Displaying 1-10 of 37 results
01 Jul 2022... There are some important things you can do to stay safe and ensure you have a valid visa. You can use the checklist to help as part of safety planning.
01 Jul 2021... Easy Read booklet for women with a disability that discusses domestic and family violence. It includes topics like identifying an abusive relationship, understanding the effect of violence on children, and breaking free from the cycle of abusive relationships.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English provides information on what consent means in the context of a sexual, romantic, or intimate relationship or interaction. Consent means agreement or permission. It gives details on what is, and what isn't considered to be consent.
08 Aug 2023... This video explains what consent is, how it relates to the law in Australia, and what you should do before touching someone or engaging in any sexual act. It also gives some examples of how to ask for and give consent, and how to respect someone’s choice.
08 Aug 2023... This video explains what sexting means, how it relates to the law in Australia, and what you should consider before sending or receiving sexual messages, images or videos.
08 Jul 2024... Everyone deserves the right to consent to who they marry . Learn the difference between arranged and forced marriages, the legal consequences, how to recognise the signs of forced marriage, and the support available to help you or someone you know.
07 Jun 2024... This resource is part of a conversation starter resource “Equality and respect for Hakka Chin and Mandarin speaking women in Melbourne’s east” developed for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in 2024. It is a poster that says "Equality and respect is showing that house work and care work is everyone's job".
This booklet is all about what makes a healthy romantic or intimate relationship. It gives help on how to talk about consent, sex, and conflict in relationships, as well as talking to your family about your relationship.
01 Jun 2024... Jean Hailes developed translated educational presentations for health professionals, educators, social workers, bicultural workers, community workers and leaders to help deliver health information to women and girls in-language. The resources are for a general audience with limited health literacy in plain language, so they are practical and easy to understand. This presentation includes information on s exual health and sexuality, the importance of consent, different types of contraception, unplanned pregnancy and abortion.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English helps explain what sex is, and that ‘sex’ can mean different things to different people. It could be touching, rubbing or kissing private body parts, or having sexual intercourse.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.