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This video outlines who, why, when and how to lodge a tax return. It also contains information on what income you need to include and what deductions and expenses you can claim
31 Oct 2021... This easy read worksheet helps you create a marketing plan. This guides you on how to tell more people about your business and sell more products and services.
Are you interested in starting a business? Our latest Easy Read guide is all about working for yourself. You can find out more about: ways that people can work for themselves, things to think about when you start a business & where to find information and help.
A step by step guide on how to fill in and simplify your tax return.
Fact sheet on the history and facts of Asbestos including the national strategic plan to eradicate it.
30 May 2023... This fact sheet includes information about protecting your hearing at work. Prolonged exposure to loud noise at work, or sudden exposure to an intensely loud sound, can cause hearing loss.
08 Aug 2022... Work-related gendered violence is any action or behaviour, directed at any person, or that affects a person, because of their sex, gender or sexual orientation, or because they do not adhere to gender stereotypes, that creates a risk to health and safety. Work-related gendered violence may be aimed directly at an individual or a group. It could also be behaviour that is not directed at anyone, but affects someone who is exposed to it or witnesses it. This fact sheet outlines types of work-related gendered violence, what gendered violence might look like in the workplace and provides employees with information about reporting work-related gendered violence and what to do if they witness gendered violence in the workplace.
This fact sheet explains that all workers in Victoria are covered by Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Laws. It encourages workers to speak up when they feel unsafe, ensure they receive the training they need, make sure that they only work reasonable hours, and that their boss provides them with the right tools, clothing and equipment. It informs workers that if they have been injured at work, they might be eligible for compensation through Workcover.
This information sheet explains what to do if you think you are being exploited at work. It advises contact with the Migrant Workers Centre and/or the Fair Work Ombudsman. It gives an exploitation checklist to determine if you are being exploited, as well as a checklist to help prepare a report against your workplace.
This information sheet outlines some important things to be aware of when looking for a job. These include making a TFN number, creating a resume, familiarising yourself with your visa work conditions, being observant of your workplace conditions, and knowing your award.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.