Displaying 1-10 of 64 results
17 Feb 2022... An easy read factsheet providing information and instructions on how to do a rapid antigen test with your saliva.
05 Aug 2022... An easy read providing information on the COVID-19 medicines that you might be able to have if you get COVID-19.
03 Dec 2021... This video explains how the COVID-19 vaccines available in Australia were approved for use. All vaccines in Australia have to pass strict safety standards.
03 Dec 2021... Like all medicines, COVID-19 vaccines can have some side effects. This video discusses the most common side effects to COVID-19 vaccines, and why there might be some differences for women due to a stronger immune response. Find out more in our video, and see your health professional if you have any concerns.
27 Jul 2022... This poster explains simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your community from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19 and influenza.
17 Jun 2022... This video, in English, provides information on what COVID-19 treatments are available and the importance of discussing with your general practitioner which option is the most appropriate for you.
11 Feb 2022... An easy read factsheet providing information and instructions on how to do a rapid antigen test from your nose.
09 Jun 2023... Most people with COVID-19 recover completely within a few weeks of their first symptoms. However, some people may experience longer-term effects from their infection. Learn about long COVID and where you can get help for your ongoing symptoms.
31 Mar 2022... Information regarding access to Disability Liaison Officers (DLO), who can support children with disabilities and additional needs access to COVID vaccines. DLOs are funded by the Victorian Department of Health.
01 Sep 2021... The fact sheet raises awareness of Long COVID and encourages people to seek care from their General Practitioner.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.