Displaying 1-10 of 104 results
01 Dec 2017... You may have a few questions about developing your first plan. We understand that every person living with a disability has different needs, and we're here to help you develop a plan that you have choice and control over.
In this video from the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria, learn about the pros and cons of taking a neighbour to court and alternatives that often turn out cheaper and simpler. Visit disputes.vic.gov.au/reachingagreement for more in this series.
01 Jul 2017... This video will help you understand what happens after you had your planning conversation with the NDIS.
01 Sep 2018... Do you have questions about grants of legal aid? Watch our new animated video to find out more.
01 Sep 2021... R U OK? has collaborated with the Deaf Society on a series of videos explaining the R U OK? message in Auslan. Find tips to help you stay connected and ask R U OK? at ruok.org.au
27 Jun 2022... Support if you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak on the phone. These videos explain how to get help and how Legal Aid Victoria can help you
13 Oct 2022... This video in Auslan advises on what to be aware of in case of bad weather, heavy rain, or if you see a flood watch or flood warning. It has information on how to prepare to evacuate and how to evacuate immediately while keeping yourself and your family safe. The safest option is to leave early.
28 Feb 2024... To help culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities overcome challenges and barriers to learning about, accessing, and using the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) developed a Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategy 2024-2028 (the Strategy) and Action Plan. The Strategy aims to: increase access to and participation in the NDIS for CALD communities increase the utilisation of NDIS plans for CALD participants improve the experience with the NDIS for CALD communities and participants. The CALD Strategy and Action Plan documents are available in 16 community languages, Auslan, and Easy Read, as well as PDF and Word formats.
Find fire safety information in various community languages including Auslan. Information are in different file formats such as videos, audio files. It includes publications such as Fire Danger Ratings , 'Can I or Can't I' (fire activities allowed during fire danger periods and total fire ban days), smoke alarms, home fire safety, grassfires and other resources to help you plan and prepare. These resources are developed by Country Fire Authority for the state of Victoria.Â
A video about choices and decisions.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.