Displaying 1-64 of 64 results
17 Feb 2022... An easy read factsheet providing information and instructions on how to do a rapid antigen test with your saliva.
05 Aug 2022... An easy read providing information on the COVID-19 medicines that you might be able to have if you get COVID-19.
03 Dec 2021... This video explains how the COVID-19 vaccines available in Australia were approved for use. All vaccines in Australia have to pass strict safety standards.
03 Dec 2021... Like all medicines, COVID-19 vaccines can have some side effects. This video discusses the most common side effects to COVID-19 vaccines, and why there might be some differences for women due to a stronger immune response. Find out more in our video, and see your health professional if you have any concerns.
27 Jul 2022... This poster explains simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your community from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19 and influenza.
17 Jun 2022... This video, in English, provides information on what COVID-19 treatments are available and the importance of discussing with your general practitioner which option is the most appropriate for you.
11 Feb 2022... An easy read factsheet providing information and instructions on how to do a rapid antigen test from your nose.
09 Jun 2023... Most people with COVID-19 recover completely within a few weeks of their first symptoms. However, some people may experience longer-term effects from their infection. Learn about long COVID and where you can get help for your ongoing symptoms.
31 Mar 2022... Information regarding access to Disability Liaison Officers (DLO), who can support children with disabilities and additional needs access to COVID vaccines. DLOs are funded by the Victorian Department of Health.
01 Sep 2021... The fact sheet raises awareness of Long COVID and encourages people to seek care from their General Practitioner.
01 Dec 2020... This fact sheet provides useful information about grief and trauma support services for those impacted by COVID-19 in the aged care sector. The services are available for residential aged care residents, home care recipients, their loved ones and aged care staff.
01 Nov 2020... CEH's Multicultural Community Action Network (M-CAN) have produced 3 new videos, with and for the Dinka and Chinese speaking community to raise awareness of the importance of Hepatitis testing & treatment during COVID-19.
01 Apr 2020... This video is a step by step guide on how to wash your hands properly.
18 Feb 2022... An easy read fact sheet providing information and instructions on what to do if you get COVID-19.
01 Feb 2021... A virus has made Birdie's friends sick! Birdie feels lonely and worried. What if everyone stays sick forever? A story for young children about recovering from a virus. Natural disasters like storms, cyclones, floods or fire can be very frightening and upsetting for babies and young children. Playing a therapeutic game or reading a story with a caring adult can help a young child work through the scary experiences and 'big feelings'. There's information for parents and carers too. Translations of this resource can be viewed and downloaded by scrolling down to the section "Languages other than English" and selecting your preferred language.
01 Mar 2021... Information about Shisha and the risk of COVID-19.
01 Jul 2021... Supporting communication for the COVID-19 vaccination program. This glossary was developed to help community organisations, translators and interpreters, bilingual workers, and community leaders to better understand and communicate about vaccine development and implementation.
01 Feb 2021... This animation explains Australia's diversified vaccines portfolio, and reassures the viewer that Australia has enough vaccines for everyone living in Australia.
20 Jul 2023... A fact sheet about the COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant or breastfeeding people is in Easy Read format.
01 Jul 2022... A plain English fact sheet about a medicine called Paxlovid for Covid-19. This medicine can stop you from getting very sick or needing to go to hospital. This factsheet explains the medicine and how to use it.
13 Jul 2022... This video, in Auslan, provides instructions on how to do a rapid antigen test from your nose.
20 Jul 2023... An easy read providing information on COVID-19 and ventilation.
08 Nov 2022... Cardinia Shire produced a short informational video about Long Covid useful to anyone who may still be experiencing Covid-19 symptoms 3 months after contracting Covid. Each video has English subtitles.
14 Sep 2021... This fact sheet explains how to answer your child's questions about COVID-19 vaccination. It’s natural for your child to be curious and to have lots of questions about COVID-19 vaccinations. Here are some tips for speaking to children before and after they receive a vaccine.
01 Sep 2021... COVID-19 vaccines have no effect on fertility. It is strongly recommended that pregnant people get vaccinated because the vaccines protect the mother and baby from getting sick from COVID-19.
01 May 2021... A fact sheet about what happens after COVID-19 vaccination in Easy Read format.
15 Feb 2024... Information for refugee and migrant men about some tips that can help you manage your stresses and improve your mental. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, our lives have been affected in different ways by the virus and public health measures. Self-isolation and quarantine, uncertainty about what the future holds, job losses, and being away from family and friends have had a big impact on our lives and particularly on our mental health. Psychological distress due to COVID-19 may lead to you feeling upset, worried, scared, or anxious but there are a few steps that you can follow to manage this.
