Displaying 1-129 of 129 results
01 Oct 2019... This video provides information for students to know how to call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.
Fire-safe behaviour is reliant on the awareness of risk and knowing what to do to reduce that risk. Adequate supervision and positive role modelling for young children is very important. Parents and carers can help reduce this risk by controlling or removing possible re-hazards around the home.
Advice on how to be prepared for a fire
30 Nov 2016... This factsheet lists some risks and how to reduce them as well as what you need to do if a grassfire starts.
03 Apr 2024... When returning to a flood-affected area, wild animals, including rodents, snakes or spiders, may be trapped in your home, shed or garden. This fact sheet includes information on how to deal with animals and insects after a flood and on minimising the risks.
03 Apr 2024... Information on how to stay safe after a flood. When returning to your home after a flood, read this information to protect yourself and your family from possible injury or illness.
01 Feb 2017... A big wind blows away Birdie's nest! This is a story for young children about recovering from cyclones. Natural disasters like storms, cyclones, floods or fire can be very frightening and upsetting for babies and young children. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
31 Dec 2017... Birdie and her friends take shelter from an earthquake. A storybook to help young children and their families recovering from earthquakes and tsunamis. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
Some plants are dangerous for children. When touched or swallowed, they can be poisonous, cause allergic reactions, or cause physical injuries.
01 Oct 2012... A guide to Ross River fever, a disease spread by mosquitoes which causes flu-like symptoms.
01 Dec 2016... The A2 poster explains your body is 70% water, dehydration reduces your attention and ability to concentrate by 13%. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day helps to keep you in top shape.
Fact sheet on the history and facts of Asbestos including the national strategic plan to eradicate it.
01 Nov 2020... Audio files to download with information about Home Fire Safety. Most fatal fires occur in the home, but the real tragedy is that many of these could be avoided. This brochures provides a checklist on preventative measures you can undertake to minimise the chance of a fire in your house.
14 May 2023... BBQs and outdoor heaters make carbon monoxide gas, which can kill without warning. Protect yourself and your family this winter: Leave BBQs and outdoor heaters outside.
This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use this to plan and prepare for emergencies. It is a home emergency plan to help you prepare for storms with damaging winds and hail, floods or flash flooding, coastal or tidal surge, heatwave, and power, gas or mains water outages.
01 Nov 2023... The Personal Hardship Assistance Program helps people experiencing financial hardship in emergencies. The program includes Emergency Relief Payments and Re-establishment Assistance. You may be eligible for an emergency payment if you have been affected by a house fire or a natural disaster.
15 Dec 2023... This multilingual summer smart flyer was developed by Ambulance Victoria to help you stay cool and safe during summer or hot weather. It has quick information on keeping cool and hydrated, avoiding hot cars, taking care around waters, and checking in on others. Access Ambulance Victoria's full Summer smart resources summer smart resources here .
01 Dec 2023... This book is made by Fire Rescue Victoria and the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to prevent fires in your home what to do if there is a fire in your home
Find fire safety information in various community languages including Auslan. Information are in different file formats such as videos, audio files. It includes publications such as Fire Danger Ratings , 'Can I or Can't I' (fire activities allowed during fire danger periods and total fire ban days), smoke alarms, home fire safety, grassfires and other resources to help you plan and prepare. These resources are developed by Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. On days when fires will spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA restricts what hot works you can and can’t do.
01 Apr 2022... A water safety campaign featuring resources to help prevent drowning deaths in multicultural communities across Australia. Developed by Royal Life Saving Society – Australia, the “To Keep Our Community Safe When Swimming, Fishing and Boating” water safety resources are in written and audio format.
Video water safety messages in other languages for older Victorians, people caring for small children, and men.
24 Jan 2023... Having a fire plan and preparing your property now could save your life. The resource provides information about Fire Danger Rating, how to plan for bushfires and grassfires, what does Leave Early means and Total Fire Ban days.
