a disaster.
03 Oct 2023... Support for people directly affected by a declared natural disaster. Scroll down any document to see the English version.
01 Aug 2019... This home fire safety video was developed alongside a local Thai community group in Springvale and the Springvale brigade and station staff. The video focuses on kitchen fire safety which, as data highlights is where most house fires start. It shows in a humorous way, how people can easily get distracted from cooking with disastrous consequences.
This fact sheet provides information to a young person about being placed in emergency care by a child protection practitioner.
01 Aug 2017... Emergencies can be medical or family violence emergencies, natural disasters (such as floods, bushfires or heatwaves), communicable diseases (such as pandemic influenza) or a chemical, biological and radioactive emergency. Learn about different types of emergencies and the support services that exist to help you if you are in an emergency situation in Victoria. In an emergency, call triple zero (000).
01 Jan 2019... This video explains what activities can be undertaken during a fire danger period or on Total Fire Ban days e.g. having a barbeque.
01 Oct 2019... This video explains how to prepare a fire escape plan for your home.
01 Aug 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. This brochure explains 5 simple steps to prepare for a flood.
01 Mar 2019... This book is for South Australian residents only. If you are in South Australia, use this book to prepare for a flood and to stay safe when there is a flood.
01 Mar 2019... This book is for South Australian residents only. This book tells you how to stay safe in a storm and how to prepare for a storm.
01 Feb 2023... The Victoria Government funded PHNs to establish new GP-led Priority Primary Care Centres (PPCCs) to improve access to primary care, particularly in the after-hours period, and ease pressure on emergency departments. The clinics are supporting nearby hospital emergency departments by providing GP-led care for urgent but non-life-threatening conditions such as mild infections, fractures and burns. They also offer pathology and imaging services onsite or nearby. Care is available to anyone with or without a Medicare card, at no cost to the patient. (Costs may be required for imaging, pathology and other services.)
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan has information on where to find flood information and how to use flood information to keep yourself safe during bad weather or heavy rains. It explains the differences between a Flood Watch and a Flood Warning, as well as the levels of Flood Warning. It also gives critical advice on what to do and how to act safely.
31 Jan 2024... This book is made by Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about bushfire risk areas, which means somewhere a bushfire is more likely to happen. Use this book to be ready and to stay safe.
02 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to get your pets ready for a bushfire. Use this book to be ready and keep your pets safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to check bushfire information for your area. You should check bushfire information every day in the hotter parts of the year. The information can help keep you safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about what to do if you are in a car and there is a bushfire near. It is best not to drive in a bushfire.
01 Nov 2023... This book is made by Fire Rescue Victoria and the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about smoke alarms. A smoke alarm makes a loud sound to let you that there is smoke in your home. Smoke alarms can warn you about a fire early give you a chance to leave safely. Only working smoke alarms save lives.
01 May 2024... These videos are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria with information about testing and replacing smoke alarms. 1 - Smoke alarms will alert your family of a fire. 2 - Test smoke alarms by pushing the button to hear a beep 3 - Clean your smoke alarms 4 - Always have a battery in your smoke alarm and change it each year 5 - Replace all smoke alarms every 10 years
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. You can travel in the fire danger period but make sure you check weather conditions and fire risks first.
01 Oct 2022... Information on when and how to safely drink water after a flood. After a flood, your water provider will advise you whether your tap water is safe to drink. They may issue a 'Do not drink advisory': Your water has harmful chemicals and toxins, and drinking it can make you very sick, or a 'Boil water advisory': Your water could have germs, and you must boil water before use. Drinking unboiled water can make you sick.
01 Mar 2018... This video shows you how quickly a toddler can drown in a swimming pool.
21 May 2021... Smoke alarms are compulsory in every home. When you're asleep, you lose your sense of smell. A smoke alarm is your electronic nose. It will alert you if there is smoke from a fire.
01 Aug 2021... A Diabetes Emergency Plan helps you to self-manage your diabetes before, during and after an emergency. Planning ahead reduces the risk of diabetes-related infections and life-threatening situations. This plan also lists important things to put in a Diabetes Emergency Kit to help you survive.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.