Displaying 1-10 of 16 results
Universal Stories of Healing from Depression is an audio-visual resource which has been developed to raise awareness of depression in refugee communities.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria has advice for when you are appointed to make decisions for someone and how to involve them in the decision-making process. The brochure includes contact information of organisations who may be able to provide help on this matter. More information on decision-making and your rights can be found on the Seniors Rights Victoria website.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria offers tips on saying 'no' to someone who asks you to sign something or give them something. It can be difficult to say ‘no’ to someone you care about, particularly if they are going through difficult times or are used to getting your financial support. The brochure also includes contact information for other organisations who may provide help in these situations. Â
01 Nov 2018... Flyer with cancer facts including causes, risks, prevention, and treatment.
01 Sep 2023... These links provide cancer information in various languages. Cancer Council Victoria has many free support services to help you and can connect you to appropriate support services in Victoria. Each language-specific page also features an English version of the resources. Simply click on the "English" tab to access the information translated into English.
Cancer is a disease where cells in the body grow in an uncontrolled way. Things that cause adult cancer such as smoking and chemicals aren’t obvious causes of cancer in children. Children’s cancers effect in different parts of the body to adult cancers and occur much less often
30 Nov 2022... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV) has a list of other services you can call when SRV can't help. Â
31 Dec 2017... Information on how to take care of your child’s teeth and mouth during chemotherapy or a bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation are used to destroy cancer cells so that they can no longer divide and grow. Unfortunately, chemotherapy and radiation cannot tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells. As a result, some of the healthy cells in the body are also damaged. This can cause a sore mouth.
This resource details when you should call the hospital - when your child's temperature is above 38 degrees, has chills or shaking, excessive vomiting or diarrhoea, refusing to drink and other symptoms.
23 Jul 2023... This brochure from Seniors Rights Victoria has information on ways to formalise your wishes while you are living, such as Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA), Medical Treatment Decision Maker (MTDM), and Advance Care Planning. The brochure includes contact information of organisations who may be able to provide help on formalising your wishes. More information on decision making and your rights can be found on the Seniors Rights Victoria website.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.