Displaying 1-10 of 22 results
01 Feb 2018... Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and potentially life-threatening. It should always be treated as a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. Most cases of anaphylaxis occur after a person with a severe allergy is exposed to the allergen they are allergic to (usually a food, insect or medication).
Some plants are dangerous for children. When touched or swallowed, they can be poisonous, cause allergic reactions, or cause physical injuries.
23 Oct 2023... This fact sheet explains what coeliac disease is, how to find out if you have coeliac disease, coeliac disease symptoms checklist and culturally specific gluten-free diet information.
03 Oct 2023... An allergy challenge is when we give your child food or medication to determine if they are allergic to it. This is done under close medical supervision in a safe hospital setting. Allergy challenges help us understand the following: If your child has been allergic to the food in the past, the challenge will tell us whether they have outgrown their allergy. If you are uncertain whether your child is allergic to a food or has never eaten it, the challenge will provide clarity.
23 Oct 2023... This fact sheet explains what coeliac disease is, how to find out if you have coeliac disease, coeliac disease symptoms checklist and culturally specific gluten-free diet information.
01 Dec 2021... A poster with information on how to protect yourself from thunderstorm asthma.
14 Mar 2024... A5 poster about food labelling. Food labels are required by law to carry essential information so that people know what is in the food they buy. The role of the Food Safety Unit at the Victorian Department of Health is to ensure that food sold in Victoria is safe. The Department can investigate and test food for allergens that are not described on the food label.
01 Mar 2021... Epidemic thunderstorm asthma events are uncommon and don't occur every year. In southeast Australia, they can happen during the grass pollen season from October through December. Thunderstorm asthma can affect those with asthma or hay fever, especially people who experience wheezing or coughing with their hay fever. That's why people with asthma or hay fever need to know about thunderstorm asthma and what they can do to help protect themselves during the grass pollen season. More information about epic thunderstorm asthma is available on the Better Health Channel .Â
01 Feb 2018... Information for patients, consumers and carers. Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening, severe allergic reaction and should always be treated as a medical emergency. Anaphylaxis occurs after exposure to an allergen (usually to foods, insects or medicines) to which a person is allergic. Not all people with allergies are at risk of anaphylaxis.
01 Feb 2018... Step by step instructions for giving EpiPen adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjectors.
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