Displaying 1-10 of 36 results
22 Mar 2023... This resource provides information to help parents who are settling in Australia to keep their families strong, happy and healthy. Parenting can be difficult. For parents who have come to Australia from overseas, there are the added pressures of raising children in a new country and a new cultural environment. Children, through school and other activities, often adapt more easily and may learn Australian customs, language and culture faster than their parents. This booklet will help parents care for their families in Australia and find help when needed.
This brochure explains what will happen when Community Services want to talk about your children.
We use your family income estimate to work out how much family assistance to pay you. This includes Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
01 Nov 2022... This book is for people receiving Department of Families, Fairness and Housing services. It includes information about family violence and how to get support, the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, which allows authorised organisations and services to share information to assess and manage family violence risk to children and adults. These Schemes are being implemented with the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM).
12 Nov 2024... A brochure about Parent Pathways, a support service for parents and carers with children under 6 years old. Parent Pathways connects parents and carers with someone who can help them meet their goals. This service can support parents and carers to get help with child care, find community support, study or do training. This service can also support parents and carers to pay for a uniform or tools, look for work when they are ready, and pay for a computer to work or study.
12 Nov 2024... A poster about Parent Pathways, a support service for parents and carers with children under 6 years old. Parent Pathways connects parents and carers with someone who can help them meet their goals. This service can support parents and carers to get help with child care, find community support, study or do training. This service can also support parents and carers to pay for a uniform or tools, look for work when they are ready, and pay for a computer to work or study.
This sheet contains information for parents and guardians about contact with their child while not in their care. It explains what contact is for and how it is arranged.
An outline of: what a 'Care by Secretary Order' is; how long it lasts; living arrangements for its duration; young people's rights and responsibilities and where to get help.
01 Sep 2021... Child Care Subsidy helps with the cost of approved child care. This audio resource talks about the eligibility criteria you must meet.
This brochure explains how to make an appeal against a decision from the Children's Court.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.