Displaying 1-10 of 376 results
A translated resource with information about prevention and management of dehydration for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs a person may be dehydrated and also ways to prevent and manage dehydration.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about the prevention and management of delirium for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs that a person may have delirium, what may cause it and ways to manage delirium.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource with information about the signs, causes and management of depression for residents, families and carers.
Fire-safe behaviour is reliant on the awareness of risk and knowing what to do to reduce that risk. Adequate supervision and positive role modelling for young children is very important. Parents and carers can help reduce this risk by controlling or removing possible re-hazards around the home.
Advice on how to be prepared for a fire
This sheet has been written for people affected by gout. It provides general information to help you understand gout and how to manage it. This sheet also covers ways to try to prevent gout and where to find more information.
01 May 2020... The Racial Discrimination Act makes it against the law to treat you unfairly because of your race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. This fact sheet explains when the law is used, what racial discrimination and racial hatred are, when the offensive behaviour is against the law and what you can do if you experience discrimination or racial hatred.
01 Dec 2017... General information on the use of complementary therapies for arthritis including acupuncture and herbal medicines. It also includes a summary of current research evidence regarding these therapies and tips for their safe use.
30 Oct 2021... A translated resource providing information about prevention and management of constipation for residents, families and carers. It includes some signs that a person may be constipated and also ways to prevent and manage constipation.
01 Nov 2019... This sheet has been written for people affected by ankylosing spondylitis. It provides general information to help you understand how you may be affected and what you can do to manage it. It also tells you where to find further information and advice.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.