Displaying 1-10 of 40 results
01 Sep 2018... This factsheet gives information for kids starting primary school. Back to school is an exciting time for students and families. Find tips on how you can help your child have a positive start to school.
01 Sep 2018... This factsheet provides information about starting secondary school.
01 Oct 2021... A brochure which explains what early start kindergarten is and why it is important, as well as how to enrol your child if they are eligible.
26 Jun 2023... This video will give you some tips and information about education in Australia.
30 Jul 2024... A customisable letter has been written for you to provide to families with the introduction to the transition to school information sheet. This document can be easily used by your service by copying the letter onto your service letterhead, attaching it to regular newsletters or adding it to online communication to families. This information sheet explains to families the importance of sharing relevant information with schools and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services and how this information will be shared.
01 Jul 2020... This form asks parents to provide written consent for their children's school to conduct head lice inspections.
01 Dec 2020... This information is for parents, carers and guardians about the Tutor Learning Initiative, which will support students in their learning in 2021.The 2020 school year has been an extraordinary and challenging one for every school community. Many Victorian students spent much of Terms 2 and 3 this year learning remotely and Victorian schools and their communities have made an exceptional effort to provide continuity of teaching and learning to our students during this time. During Term 4, schools across Victoria have been focused on supporting students' mental health and wellbeing, in addition to assisting students to readjust to on-site learning.
01 Sep 2022... This translated guide explains the Disability Standards for Education 2005. It is for students with disability and their parents and carers. The resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers. The resource is also available in Easy Read and Auslan.
25 Jan 2024... This resource shares real stories of young people with disability. In it, they talk about their experiences in education; what they learned from these experiences, what they want you to know. Their experiences are all different, and all are important. Together, they tell a story about how education providers follow the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE) and how they could potentially support students better.
AUSCO is offered to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Program entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival. These Australian Settlement Journey translated videos provide an overview of life in Australia and an introduction to the services available to refugees and humanitarian entrants in the initial settlement period.​
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.