Displaying 1-10 of 11 results
01 Mar 2022... Information for patients and families on how to complete a bladder diary. Translated bladder diary templates are available in corresponding languages. The purpose of the bladder diary is to measure: What fluids you are drinking How much you are drinking How often you are using your bladder and how much urine you are passing Any accidents or leakage of urine
30 Jun 2014... Bilingual factsheet on the emergency contraceptive pill or ECP (sometimes wrongly called the 'morning after pill'). Information on how the ECP works, how to take it, possible side effects and where it can be purchased. NSW contact details.
30 Jun 2014... Bilingual information sheet about the male condom, including what a condom is, how it works, how to use it, side effects and where to get them. NSW contact details.
01 Jun 2014... Bilingual fact sheet about the diaphragm contraception. Information about what a diaphragm is, how to use it, its effectiveness, possible side effects and where to get it. NSW contact details.
30 Jun 2014... Bilingual fact sheet about the copper IUD form of contraception. The sheet includes information about what the copper IUD is, how it works, possible side effects and how it is inserted and removed. NSW contact details.
Advance care planning is about planning ahead for your future healthcare, in case you are ever too sick to speak for yourself.
Bilingual information sheet about vasectomy including what vasectomy is, how it works, side effects and where to get them. NSW contact details.
Bilingual information sheet on the Vaginal Ring form of contraception. Information covered includes how it works, how to use it, potential side effects and what to do if you forget to use it. NSW contact details.
30 Jun 2014... A bilingual fact sheet about the female condom, including how it works as contraception, how effective it is, and how to insert and remove it. NSW contact details.
Bilingual information sheet on Tubal Sterilisation, which is a permanent form of contraception. It is an operation that women can have so that they cannot become pregnant. NSW contact details.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.