Displaying 1-26 of 26 results
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition dyspraxia, or difficulty producing speech, types of dyspraxia, who can help and what family/friends can do to help.
Aboriginal English varies across Australia but differs from Standard Australian English in its sound system, grammar, story structure, and the way it's used - words often have different meanings and take into account the rich linguistic heritage of Indigenous culture.
01 Jan 2017... There is a range of healthcare professionals who help manage arthritis, and this sheet outlines what each member of the healthcare team does and how to find them. It also includes tips on being prepared for and getting the most from a visit to a health professional.
30 Apr 2023... This easy English factsheet is about how you communicate when you have autism. It has information on ways to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
This Auslan resource was created by physiotherapy students from The University of Melbourne as part of the Health Promotion Project 'Deaf Awareness and Physiotherapy' in collaboration with Deaf Victoria.
30 Apr 2008... List of safe swallowing strategies
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition dysarthria or slurred speech, how to manage this condition and the therapies to treat it.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have Parkinson's disease. It explains how Parkinson's disease changes how you communicate, think, speak, and use your body. It also explains what you can do to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
01 Apr 2023... This Easy Read resource is about Dementia, Â which is a disease that causes changes in the brain. It often affects communication and daily life.
People with mental health needs often have communication and swallowing difficulties. In fact, people with communication and swallowing difficulties are more likely to experience mental ill-health. Speech pathologists help with communication and swallowing. They are an essential part of the mental health care team.
30 Sep 2013... Learning to speak is a crucial part of a child's development and the most intensive period of speech and language development happens in the first three years of life. Even though children vary in their development of speech and language, there are certain 'milestones' that can be identified as a rough guide to normal development. These milestones are outlined in this fact sheet.
01 Apr 2023... Ageing is a normal process that changes your abilities throughout life. Ageing changes how you communicate. Conditions such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s do not happen to everyone who is elderly. Disease processes in the brain cause these conditions.
Stuttering affects the flow and ease of talking. People who stutter can have a hard time communicating. They might become more anxious about speaking. We still don’t know what causes stuttering. However, we know a lot about what happens when people stutter, how it affects them, and how to help them. Speech pathologists can help people who stutter.
13 Oct 2023... This fact sheet is available in Easy Read and Dari and explains how language is fundamental to a baby’s development.
19 Jan 2024... IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health services in Victoria. This brochure is about your rights and responsibilities when you use their services, your privacy and personal information, how to give feedback or make a complaint, and how to get someone to act for you and support you.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have cerebral palsy. It explains how a speech pathologist can help you.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have multiple sclerosis. It has advice on ways to help you communicate and how a speech pathologist can help you.
60% of people who have had a stroke will develop a swallowing difficulty (dysphagia), while around 20% will have difficulty using speech. A further 30% of all people who have had a stroke will have difficulty articulating ideas or comprehending written or spoken language (aphasia).
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition Dysphasia, or difficulties with understanding and talking', types of dysphasia and who can help.
19 Jan 2024... IPC Health is one of the largest providers of community health services in Victoria. This brochure is about their services, including wellbeing and counselling, allied health, chronic conditions, general health, aged care, child, youth and family.
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is when a person uses something other than speech to communicate. They might use body movements or gestures. They might use sign language or a computer or device. They might use communication books or other printed material.
30 Apr 2008... Information about the condition dysphagia or difficulty swallowing, what the signs are, who can help and strategies for managing this condition.
30 Sep 2013... This Easy Read fact sheet explains why learning to speak is a crucial part of a child’s development. Progress made in the preschool and early school years is crucial to mastering the rules of language.
01 Dec 2020... Knowing what to expect at an appointment can help you think about questions the speech pathologist might ask, what you are most concerned about, and preparing your child.
30 Apr 2023... This easy English factsheet is about how you can help people who find it hard to communicate. It explains what you need to have a good conversation and improve how you communicate. It also explains how a speech pathologist can help you.
30 Apr 2023... This book is about how you communicate when you have motor neurone disease (MND). It explains who you may think and feel, eat and drink, and things that can help you communicate. It also explains how a speech pathologist can help you.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.