Displaying 1-10 of 42 results
31 May 2018... This factsheet lists the different types of contraceptions and where you can get it.
30 Jun 2014... Bilingual factsheet on the emergency contraceptive pill or ECP (sometimes wrongly called the 'morning after pill'). Information on how the ECP works, how to take it, possible side effects and where it can be purchased. NSW contact details.
30 Jun 2014... Bilingual information sheet about the male condom, including what a condom is, how it works, how to use it, side effects and where to get them. NSW contact details.
01 May 2019... LARC methods provide temporary, safe, cost-effective contraception which can last from 3 and up to 10 years depending on the type. They include the intrauterine device and the contraceptive implant.
01 Dec 2018... This video tells a client's story of overcoming barriers to accessing reproductive and sexual health care when visiting Family Planning NSW for contraception. The video aims to increase health literacy and promote access to reproductive and sexual health care.
14 Nov 2022... This resources answers some commonly asked questions about contraception. What is contraception? Can you combine forms of contraception?
01 May 2019... This fact sheet describes the process for undergoing a medical termination, including a consultation with a doctor, medications you will take and where these steps take place.
01 Jun 2022... This translated fact sheet explains the available options for using a worry free contraception that suits an individual as their best protection against unplanned pregnancy. It gives brief descriptions of the options and how effective each type is.
01 Jan 2019... An introductory video explaining the different contraception methods, how they work and where to access them.
This translated brochure provides information on emergency contraception. It includes information about what the 'Emergency Pill' is, how it works, side effects, when to expect periods, other options and advice on protecting oneself.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.