Displaying 1-10 of 12 results
30 Dec 2022... This "Cot to Bed" brochure has information on when to move a young child out of a cot and into a bed, and how to make your home safe before the move. This knowledge helps prevent babies and toddlers from sustaining injuries from falls. It also provides important information on hazardous kinds of beds and beddings.
31 Dec 2022... Rednose does not recommend co-sleeping, or sharing a sleep surface with your baby. However, if you choose or need to do co-sleeping, this brochure gives information on how to reduce risks. It gives advice on when NOT to co-sleep.
If your baby’s movement pattern changes, it may be a sign that they are unwell. Around half of all women who had a stillbirth noticed their baby’s movements had slowed down or stopped. This resource explains how often your baby should move and what you should do if it changes.
07 Oct 2021... This translated video explains the importance of participating in clinical trials. This information is developed by Breast Cancer Trials, a group of world-leading breast cancer doctors and researchers based in Australia and New Zealand committed to exploring and finding better treatments for people affected by breast cancer through clinical trials research. The English text is available in the videos with audio narrations in various languages. For more information, access the What are breast cancer clinical trials brochure .Â
31 Oct 2023... This information booklet is about preventing stillbirth. Talking about ways to reduce the chance of stillbirth is a normal part of pregnancy care. The booklet includes information on 5 things you can do to help reduce your chance of stillbirth: Reducing your and your baby’s exposure to cigarette smoke Working together with your health professionals to check your baby’s growth Learning your baby’s movements and letting your health professionals know if your baby’s movements stop or slow down Sleeping on your side once you reach 28 weeks of pregnancy Talking with your midwife or doctor about the best timing for your baby’s birth
30 Apr 2023... This translated brochure explains what clinical trials mean and defines the  types of clinical trials for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. It also has information on: The Breast MRI Evaluation study Phases of a clinical trial Why one should participate in a clinical trial Testimonials from trial participants Safety of clinical trials How can one partake in a clinical trial How to get involved and useful websites
New research shows that going to sleep on your side from 28 weeks of pregnancy halves your risk of stillbirth compared with sleeping on your back.
This flyer explains the risks of smoking whilst pregnant including miscarriage or stillbirth, your baby may be born premature (before 37 weeks’ gestation), Sudden Unexplained Death of an Infant (SUDI or cot death), or low birthweight and breathing problems.
'Cue Cards' is a resource developed by Eastern Health, Diversity and Inclusion to assist health professionals, clients and carers who have English language difficulties or problems communicating with each other. This resource is not intended to replace accredited interpreters but can be used by clients/carers to communicate simple needs such as hunger and thirst, use of a telephone, and request for a Bible, and by professionals to indicate simple instructions/concepts. Please note that the translations for Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Creole, Greek, Italian, Malay and Vietnamese can only be downloaded directly from the Eastern Health website. Please scroll down until you find these languages. For more information, click here .
31 Dec 2022... Rednose's informative brochure explains why tummy time is important for babies, how to start, and key strategies and points to remember to ensure safe and successful tummy time.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.