Displaying 1-10 of 112 results
01 Jul 2022... There are some important things you can do to stay safe and ensure you have a valid visa. You can use the checklist to help as part of safety planning.
This safety plan is a guide to help you protect yourself and get help safely. You can use this plan if you are scared about being made to get married, scared about refusing a marriage or scared to leave a marriage that you never agreed to.
The English version of this resource links to the 'Information about forced marriage for agencies, community organisations and service providers'. This document has been produced by the National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery Communication and Awareness Working Group to provide agreed, best-practice information about forced marriage. This information is designed to be culturally, gender and age appropriate and is part of the Forced Marriage Community Pack . The in language versions are a brief handout for people who are affected by forced marriage.
The English version of this resource links to the 'Information about forced marriage for agencies, community organisations and service providers'. This document has been produced by the National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery Communication and Awareness Working Group to provide agreed, best-practice information about forced marriage. This information is designed to be culturally, gender and age appropriate and is part of the Forced Marriage Community Pack . The in language versions are a brief handout for people who are affected by forced marriage.
01 Sep 2015... A woman who has left a forced marriage speaks to her counsellor about her experience and how she was able to find help.
01 May 2019... Image-based abuse is when an intimate image is shared, or threatened to be shared, without the consent of the person in that image. This guide explains what an 'intimate image' is, how to make a report and how to get help.
01 Dec 2020... This in language video with English subtitles is a family violence prevention resource that has been created by the community for the community. It provides insight into how gender inequality is experiences by community members.
01 Jul 2021... Easy Read booklet for women with a disability that discusses domestic and family violence. It includes topics like identifying an abusive relationship, understanding the effect of violence on children, and breaking free from the cycle of abusive relationships.
01 Jun 2020... Strangulation is a serious crime. It is the most lethal form of domestic violence. It is important that you do something if an act of violence like this happens to you.
01 Jun 2020... Living with violence can have as much of an impact on children as the victims themselves. Children who see abuse or live in a violent household experience fear, intimidation and threat to safety like you do.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.