Displaying 1-10 of 24 results
A patient factsheet about understanding shoulder dislocations, tips to help your recovery and exercises.
01 Feb 2018... Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and potentially life-threatening. It should always be treated as a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. Most cases of anaphylaxis occur after a person with a severe allergy is exposed to the allergen they are allergic to (usually a food, insect or medication).
Some plants are dangerous for children. When touched or swallowed, they can be poisonous, cause allergic reactions, or cause physical injuries.
01 Oct 2017... Home safety and injury prevention poster on poisoning prevention.
Home safety and injury prevention poster on choking prevention
Home safety and injury prevention poster.
01 Dec 2020... What to do when a baby is choking? This factsheet with a lot of pictures illustrates how to prevent choking and clear blockages for babies.
Understanding ankle sprain.
Understanding burn and scald injuries.
16 Mar 2023... Visual information on when to call triple zero and what to expect. Triple zero (000) should only be called when you need police, fire or ambulance. Always call triple zero if there is a threat to life or property.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.