Displaying 1-10 of 24 results
01 Oct 2021... A brochure that explains the Australian child care system and how to enrol your child in kindergarten.
01 May 2020... The Racial Discrimination Act makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. This fact sheet explains when the law is used, what racial discrimination and racial hatred are, when the offensive behaviour is against the law and what you can do if you experience discrimination or racial hatred.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart outlines a way forward for recognising First Nations in Australia's Constitution. SBS radio - in consultation with the Uluru dialogue - is sharing the Uluru Statement from the Heart with multicultural communities by translating it into more than 60 languages, available now as a podcast and in written form.
01 Jan 2017... The RMP provides support to children and young people who are refugees, under 18 years of age and are in Victoria without their parents. They are known as 'Unaccompanied Humanitarian (or Refugee) Minors' (UHM's). The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) refer UHM clients who reside in Victoria with a custodian or a carer to the RMP.
01 May 2016... This translated fact sheet provides information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It includes facts regarding an individual's eligibility, reasonable and necessary support, what isn't funded, information about children with disabilities and families, and contact information for interpreters.
09 Jun 2023... Most people with COVID-19 recover completely within a few weeks of their first symptoms. However, some people may experience longer-term effects from their infection. Learn about long COVID and where you can get help for your ongoing symptoms.
01 Dec 2020... This fact sheet provides useful information about grief and trauma support services for those impacted by COVID-19 in the aged care sector. The services are available for residential aged care residents, home care recipients, their loved ones and aged care staff.
07 Feb 2022... Taking part in a quality kindergarten program from the age of three boosts children's learning development, health and wellbeing outcomes. All children in Victoria have access to two years of funded Kindergarten from 2022 for two years.
28 Apr 2020... The Making a Complaint fact sheet provides an introduction for people considering making a complaint or responding to a complaint before the Australian Human Rights Commission (previously known as the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission). The fact sheet is also available in Word format . Â
14 Sep 2021... This fact sheet explains how to answer your child's questions about COVID-19 vaccination. It’s natural for your child to be curious and to have lots of questions about COVID-19 vaccinations. Here are some tips for speaking to children before and after they receive a vaccine.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.