Displaying 1-10 of 28 results
23 Jul 2019... People living with spina bifida and may also have hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition that happens when too much cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collects in the brain and causes pressure to build and damage the brain.
This Help Sheet describes where people with Parkinson's disease and their families and carers can go to get help, support and information in Victoria.
Migraine is a very common and complex inherited neurological disorder of sensory processing. This means the migraine brain processes things in a different way compared to those who don’t have migraine. Most people don’t know they have migraine until they start getting migraine attacks. Migraine attacks are the flare ups or episodes which involve a combination of neurological symptoms such as severe headache, sensitivity to light, noise, smells, nausea or vomiting, and in some cases, weakness, numbness, dizziness and problems with vision.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about spotting the early signs of cerebral palsy and getting a diagnosis. Also, child health specialists explain that cerebral palsy is a condition that affects the brain. They talk about the different types of cerebral palsy, how it affects children and some of its causes.
This poster explains what to do and not do if somebody experiences an epileptic seizure and when to call an ambulance.
15 Feb 2024... The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by a lining called the meninges. Infection or inflammation of the meninges is called meningitis which can be life-threatening and is a medical emergency. This resource explains what meningitis is, its signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and management.
Migraine cannot be cured, but it can be managed. You just need to find the right combination of lifestyle changes, acute treatment, and, if necessary, preventive treatment, that works for you.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have Parkinson's disease. It explains how Parkinson's disease changes how you communicate, think, speak, and use your body. It also explains what you can do to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
01 Jun 2015... In this short video, parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about what happens after your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They describe why it's important to look after yourself, connect with other families and have a good support network. They also talk about different therapies. Health specialists say why early intervention is important, especially for helping children reach goals like feeding or dressing.
This fact sheet explains what epilepsy is and describes the different forms of seizures.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.