27 Jan 2025... Victoria can experience extreme heat, which could elevate the fire risk across the state. It's crucial to ensure all Victorians understand fire risks and know how to stay safe. This poster keeps Victorian communities informed and safe during this fire season.
01 Jan 2025... To keep you and others safe, it’s important to prepare early and stay safe in the heat with these four simple tips. In Victoria, extreme heat risks more than sunburn, it can worsen medical conditions or cause potentially fatal health problems like heatstroke.
This fact sheet lists the 6 steps you need to do in case of a fire.
01 Oct 2018... This video gives an overview of key preparation activities you can undertake before the bushfire season e.g. cleaning your gutters, cutting your grass.
01 Mar 2010... Victoria's fire authorities, the MFB and CFA, together with the state's gas safety watchdog, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), and the Victorian Adult Burns Service at The Alfred Hospital, are urging the community to be careful when using gas BBQs.
Understanding burn and scald injuries.
This postcard image provides simple information about the five sun protection measures recommended during the daily sun protection times (issued whenever UV levels reach three or higher). It encourages parents and cares of children to model behaviours for children to help form sun protection habits.
01 Feb 2017... This information is published by the Queensland Government. Birdie and her friends have to get away from a bushfire. A story for young children about recovering from fires. Natural disasters like storms, cyclones, floods or fires can be very frightening and upsetting for babies and young children. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
01 Mar 2016... Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are bacterial organisms that have some of the characteristics of bacteria and some of algae. They are present in almost all aquatic ecosystems in Australia, including rivers, lakes and estuaries. Under certain environmental conditions, blue-green algae concentrations in water can rapidly increase and form visible blooms or scums. Water affected by blue-green algae may be unsuitable for drinking, recreational activities such as swimming and fishing, and agricultural uses. Some species of blue-green algae produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals when they are eaten, inhaled or contact the skin.
01 Oct 2020... When power outages occur, usually as a result of severe weather events, people sometimes use alternative sources of fuel or electricity generation for cooking, lighting, heating, or power. Portable generators can allow some normal activities to continue, however, it is important to use them with extreme caution. Carbon monoxide is invisible, and you cannot smell it. If it builds up in a home, garage or caravan, it can cause sudden illness, loss of consciousness and death. Protect yourself and your family from injury or death by following these safety tips.
18 Nov 2018... Know the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others.
19 Nov 2018... Know the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others.
Rips are complex, can quickly change shape and location, and at times, are difficult to see. The things to look for are deeper, dark-coloured water; fewer breaking waves; a rippled surface surrounded by smooth waters; and anything floating out to sea or foamy, discoloured, sandy, water flowing out beyond the waves. Rips don’t always show all of these signs at once. Can you spot a rip?
30 Nov 2023... This collection of resources can help during extreme heat or heatwaves (periods of unusually hot weather). In Australia, extreme heat events are responsible for more deaths than all other natural hazard events combined. Hot weather can affect everyone, however those at greater risk include older people, people with existing medical conditions, babies and young children, outdoor workers, socially isolated people, people who are homeless and pregnant women. Climate change is resulting in more hot days and more intense heatwaves. Now more than ever, it is important to know the risks of heat, who is at risk, how to prepare, and how to protect ourselves and others.
01 Jun 2018... This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use this checklist to tick off the items as you put your emergency kit together. Having an emergency kit ready to go can help you save precious time if you have to leave in a hurry.
01 Jun 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use the checklist on this brochure to help you prepare your home and reduce potential damage from storms with these few simple steps.
11 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn how to get ready for a flood, what to do if a flood happens and how to recover from a flood.
04 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn about bushfires, fire danger ratings, total fire bans, and how to stay safe and informed during emergencies.
15 Jul 2024... This collection of illustrated multilingual summer smart resources is developed by Ambulance Victoria to help you stay cool and safe during summer or hot weather. It has information on heat-related illness, keeping cool and hydrated, avoiding hot cars, taking care around water and managing snakebites.
