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A step by step guide on how to fill in and simplify your tax return.
01 Nov 2020... On this page, learn how to verify or report an Australian Taxation Office (ATO) impersonation scam and get to know some of the warning signs of phone, email and SMS tax scams.
This video outlines who, why, when and how to lodge a tax return. It also contains information on what income you need to include and what deductions and expenses you can claim
24 Oct 2023... This video resource gives advice on how to complete and lodge a tax return, and where to go for help. It's especially helpful for people who are new to working in Australia.
06 Apr 2022... A collection of translated factsheets about superannuation in Australia.
01 Mar 2021... Information on how to lodge your Business activity statements (BAS) and how to report your GST, pay as you go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding tax and other taxes.
01 Jul 2020... Keeping good records helps you stay on top of your business. The resources provides information on BAS and GST record keeping tips, GST credits, when not to claim GST credits, invoices, avoiding manual errors, completing your BAS, mistakes and other GST topics.
01 Jun 2021... As a business, you must keep detailed records for all transactions related to your tax and superannuation affairs as you start, run, sell, change or close your business. Keeping accurate and complete records for all your business transactions will also help you manage your business and its cash flow.
01 Apr 2020... These resources contain useful information when you fill in your tax return. They explain which expenses can be claimed and what not.
01 May 2024... To help you prepare and lodge your tax return we have translated resources available: Help for your first tax time - information if you're new to Australia to help with your first tax time. How to get ready to do your tax return - a checklist of the information you might need for your tax return. Steps to make doing your tax return easier - a guide to help you do your tax return. Get free help to do your tax return - information about our Tax Help service. Good recordkeeping makes tax time easier - tips for keeping good tax records. Occupation and work-related expense guides - to help you work out what expenses you can claim as a deduction on your tax return.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.