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11 Jul 2023... Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a common disorder of the inner ear with symptoms including dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness and nausea.
01 Jul 2023... Information on Vestibular migraine, including symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment. Vestibular migraine or migrainous vertigo is a type of migraine that may or may not cause a headache, but can include a number of debilitating symptoms affecting the balance, ears and vision. It is the second most common cause of vertigo.
31 May 2021... Information about hearing aids, how they work, getting used to them and types of hearing aides. A hearing aid is a small, programmable amplifying device that is worn either in the ear or behind the ear. Hearing aids can help most people with a hearing loss, even though they cannot restore normal hearing. Hearing aids aim to increase communication by providing more useful sound information.
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