Displaying 1-9 of 9 results
01 Apr 2019... Parents from all cultures and communities want their children to be safe from harm. While Australia is generally a safe place, children can be harmed at home or in the community.
01 Oct 2020... Children coming to Australia have a lot to get used to - a new home, school, language, culture and people. Parents can help children adapt to the changes and settle into their new life.
01 Apr 2019... Early and forced marriages are against the law in all States and Territories of Australia. It is also against the law to take someone to another country for an early or forced marriage.
01 Dec 2020... Families are the most important thing in children's lives. Keeping your family strong can help everyone adapt to a new life in Australia.
30 Dec 2020... Dads in all communities and cultures are very important for families. There are many ways to be a dad. How dads do some things in Australia may be new to you.
01 Apr 2019... Parents in Australia often go to services for help with family matters. Services welcome families from all cultures and communities. They can help just as family or community might have helped you in the past.
01 Dec 2020... The teenage years can bring joys and challenges for families from all cultures and communities. Sons and daughters are growing, changing and learning skills for adult life. There can be extra challenges for teenagers in a new culture.
01 Dec 2020... Parents from all cultures and communities share a love of their children and want the best for them. There are many ways to raise children. Some of the ways children are raised in Australia may be new to you. Everyone in the family is getting used to life in a new culture. Working things out together can help keep families strong.
01 Sep 2020... A visual storybook illustrated with a lot of pictures and written in plain language explains why you should have a cervical screening test every 5 years.
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