Displaying 1-10 of 38 results
01 Nov 2020... Audio files to download with information about Home Fire Safety. Most fatal fires occur in the home, but the real tragedy is that many of these could be avoided. This brochures provides a checklist on preventative measures you can undertake to minimise the chance of a fire in your house.
Below are links to the Victorian Small Business Commission’s (VCBC) translated information on how the Victorian Small Business Commission can help, retail leases: important facts for tenants and how the VCBC can help.
01 Feb 2021... This Easy English book is from Yarra Valley Water (YVW) and provides information about their residential customer charter. The residential customer charter says what YVW must do for you.
01 Feb 2021... This Easy English book is from Yarra Valley Water and provides information about how to check your house for water leaks. For example dripping taps, a leaking toilet, a broken water pipe in your garden or a broken air conditioner.
27 Feb 2020... This booklet explains how older people can receive support in their homes and daily life through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. If you have been assessed by a Regional Assessment Service (RAS) for Commonwealth Home Support Programme services, you should read this booklet.
01 Apr 2019... Finding a home when you are new to Australia can be difficult and confusing. Renting, paying bills, finding help in a new system all present challenges for new arrivals. Finding a home in Victoria was developed to support people of refugee backgrounds to find their way around the housing system. It includes information on tenants' rights, how to choose an energy provider, social housing, and who can help in case of homelessness. This online booklet was developed in consultation with newly-arrived communities and is published in English, Arabic and Dari
01 Aug 2016... This factsheet explains your rights and responsibilities when ending a tenancy.
As part of HAAG's culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) education, this film is part of a collection that highlights some different circumstances that can lead to housing crisis, and the impact the right solution has on people's lives. The story shown in this video is based on real experiences.
01 May 2018... This booklet is designed for newly-arrived communities from Syria and Iraq living in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. It helps them understand what community services are and find those in their local area.
As part of HAAG's Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) education, this film is part of a collection that highlights some different circumstances that can lead to housing crisis, and the impact the right solution has on people's lives. The story shown in this video is based on real experiences.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.