Displaying 1-10 of 232 results
01 Jul 2012... This two-page information sheet is one of a set of six sheets for fathers. It provides information about the importance of being physically well in order to manage the demands of mental illness.
01 Jul 2012... This two-page information sheet is one of a set of six sheets for fathers. It provides information about understanding and managing your own mental illness.
31 Dec 2013... Clozapine is a medicine used to treat some kinds of mental illness. Clozapine can be called Clozaril, Clopine or Closyn. Clozapine is prescribed by doctors to people who have a psychotic illness, and is therefore known as an antipsychotic medicine. There are different types of antipsychotic medicines. Clozapine is a newer antipsychotic medicine.
Fact sheets for parents and carers. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence are all interpersonal behaviours that can create or contribute to negative social environments. All school communities should have clear definitions outlined in their school policies and procedures for bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about the prevention and management of delirium for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs that a person may have delirium, what may cause it and ways to manage delirium.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about the signs, causes and management of depression for residents, families and carers.
01 Aug 2021... Advice on helping family and friends affected by a disaster.
01 Sep 2021... Fact sheet about supporting young people's mental health for family, friends and health professionals early on.
01 Nov 2020... This is an information sheet for consumers about questions you can ask when you go to hospital for your mental health, including Easy Read English.
01 Jun 2021... Tips to maintain good mental health.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.