Displaying 1-6 of 6 results
The Communication Cards depict a wide range of daily activities and situations and can be used to prompt discussion, assist with directions or clarify a client's needs. The Communication Cards cover themes such as: Food, Drink, Meals, Religion, Spirituality, Medical, Health Specialists, Personal Care, Sleep, TV, Recreation, Feelings, Pain and Mobility Aids
01 Dec 2019... The Department of Human Services (DHS) delivers Australian social security payments to individuals. You will have to tell us about all of your- and in some instances, your partner's- income and assets if you want to claim an Australian pension
01 Jan 2017... The Aged Care Signage will assist residents in aged care facilities navigate their way around their home or service. Signs such as 'kitchen', 'dining room', 'keep out', 'danger', and 'this way to the garden', will help improve communication with residents/clients and minimise confusion.
01 Jun 2023... The topics of suicide and self-harm will appear in many facets of a young person's life and it can be difficult for parents to approach these topics. This #chatsafe resource for parents and carers is designed to guide parents and carers when they're having conversations about suicide with the young people in their lives. It includes quick tips from young people on what they want their parents and carers to know when they approach the topic of suicide
Health information is often particularly sensitive, therefore consumers need to be confident that their information will be handled appropriately and confidentially. This makes it critical that at the time of collecting information, the consumer is provided with information about their privacy. The consumer privacy information brochure 'Your Information, It's Private' has been developed to assist in this process.
Centrelink/Services Australia has translated information for community groups. You can read and listen to information about Centrelink/Services Australia's payments and services in your language. You can also use these to help people in your community. Some documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text. Â
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.