Displaying 1-10 of 63 results
01 May 2020... The Racial Discrimination Act makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. This fact sheet explains when the law is used, what racial discrimination and racial hatred are, when the offensive behaviour is against the law and what you can do if you experience discrimination or racial hatred.
03 Apr 2024... When returning to a flood-affected area, wild animals, including rodents, snakes or spiders, may be trapped in your home, shed or garden. This fact sheet includes information on how to deal with animals and insects after a flood and on minimising the risks.
03 Apr 2024... Information on how to stay safe after a flood. When returning to your home after a flood, read this information to protect yourself and your family from possible injury or illness.
01 Jul 2019... What are some of the benefits to reduced drinking? This video explores some of the positives of not drinking alcohol.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart outlines a way forward for recognising First Nations in Australia's Constitution. SBS radio - in consultation with the Uluru dialogue - is sharing the Uluru Statement from the Heart with multicultural communities by translating it into more than 60 languages, available now as a podcast and in written form.
09 Mar 2023... Victorian priority primary care centres (PPCCs) support local hospitals by providing care for people with conditions that require urgent attention but not an emergency response.
27 Mar 2022... In observance of Multicultural Health Week, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service has published a range of cancer screening resources in 47 languages. These factsheets, brochures, posters and booklets cover topics on breast cancer, cervical screening, bowel cancer, pap test, home test kits, and other vital information on cancer.
27 Mar 2023... This brochure supports n ew and expecting parents. Becoming a parent is a profound experience that can bring joy as well as challenges, including feelings of grief, sadness, or loss. These emotions can significantly affect your identity and daily well-being. If you find these changes overwhelming, support is available. PANDA, Australia’s only National Helpline, offers counselling and information tailored to new or expecting parents. The service also extends support to partners and family members, helping them cope with their challenges and providing the necessary support during this crucial time.
30 Jul 2024... A customisable letter has been written for you to provide to families with the introduction to the transition to school information sheet. This document can be easily used by your service by copying the letter onto your service letterhead, attaching it to regular newsletters or adding it to online communication to families. This information sheet explains to families the importance of sharing relevant information with schools and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services and how this information will be shared. Â
01 Feb 2021... If you live in a bushfire-affected area your water source could become contaminated from debris, ash, small dead animals or aerial fire retardants. If the water tastes, looks or smells unusual, do not drink it or give it to animals. Also, you should not source water from a creek that has been affected by bushfire as the water may be contaminated. Water drawn from deep bores or wells should continue to be safe to use.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.