Displaying 1-10 of 200 results
31 Jul 2019... Step-by-step brochure to completing a bowel cancer screening kit.
30 Nov 2022... This factsheet explains what prostate cancer is, the chance of diagnosis and how prostate cancer is detected. symptoms, and when you should have a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test.
01 Nov 2022... You may hear about, or become interested in, complementary therapies. This factsheet has information on conventional, complementary, and alternative cancer therapies; what types of complementary therapies are available for cancer patients; and what to do before considering complementary therapy.
01 Jun 2019... Brochure about bowel cancer risk, symptoms, screening and prevention.
01 Sep 2020... This patient information sheet explains mucositis and xerostomia, the two most common mouth problems during cancer treatment
01 Sep 2020... This patient information sheet explains when you are likely to get nausea and vomiting after chemo- or radiotherapy, how you can manage it and what to do if it doesn't stop.
01 Dec 2016... This information is for people who have finished treatment for cancer, such as surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.
27 Mar 2022... In observance of Multicultural Health Week, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service has published a range of cancer screening resources in 47 languages. These factsheets, brochures, posters and booklets cover topics on breast cancer, cervical screening, bowel cancer, pap test, home test kits, and other vital information on cancer.
30 Nov 2022... Being prepared and understanding what radiation therapy is can help lessen some of the stress surrounding your treatment. This factsheet has information on radiation therapy, why and how it is given, when and for how long it is used, associated pain or discomfort, and possible side-effects.
19 Oct 2022... Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses medicines to destroy cancer cells in the body. These anti-cancer medicines kill or damage cancer cells but may also affect some healthy cells, which can cause side-effects. This information sheet for patients provides detailed information on chemotherapy, including what kind of chemotherapy is needed, how the treatment is given, side-effects, and treatment plans or protocols.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.