Displaying 1-10 of 28 results
What you should know if you have been charged with a drug-related driving offence and how you can prepare for the court case.
01 Sep 2011... This poster details the rights and responsibilities of a person using Victorian alcohol and other drug (AOD) services.
01 Nov 2014... This easy to read fact sheet provides the facts on methamphetamine including 'speed' and 'ice' - the short and long term effects on your body and life, interaction with other drugs, methamphetamine use during pregnancy, tolerance and dependence, withdrawal, overdose, driving, the law (in NSW) and telephone numbers for services in every state in Australia.
19 Mar 2022... Random roadside drug testing happens in every state and territory across Australia. This resource is a quick guide on what to expect from a roadside drug test, what the test detects and information on how long different drugs stay in a person’s system.
This information booklet is designed to help parents answer questions when talking to their children about drugs, including alcohol.
01 Nov 2017... This fact sheet provides the facts on fentanyl - the short and long term effects on your body and life, interaction with other drugs, fentanyl use during pregnancy, tolerance and dependence, withdrawal, overdose, driving, the law (in NSW) and telephone numbers for services in every state in Australia.
If your methamphetamine use is affecting your physical and/or mental health, family, relationships, work, school, financial or other life situation, you should seek help.
01 May 2019... This is a series of videos about the risks that come with drinking alcohol, and how to minimise or prevent them. This one shows the benefits of not drinking alcohol.
01 Nov 2014... This fact sheet provides the facts on cannabis on your body and life, interaction with other drugs, cannabis during pregnancy, tolerance and dependence, withdrawal, quitting, driving, the law (in NSW) and telephone numbers for services in every state in Australia. Also includes links to a number of free resources on cannabis.
01 Jul 2018... A consumer factsheet about lead poisoning from illicit opium.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.