05 Dec 2023... During times of high fire risk, CFA declares Fire Danger Periods (FDP) in Victoria and may declare these at different times in various parts of the state depending on local risk at the municipal level. On days when fires are predicted to spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA issues a Total Fire Ban (TFB). These video animations guide what you can and cannot do during these times. These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria.
12 Feb 2024... These videos are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria with information about urban grassfires for heavily populated suburbs that face undeveloped/open grasslands.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. The use of a barbeque or lighting a fire for cooking outdoors during the Fire Danger Period and days of the Total Fire Ban.
These in-language pages offer a variety of beach safety resources, including basic beach safety information and tips, safety factsheets, and quizzes.
24 Jan 2023... Find out how you can plan and prepare for the fire season. Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world and bushfires and grassfires are a part of life. Bushfires and grassfires start quickly, often without warning and they can threaten lives and properties within minutes. All Victorians need to know how to plan for and respond to fire.
24 Jan 2023... If you live, work or plan to travel through Victoria, you may be at risk of fire. Not all fires are equal. How you should respond depends on where your property is and the environment around it. This is a general guide to help you identify your risk of fire based on your location. If you are not sure about fire risk for your property, you can speak to your local fire brigade.
17 May 2021... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. They have information on practising your home escape plan.
29 Aug 2022... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. Understand how the Fire Danger Rating Scale can alert you to danger so you can take action. Includes a map of the Fire Danger Ratings districts with a list of municipalities in each district.
This information will assist you with cleaning up, property security, gas, electricity, water, telephone, insurance issues and finding alternative housing after a fire.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, and other sever weather. This fact sheet tells you how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for a bush fire and to stay safe.
03 Apr 2024... Community information about mould. Mould is a type of fungi that lives on plant and animal matter. Mould grows best in damp, poorly ventilated areas and reproduces by making spores. When airborne mould spores land on damp spots indoors, they may begin to grow and spread. There is no practical way to eliminate all mould indoors; the best approach is to control the source of moisture.
02 Dec 2017... A terrible drought means Birdie has to leave her home and friends. A story for young children about getting through hard times and natural disasters. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
31 Dec 2016... It rains so much, Birdie and Mr Frog have to get away from the rising water. A story for young children about recovering from floods. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
01 Feb 2021... Bushfire smoke can reduce air quality in rural and urban areas and may affect people's health. This fact sheet provides information on bushfire smoke, how it can affect you and your family's health, and actions that you can take to avoid or reduce potential health effects.
02 Jun 2018... This fact sheet provides tips on how to stay healthy and safe during hot weather.
This audio file explains what a total fire ban means for the community and what they cannot do on day of total fire ban.
Information about psittacosis, an uncommon disease that can be passed to humans by birds. Includes causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment.
01 Jul 2018... A consumer factsheet about lead poisoning from illicit opium.
04 Oct 2018... Know the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others.
01 Sep 2022... From 1 September 2022, Australia has a simplified, action-oriented fire danger rating system. The fire danger rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one started. It helps you to know when conditions are dangerous enough to put your bushfire survival plan into action.
Information on what activities can be undertaken during fire danger periods or on Total Fire Ban days.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains how kitchen fire can happen and how to prevent them.
It is law for every home to have a working smoke alarm. Your landlord is responsible for installing and replacing smoke alarms and batteries.
If you find yourself in a rip current, stay calm and consider your options. Raise an arm to seek help. Try floating with the current, it may bring you back to shore. Swim parallel to the shore or towards breaking waves and use them to help you in. Reassess your situation. If what you’re doing isn’t working, try one of the other options until you’re rescued or return to shore.
01 Oct 2019... This guide informs you on information such as how to stay informed on fire risk days, why you should leave early, what information to gather ahead of fire season for you and your family, understand what to expect during a bushfire and guidance on how to stay informed on fires across your area. This resource is for people in the state of Victoria.
03 Apr 2024... This section provides information on power failures after a flood and tips on what to do if there is a power outage.
