Displaying 1-10 of 19 results
01 May 2018... This patient safety card answers your questions and makes your hospital stay as smooth, safe and comfortable as possible.
Information for patients leaving hospital after glaucoma surgery.
You may experience some discomfort and pain after your surgery. This card will explain to you how you can help control that discomfort or pain.
01 Dec 2022... Patient Safety Checklist to help you prepare for your cosmetic surgery.
01 Aug 2019... This information is for women at high risk of ovarian cancer. It describes the surgical procedure called Risk-Reducing Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy (RRBSO). It explains when the surgery is recommended, what it involves and how to manage the effects of surgery.
01 Aug 2019... This fact sheet explains what elective surgery is and when you can have elective surgery in a hospital in Western Australia.
01 Aug 2023... A brochure to help patients prepare for day surgery. Day surgery, also known as same-day surgery, is performed when a patient can be safely discharged from the hospital on the same day they are admitted.
01 Oct 2019... In this translated fact sheet we aim to answer your general questions about day surgery at The Royal Women's Hospital.
Answers to some common questions about blood transfusion include what a blood transfusion is and why you may need one, how you can reduce your risks of needing a blood transfusion, and what commonly happens if you do need one.
30 Oct 2016... This resource provides information for patients on what to expect when getting an anaesthetic.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.