Displaying 1-10 of 56 results
31 Jul 2019... Step-by-step brochure to completing a bowel cancer screening kit.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource providing information about prevention and management of constipation for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs that a person may be constipated and also ways to prevent and manage constipation.
01 Jun 2019... Brochure about bowel cancer risk, symptoms, screening and prevention.
30 Sep 2021... This audio resource is part of Cancer Council's "Guides to Best Cancer Care" series. Click on the drop down menu under "Further support" to listen to information in your preferred language. Being told you have bowel cancer or could have bowel cancer can be overwhelming. This resource audio resource can help to guide you and your family and friends through this experience. It has information on initial tests and referral, diagnosis and staging, treatment, recovery, and living with advanced cancer.
01 Apr 2021... Normal bowel function is important for avoiding unnecessary strain on the pelvic floor muscles, which can result in other bowel and bladder symptoms. It is important to avoid constipation.
19 Jun 2024... This poster reminds patients to do their bowel screening.
23 Aug 2024... This animation aims to increase awareness of screening importance and facilitating participation, particularly in bowel cancer screenings and provides information about free screening and testing kits available for people aged 45 to 74 years.Â
01 Jun 2016... People with poor bowel control accidentally pass bowel motions at the wrong time or in the wrong place. They may also pass wind when they do not mean to.
01 Jan 2025... This Easy English book is from Cancer Council Victoria and tells you about the free bowel screening test kits. The kits are sent to people in Australia as part of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. The bowel screening test helps us check if you might have bowel cancer. Bowel cancer is also called colorectal cancer.
01 Jul 2018... Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers in our community. Do the free test when it's mailed to you.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.