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Information for patients leaving hospital after glaucoma surgery.
People must be able to see properly to drive safely. People need to be able to see clearly in the distance, as well as see what is going on around them This fact sheet also addresses other eye concerns like 'colour vision', 'night vision' and 'double vision'.
01 Feb 2023... The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Specialist Clinics provide specialised care for patients requiring eye, ear, nose, and throat (ENT) services in alignment with the Department of Health's Statewide Referral Guidelines. As an outpatient, you will receive comprehensive assessments at our clinics, where we utilise a variety of specialised tests to evaluate your condition. Following the assessment, we will engage in discussions with you regarding your treatment options.
01 May 2019... Living With Vision Loss is a young woman's story about guide dogs, Islam and disability. Stigma against disability is strong in some communities, and can stop people from accessing services for fear of facing their community's disapproval. In this video, a young woman of Muslim background talks about living with vision loss, and how having a guide dog has at times created difficulties with her Muslim friends.
01 Oct 2012... Guide to prevention and treatment of eye damage (retinopathy) caused by diabetes. Diabetes can damage your eyes and, if left unchecked and untreated, can eventually lead to blindness.
01 Nov 2013... The StEPS brochure explains why children should have their vision screened before they start school and how children can access the StEPS program and have their vision screened for free before they start school.
Conjunctivitis is a common eye infection, especially among children under five. It is an inflammation (swelling and redness) of the conjunctiva, which is the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. Sometimes conjunctivitis is called 'pink eye', because the eye looks pink or red. Treatment is dependent on the type of conjunctivitis affecting your child. Conjunctivitis can be an infectious or allergic condition. Infectious conjunctivitis is highly contagious.
01 Jun 2021... Suitable for 0-8 years. In this short video, parents of children with vision impairment and child health specialists talk about early signs that a child might have vision impairment. Parents describe their experiences of getting their child diagnosed. Specialists talk about different causes of vision impairment - problems with the eyes and also with messages getting from the eyes to the brain.
01 Jun 2021... Suitable for 0-8 years. In this short video, child health specialists talk about how early intervention can help children with vision impairment learn and develop. Parents talk about getting early intervention after diagnosis and how it helped their child's development. Health specialists say it's important to encourage a child's other senses and support children who'll be Braille readers.
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