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01 Sep 2018... This factsheet gives information for kids starting primary school. Back to school is an exciting time for students and families. Find tips on how you can help your child have a positive start to school.
01 Sep 2018... This factsheet provides information about starting secondary school.
01 Feb 2018... Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and potentially life-threatening. It should always be treated as a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. Most cases of anaphylaxis occur after a person with a severe allergy is exposed to the allergen they are allergic to (usually a food, insect or medication).
17 May 2023... Gambling affects people in many different ways. Gambler's Help provides free and confidential support and information in a range of languages other than English. Information includes a video and contact details to support services in your language.
31 Dec 2013... Clozapine is a medicine used to treat some kinds of mental illness. Clozapine can be called Clozaril, Clopine or Closyn. Clozapine is prescribed by doctors to people who have a psychotic illness, and is therefore known as an antipsychotic medicine. There are different types of antipsychotic medicines. Clozapine is a newer antipsychotic medicine.
01 Aug 2021... Advice on helping family and friends affected by a disaster.
Fire-safe behaviour is reliant on the awareness of risk and knowing what to do to reduce that risk. Adequate supervision and positive role modelling for young children is very important. Parents and carers can help reduce this risk by controlling or removing possible re-hazards around the home.
Advice on how to be prepared for a fire
30 Nov 2016... This factsheet lists some risks and how to reduce them as well as what you need to do if a grassfire starts.
01 May 2020... The Racial Discrimination Act makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. This fact sheet explains when the law is used, what racial discrimination and racial hatred are, when the offensive behaviour is against the law and what you can do if you experience discrimination or racial hatred.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.