14 Jun 2023... Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas you can’t see, taste or smell. It is produced from burning fuels like gas, wood and charcoal, even without smoke. Some devices make carbon monoxide and should never be used indoors, including outdoor heaters, barbeques, and tools with gasoline and vehicle engines.
31 May 2023... This book is made by Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to leave early if you are in a bushfire risk area. Use this book to be ready and keep yourself safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about what to do if you are in a house and there is a bushfire near. It is best to leave your house early before a bushfire even starts. If you did not leave early you can do things to stay safe in your home.
11 Jul 2023... This video is produced by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. During a bushfire, embers will reach your home long before the flames do. Ember attacks are the most common way that houses catch fire.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. Advice on lighting a campfire during the Fire Danger Period and days of the Total Fire Ban.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. Fire danger periods, Fire Danger Ratings, Warnings and Total Fire Bans - what do they mean?
06 Apr 2022... Poster with water safety information.
How parents and caregivers can prevent burns and scalds
11 Oct 2021... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. They explain fire restrictions for Total Fire Ban days and during the Fire Danger Period.
06 Mar 2025... If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for a cyclone and how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for floods and how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
If you are in Queensland, use this fact sheet to know what to do to get ready for earthquakes and how to stay safe. Visit https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared for more information and support.
01 Jan 2019... This video highlights what the Country Fire Authority (CFA) do, their volunteer culture, history and work with the community to help protect lives and property of over 3.3 million Victorians.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains the fire triangle, the three things fire needs to burn- heat, oxygen and fuel.
01 Jan 2019... This video provides information on the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains some risks, how to reduce them and what you need to do if a grassfire or bushfire starts.
Information on how you can prepare your family and your home for floods.
21 Nov 2018... Know the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others.
02 Jun 2016... Smoke from fires can reduce air quality in rural and urban areas and exposure to smoke can affect you and your family's health. Find out more about how smoke can affect your health and the actions you can take to avoid or reduce potential health effects.
Information on how you can prepare your family and your home for storms.
01 Jul 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. If you are in South Australia, use this checklist to help you prepare for a flood.
01 May 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. Use this checklist to help you prepare your home and reduce potential damage from storms.
01 Jun 2018... This resource was developed for South Australia only. If you are in South Australia, use this checklist to help you prepare for a heatwave.
01 Oct 2022... Information on how to prevent mosquito-borne diseases after a flood or heavy rainfall. After a flood or heavy rainfall, mosquitoes grow and spread in the pools of water left behind. Mosquitoes can carry diseases and spread them by biting you.
22 Dec 2020... Video with tips to help prevent a fire in your home.
22 Dec 2020... Video with tips to help prepare for the fire season and protect your family and your home.
11 Oct 2023... In this video, you will learn how to plan and prepare for bushfires, and what to do if there is a bushfire in your area.
31 May 2023... This book is made by Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about fire danger ratings. Fire danger ratings tell you how bad it would be if a fire started. They change every day and are different in every area or district.
02 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to get your home ready for bushfires. Use this book to be ready and keep yourself safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about bushfire emergency kits. Emergency kit means the things you need if you leave home. You might need to leave because of a bushfire. You should be ready to leave. Use this book to be ready and to stay safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about what happens in a bushfire. You should make a bushfire plan before there is a bushfire. A bushfire plan says how you will get ready for a bushfire.
14 Sep 2023... This video is produced by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. Fire Danger Ratings are your trigger to act. They tell you how dangerous a fire could be if one started. Check Fire Danger Ratings daily.
11 Jul 2023... This video is produced by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. Victoria is one of the most bushfire-prone parts of the world. Every summer, bushfires threaten properties and lives, but it's not the flames that kill most bushfire victims. It’s the radiant heat.
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. On days when fires will spread quickly and be difficult to control, CFA restricts what you can and can’t do when burning off.
This poster raises awareness of the risk of drowning for people of all ages and provides water safety tips.