01 Aug 2022... This social animation explains that COVID-19 oral treatments can be life-saving for some people.
06 Oct 2022... Information for people affected by cancer. It’s understandable if you are feeling worried about COVID-19 and cancer. Making a plan can help you to minimise the risks associated with COVID-19 and get the treatment you need at the right time.
01 Dec 2021... Telehealth is when you use a phone or video call to talk to your health care worker, like a doctor or nurse. It means you can have a health appointment from anywhere you are, even from home. This is a quick guide to help you.
01 Apr 2020... Information on how to access the NDIS during the coronavirus pandemic.
01 Oct 2021... As Victoria reopens, you will have to show proof of full vaccination when checking in to places outside the home.You will need a COVID-19 vaccination certificate to go to a restaurant or café, or to visit the hairdresser.Many people will need their certificate for work.This audio file explains how to get a certificate.
03 Dec 2021... If you are breastfeeding, it's recommended you get vaccinated against COVID-19 at any time. The World Health Organisation also encourages women to continue breastfeeding after vaccination - as some research suggests that antibodies can pass through breastmilk and protect babies against COVID-19.
01 Apr 2020... Step by step pictures on how to wash your hands properly.
01 Feb 2021... A fact sheet about giving your consent for COVID-19 vaccination in Easy Read format.
20 Jul 2023... A fact sheet about what to expect during COVID-19 vaccination in Easy Read format.
20 Jul 2023... A fact sheet about COVID-19 vaccine safety in Easy Read format.
05 Jul 2023... You can take steps to ensure you and the people around you stay safe.
20 Jul 2023... A fact sheet containing extra information about COVID-19 vaccination in Easy Read format.
01 Aug 2022... This factsheet explains how people who have recently come to Queensland from the Ukraine can now access free COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits.
28 Nov 2023... COVID-19 information provided by the Victorian State Government, including details on protection, testing, support, medications, vaccination, and recovery.
01 Sep 2021... The multilingual audio recordings of the Long COVID fact sheet raise awareness of Long COVID and encourages people to seek care from their General Practitioner.
31 Mar 2022... Long COVID affects the body following infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. It can affect anyone who had COVID in the past, regardless of how severe their sickness was during the infection. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, memory issues, anxiety and depression. The Long COVID videos were produced by the Cities of Casey, Cardinia and Greater Dandenong with the support of the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health.
28 Jan 2022... Rapid antigen tests are tests you can do yourself at home to check if you have COVID-19. Most tests take 15 to 30 minutes. There are two types of tests: Saliva tests which test saliva (spit); and nasal tests where you need to take a sample from both your nostrils.
A collection of information, factsheets and videos about COVID-19 to assist parents in supporting their child during a pandemic.
15 Jul 2022... This poster explains how to use a rapid antigen test (RAT)correctly.
11 Nov 2022... This video provides detailed instructions on how to do a nasal rapid antigen test (RAT). The video comes with subtitles and transcripts.
07 Jun 2023... Early testing means, if you have COVID-19, you can avoid spreading the virus to someone else.
20 Jul 2023... A fact sheet about how to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Easy Read format.
07 Jul 2022... This fact sheet explains the potential long-term effects of COVID-19.
01 Feb 2023... This fact sheet explains how you can monitor your symptoms when recovering from COVID-19.
03 Dec 2021... COVID-19 vaccines do not affect your fertility. Getting vaccinated before conceiving means you will be better protected against severe illness and complications that can be caused by COVID-19 during pregnancy.
01 Nov 2020... CEH's Multicultural Community Action Network (M-CAN) have produced 3 new videos, with and for the Dinka and Chinese speaking community to raise awareness of the importance of Hepatitis testing & treatment during COVID-19.
01 Apr 2020... This fact sheet is a step by step guide on how to wash your hands properly.
01 Mar 2020... SBS is informing all Australians about the latest coronavirus developments. News and information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available in 63 languages.
07 Jul 2022... An Easy Read with information on what to do if someone you live with has COVID-19.
01 Dec 2023... This poster explains why you need a COVID-19 vaccine booster dose.
01 Feb 2021... This video describes how vaccines work in the body after you receive a vaccination.
01 May 2021... Professor Michael Kidd answering COVID-19 vaccine questions from people with disability about where to get information about the vaccine and having support people attend vaccination appointments.
01 Feb 2021... A fact sheet about where to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Easy Read format.
01 Feb 2021... Fact sheet about the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations in Easy Read format
14 Jul 2022... Are you pregnant? Vaccination against COVID-19 is recommended at any stage of pregnancy. Pregnant women have a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 compared to the general population, and their babies have a higher risk of being born prematurely. Vaccination is the best way to reduce these risks.
01 Nov 2021... Most people get 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. After some time the vaccines are not as strong anymore. To make sure they stay strong people can get a booster dose.
17 Jan 2023... This comic explains to children the importance of getting a COVID-19 vaccination.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.