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01 Dec 2016... The A2 poster explains your body is 70% water, dehydration reduces your attention and ability to concentrate by 13%. Drinking 6-8 glasses a day helps to keep you in top shape.
01 Jan 2017... The RMP provides support to children and young people who are refugees, under 18 years of age and are in Victoria without their parents. They are known as 'Unaccompanied Humanitarian (or Refugee) Minors' (UHM's). The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) refer UHM clients who reside in Victoria with a custodian or a carer to the RMP.
31 Dec 2009... A community brochure designed for migrants and refugees on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections.
Parentline is a statewide service available to families with children from birth to eighteen years within Victoria, Australia. Parentline operates seven days a week. Professional telephone counsellors provide counselling, information and contact details for community services.
01 Aug 2013... Everyone should keep their hands clean as it is crucial for preventing the spread of infection in our hospitals and to our patients. This information is about how you can assist us in reducing the risk of infection in our wards.
Health information is often particularly sensitive, therefore consumers need to be confident that their information will be handled appropriately and confidentially. This makes it critical that at the time of collecting information, the consumer is provided with information about their privacy. The consumer privacy information brochure 'Your Information, It's Private' has been developed to assist in this process.
01 Jun 2021... The Head to Health service is open to Australians of any age experiencing distress or mental ill health. Anyone, including children, young people, older adults, families, and carers, can contact Head to Health. Even if you have never sought help before, Head to Health is here for you. You can call Head to Health on 1800 595 212, and we will help you find the support you need.
01 Nov 2019... This resource was designed for refugee and migrant communities in Victoria about catch-up vaccinations. It was initially developed in collaboration with the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and the Victorian Refugee Health Network. Â
If you are worried about the safety of a person who you cannot find, you can report them as missing to your local police by making what is called a 'missing persons report'. This resource is for people in the state of Victoria.Â
01 Nov 2019... Never leave your most precious valuables, your children, alone in the car. The never leave kids in cars campaign prompts parents to take their kids with them whenever they get out of the car, just as they do their everyday valuables, to avoid potentially tragic consequences.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.