01 Mar 2018... These videos give you ten tips for visiting an Australian beach safely.
Poster with information on how to ensure safe water playing for children.
01 Jul 2013... This fact sheet provides information about sun safety for school students.
21 Nov 2022... Barmah Forest virus is a germ that can infect people through mosquito bites. Past infection with Barmah Forest virus may have a protective effect against future infection. Barmah Forest virus is related to Ross River virus.
31 Dec 2020... Birdie and the Very Hot Day: It's so hot, Birdie and Mr Frog have to find ways to cool down and feel better. A story for young children about coping with heatwaves. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
03 Oct 2023... Support for people directly affected by a declared natural disaster. Scroll down any document to see the English version.
01 Dec 2015... The brochure contains information about the effects of extreme heat, who is at risk and how you can prepare yourself and others. During extreme heat, it is easy to become dehydrated or for your body to overheat. If this happens, you may develop heat cramps, heat exhaustion or even heatstroke. Heatstroke is a medical emergency that can result in permanent damage to your vital organs or even death if not treated immediately. Extreme heat can also make existing medical conditions worse.
01 Dec 2016... The 'Survive the heat' poster can be used by health and community service providers to promote heat health messages.
01 Aug 2019... This home fire safety video was developed alongside a local Thai community group in Springvale and the Springvale brigade and station staff. The video focuses on kitchen fire safety which, as data highlights is where most house fires start. It shows in a humorous way, how people can easily get distracted from cooking with disastrous consequences.
01 Jan 2019... This video explains what activities can be undertaken during a fire danger period or on Total Fire Ban days e.g. having a barbeque.
01 Oct 2019... This video explains how to prepare a fire escape plan for your home.
01 Aug 2022... This resource was developed for South Australia only. This brochure explains 5 simple steps to prepare for a flood.
01 Mar 2019... This book is for South Australian residents only. If you are in South Australia, use this book to prepare for a flood and to stay safe when there is a flood.
01 Mar 2019... This book is for South Australian residents only. This book tells you how to stay safe in a storm and how to prepare for a storm.
31 Jan 2024... This book is made by Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about bushfire risk areas, which means somewhere a bushfire is more likely to happen. Use this book to be ready and to stay safe.
02 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to get your pets ready for a bushfire. Use this book to be ready and keep your pets safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about how to check bushfire information for your area. You should check bushfire information every day in the hotter parts of the year. The information can help keep you safe.
01 Feb 2024... This book is made by the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about what to do if you are in a car and there is a bushfire near. It is best not to drive in a bushfire.
01 Nov 2023... This book is made by Fire Rescue Victoria and the Country Fire Authority for people in Victoria. This book is about smoke alarms. A smoke alarm makes a loud sound to let you that there is smoke in your home. Smoke alarms can warn you about a fire early give you a chance to leave safely. Only working smoke alarms save lives.
01 May 2024... These videos are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria with information about testing and replacing smoke alarms. 1 - Smoke alarms will alert your family of a fire. 2 - Test smoke alarms by pushing the button to hear a beep 3 - Clean your smoke alarms 4 - Always have a battery in your smoke alarm and change it each year 5 - Replace all smoke alarms every 10 years
12 Sep 2023... These resources are developed by the Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria. You can travel in the fire danger period but make sure you check weather conditions and fire risks first.
01 Oct 2022... Information on when and how to safely drink water after a flood. After a flood, your water provider will advise you whether your tap water is safe to drink. They may issue a 'Do not drink advisory': Your water has harmful chemicals and toxins, and drinking it can make you very sick, or a 'Boil water advisory': Your water could have germs, and you must boil water before use. Drinking unboiled water can make you sick.
Water safety audio information.
01 Apr 2021... Video about water safety and swimming education that is culturally appropriate and accessible.
21 May 2021... Smoke alarms are compulsory in every home. When you're asleep, you lose your sense of smell. A smoke alarm is your electronic nose. It will alert you if there is smoke from a fire.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.